Posts Tagged ‘violated’

European court rules that Switzerland “violated human rights” by not acting quickly enough to fight climate change

(NaturalNews) The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has declared that the nation of Switzerland violated its citizens’ human rights buy not doing enough to… Source

Report finds U.S. military violated rules in handling COVID-19 vaccine mandate exemption requests

Report finds U.S. military violated rules in handling COVID-19 vaccine mandate exemption requests Different branches of the United States Armed Forces violated their own rules in handling requests for exemptions from the military’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate. This is according to a report from the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, which found that […]

JOE BIDEN DISQUALIFIED: Violated the U.S. Code with Self-Incriminating Evidence and Here’s the Legal Proof

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following law-breaking analysis of Joe Biden’s personal and professional crime sprees is as irrefutable as it is legally sound.  There are various elements which constitute this indisputable legal case against the crime-committing VPOTUS which do not even include the much larger crime wave perpetrated by the entire Biden Crime Family—an international […]

Trump: Taliban Faced Consequences when They Violated Afghanistan Deal

On Wednesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show,” 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump defended his plan to withdraw from Afghanistan and his administration’s deal with the Taliban by arguing that the Taliban faced consequences when they didn’t follow the deal. Source

RFK Jr. sues YouTube, Google over “misinformation policies” that violated his First Amendment rights

(NaturalNews) Children’s Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on leave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is taking aim at YouTube and its parent company Google for… Source

RFK Jr. Sues YouTube and Google, Alleges ‘Misinformation Policies’ Violated His First Amendment Rights

RFK Jr. Sues YouTube and Google, Alleges ‘Misinformation Policies’ Violated His First Amendment Rights Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense founder and chairman on leave, this week filed a lawsuit against YouTube and its parent company, Google, alleging the social media giant violated his First Amendment rights when they censored interviews he did with […]

U.S. Jet Takes Down ‘Unidentified Object that Violated Canadian Airspace’

An American jet shot down “an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace” Saturday after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordered it to be taken down. Source

Colorado Court of Appeals Says Christian Baker Violated Law in Refusing to Bake ‘Transgender’ Cake

(FOX News) — A Colorado baker who won a partial U.S. Supreme Court victory in a case where he refused to make a cake for a gay wedding lost an appeal in another legal fight in which he rejected a request for a birthday cake celebrating a gender transition. The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled on Thursday that […]

Pope Francis: ‘Peace Is Gravely Violated, Wounded, Trampled’ in Europe

Pope Francis joined an assembly of global religious leaders Tuesday in praying to God for peace, especially in Ukraine. Source

Facebook Violated Rights Of Palestinian Users, Report Finds

Actions by Facebook and its parent Meta during last year’s Gaza war violated the rights of Palestinian users to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, political participation and non-discrimination, a report commissioned by the social media company has found. The report Thursday from independent consulting firm Business for Social Responsibility confirmed long-standing criticisms of Meta’s […]

Facebook Violated Rights Of Palestinian Users, Report Finds

Actions by Facebook and its parent Meta during last year’s Gaza war violated the rights of Palestinian users to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, political participation and non-discrimination, a report commissioned by the social media company has found. The report Thursday from independent consulting firm Business for Social Responsibility confirmed long-standing criticisms of Meta’s […]

Facebook Violated Rights Of Palestinian Users, Report Finds

Actions by Facebook and its parent Meta during last year’s Gaza war violated the rights of Palestinian users to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, political participation and non-discrimination, a report commissioned by the social media company has found. The report Thursday from independent consulting firm Business for Social Responsibility confirmed long-standing criticisms of Meta’s […]

Facebook Violated Rights Of Palestinian Users, Report Finds

Actions by Facebook and its parent Meta during last year’s Gaza war violated the rights of Palestinian users to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, political participation and non-discrimination, a report commissioned by the social media company has found. The report Thursday from independent consulting firm Business for Social Responsibility confirmed long-standing criticisms of Meta’s […]

Facebook Violated Rights Of Palestinian Users, Report Finds

Actions by Facebook and its parent Meta during last year’s Gaza war violated the rights of Palestinian users to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, political participation and non-discrimination, a report commissioned by the social media company has found. The report Thursday from independent consulting firm Business for Social Responsibility confirmed long-standing criticisms of Meta’s […]

Ukraine war: Russia has violated 1945 UN charter, says Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden has slammed Russia over its naked aggression in Ukraine at the UN’s General Assembly. Biden stated on Wednesday that the invasion in February directly violates the UN’s 1945 general charter, signed after World War II. But the US President stopped short of saying that Russia should be ousted as a member of the […]

Ukraine war: Russia has violated 1945 UN charter, says Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden has slammed Russia over its naked aggression in Ukraine at the UN’s General Assembly. Biden stated on Wednesday that the invasion in February directly violates the UN’s 1945 general charter, signed after World War II. But the US President stopped short of saying that Russia should be ousted as a member of the […]

Biden’s [MENACING] Use Of The Marines Violated Long-Standing Federal Policies And Regulations


Biden’s [MENACING] Use Of The Marines Violated Long-Standing Federal Policies And Regulations


Zuck Loses: Judge Rules that Facebook Repeatedly Violated Washington State Campaign Finance Law

A judge recently ruled that Facebook repeatedly and intentionally violated the State of Washington’s campaign-ad transparency laws and must pay penalties. Attorney General Bob Ferguson derided Facebook’s “cynical attempt” to gut the state’s campaign finance laws, challenging the Masters of the Universe to “follow the law.”

Spain violated political rights of former Catalan leaders, says UN committee

Spain violated the political rights of former Catalan leaders in connection with the 2017 secession attempt, an independent UN rights committee has found. The report states that Madrid should not have suspended the officials from office and stripped them of their duties before convicting them. The former vice-president of the Catalan regional government Oriol Junqueras, […]

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