Posts Tagged ‘catalan’

Spain violated political rights of former Catalan leaders, says UN committee

Spain violated the political rights of former Catalan leaders in connection with the 2017 secession attempt, an independent UN rights committee has found. The report states that Madrid should not have suspended the officials from office and stripped them of their duties before convicting them. The former vice-president of the Catalan regional government Oriol Junqueras, […]

Pro-Catalan independence protesters gather in Barcelona

During a demonstration marking the fourth anniversary of a Catalan independence referendum, around a thousand pro-Catalan independence protesters gather in Barcelona to ask for political leaders to join them to “apply what we voted for, which is the unilateral declaration of independence.” Source

Hundreds evacuated as Catalan firefighters battle national park blaze

Catalan firefighters have been battling flames day and night against a wildfire at the national park of Cap Creus in Girona, roughly two hours away from Barcelona. 350 people were evacuated from their homes as flames approached residential areas, firefighters said. The area is a natural paradise attracting many tourists, especially during the peak summer […]

Catalan TV Presenter Condemns ‘Whitewashing’ of Israel crimes during Olympic Trial event

By Maya Abuali As Israeli athletes Edan Blecher and Shelly Bobritsky took 4th place in the Olympic Trial event in Barcelona, Catalan TV commentator and bronze Olympic swimmer Clara Basiana denounced Israel’s human rights violations against Palestinians. Basiana, who narrated the tournament for TV3, the state broadcaster of Catolonia, received both praise and backlash for […]

Puigdemont and other Catalan leaders have lost their immunity from prosecution. What happens next?

MEPs have overwhelmingly agreed to strip immunity from the former president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Carles Puigdemont, and two of his associates. Puigdemont fled to Belgium in October 2017, fearing arrest after holding an independence referendum for Catalonia that the Spanish courts and its government said was illegal. He was later elected as a Spanish […]

Quim Torra: Spain’s top court removes Catalan chief from office for ‘disobedience’

Spain’s Supreme Court has upheld a ruling barring Catalonia’s regional president from public office. A panel of judges unanimously agreed on Monday to confirm a decision by a lower court last year to ban Quim Torra from holding public office for one-and-a-half years and fine him €30,000, the country’s top court announced. The case against […]

Pro-Globohomo Queer Catalan Meets the Conquistador (SPANISH)

Why are so many Catalonians gay leftists? Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram.

The Catalan “Robin Hood”: In Conversation With Activist Enric Duran Giralt

The Catalan “Robin Hood”: In Conversation With Activist Enric Duran Giralt Above Photo: Catalan Integral Cooperative and FairCoop co-founder Enric Duran Giralt. (Photo: Blackredblackred / Wikimedia) Known as the “Catalan Robin Hood,” Enric Duran Giralt has for nearly two decades been at the center of promoting greater autonomy and self-organization in the newly ceded Catalan Republic. As a […]

German court decides jailed Catalan ex-president to be released on bail

nsnbc : Carles Puigdemont, the former president of Catalonia, must remain in Germany until his extradition trial. However, the State Court of Schleswig Holstein […]

Ex-Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont detained in Germany

An arrest warrant had been issued for Puigdemont in Finland after the former president visited the country for talks with lawmakers. He was returning to Belgium, where he lives in self-imposed exile, when he was detained by German authorities after crossing the border from Denmark. “First Minister Carles Puigdemont has been detained in Germany when […]

Top court insists fugitive Catalan leader must return to Spain to be re-inaugurated

Puigdemont, who faces charges of rebellion, sedition and embezzlement of funds for his role in the Catalan referendum and subsequent declaration of independence from Spain, cannot assume presidential duties in absentia, Spain’s Constitutional Court ruled on Saturday. The deposed Catalan President must be present for his inaugural ceremony in Barcelona after he secures a permit […]

Catalan Integral Cooperative – Simpler Way Revolution Is Well Underway!

Catalan Integral Cooperative – Simpler Way Revolution Is Well Underway! Above Photo: Benjamin Austwick/ Flickr (This update of my 2015 account is based mostly on the report by Dafermos, 2017.) This is a remarkable and inspiring movement in Spain, now involving hundreds of people in what I regard as an example of The Simpler Way transition […]

Spanish Government Blames Russian "Dezinformatsiya" Campaign For Catalan Uprising

No, not The Onion… In what is perhaps the least surprising tactic from the Spanish establishment, a government-backed research institute in Madrid has stated that Spain’s struggle to quash separatism in its Catalonia region was disrupted by Russian hackers agitating for a break-up, in a hallmark propaganda effort to fracture Europe. […]

EU became a ‘caricature’ of its founding values – former Catalan leader

Puigdemont criticized the EU as a “caricature of what Europe is and of what we want Europe to be,” claiming, there is “no will to help solve the politics of the conflict.” Catalonia staged a regional independence referendum on October 1, amid a massive crackdown by police on voters in which nearly 900 people were […]

Catalan Leader Arrested As Fascist Spanish Government Declare Martial Law

Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and four ministers have been arrested by police following Spain’s facist crackdown in Catalonia.  The deposed leader and four ex-ministers were taken into custody by Belgian police just days after they fled to Brussels after Madrid’s central government imposed martial law over the autonomous region. reports: “This morning the five people wanted […]

Former Catalan leader Puigdemont & 4 ex-ministers granted conditional release in Belgium

Sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and four of his ministers were released after a court in Belgium granted conditional release to them on Monday, AP reports, citing Belgian prosecutors. “The request made this afternoon by the Brussels’ Prosecutor’s Office for the provisional release of all persons sought has been granted by the investigative judge,” according to […]

Ex-Catalan leader Puigdemont turns himself in to Belgian police – public broadcaster

Four former Catalan ministers who arrived with Puigdemont in Brussels also turned themselves in to police, VRT reports. Puigdemont appeared in Brussels alongside other members of his cabinet on Monday. That same day, the Spanish Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had filed a lawsuit against him, other members of his cabinet, and some regional MPs […]

Spanish judge issued arrest warrant for deposed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont

nsnbc : A Spanish judge has issued an international arrest warrant for deposed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont one day after she sent eight leading […]

Deposed Catalan Leader Puigdemont Faces Imminent Arrest as he Continues to Defy Madrid

Carles Puigdemont, the Catalan leader who has been ousted by the Spanish government, faces imminent arrest after he continued to defy Madrid by standing by the declaration of independence he led in Catalonia’s parliament. Mr Puigdemont could face more than 30 years in prison and sources from the Spanish public prosecutor’s office said they would demand that […]

Catalan police chief resigns, urges officers to ‘stay loyal’ to Madrid-appointed boss

The Spanish government invoked Article 155 of its constitution on Friday, suspending the Catalan government and taking over the administration of the region. Dismissing key regional officials and sacking president Carles Puigdemont, Madrid also fired Trapero, the chief of Catalonia’s Mossos d’Esquadra, the regional police force. The announcement of Trapero’s dismissal, approved by the Spanish […]

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