Posts Tagged ‘peace’

EU tyrants vote to punish Hungary for Orban’s “peace mission” – why do they hate peace so much?

(NaturalNews) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is making waves across Europe in opposition to the globalist plans of the European Union (EU). Because of this,… Source

War And Peace

War And Peace June 13 2024 ___________________________________ More Vids! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br Nathanael Fnd Is Tax Exempt/EIN 27-2983459 Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, POB 547, Priest River, ID 83856 E-mail: brothernathanaelfoundation([at])yahoo[dot]com Scroll Down For Comments Source

The role of Justices of the Peace.

The role of a Justice of the Peace has changed significantly over time within Australia, from sitting in judgement in the inferior courts of the State to the witnessing of documents the history of JPs is presented in the document below and covers the States and Territories of the Commonwealth.     88 pages. The […]

Turkish Foreign Minister declared “We must stop Israel. Either by peace or by force.”

READ HERE:   Source

As peace protests are violently suppressed, CNN paints them as hate rallies

Some in corporate media very clearly took sides, portraying student protesters as violent, hateful and/or stupid. Source

Russia Says Britain Blocked Ukraine Peace Deal

Ukraine abandoned a draft peace treaty with Russia in 2022 due to British pressure, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has claimed. The deal, which could have ended the Ukraine conflict weeks after it first began, was […] The post Russia Says Britain Blocked Ukraine Peace Deal appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Ben Norton Outlines How the US is the Biggest Obstacle to World Peace

Just in case anyone should doubt this, Ben gives chapter and verse of US performance at the UN over many years, culminating in its most recent shameless veto blocking Palestine from becoming a full member. Source

March 7 – Trumpstein is “Prince of Peace”

Trump just got a menorah and a “prince of peace” award for telling the Israelis “to finish the job in Gaza.” – Israel’s genocide in Gaza demonstrates how a satanic ideology (Jews are Chosen) can turn good people into baby-killing demons.  Latest Gaza Developments US promises massive aid to Gaza while providing bombs to Israel. “Biden […]

Details Of ‘Sabotaged’ Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal In First Months Of War Revealed

The Wall Street says it has gotten its hands on a secretive document revealing the details of a failed Ukraine-Russia peace deal that was on the table within the opening months of the war. Since then there have been several reports, including from Foreign Affairs which said the UK at the time sought to sabotage the deal. […]

Zionist State of Israel Breaking the Historic 1979 Camp David Peace Agreements by Invading Rafah and Forcing Out Palestinians

Why a ground operation in the border city would be a violation of the 1979 Camp David peace agreements READ HERE: The Last Stand: Israel is very close to breaking a key accord that defined the Middle East   Source

Feb 20 – Martin Armstrong- “No One Wants Peace”

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Israelis refer to Palestinians as “animals” as a matter of course. This is what Cabalist Jews think of all non-Satanists. The goyim, including Israel’s most ardent supporters, Christian Zionists, are all animals. So are assimilated Jews whom they sacrificed in the Jewish holocaust. Martin Armstrong- Neocons determined to […]

Finding Peace of the Soul In the Midst of a World of Evil S#it

I must give credit for my understanding to the Creator God, Nature, the Light, or as I prefer the SOURCE. Got on my knees and begged for understanding leading to wisdom. All around me are sheep helping the jackals to herd the sheep through the slaughterhouse doors. The sheep mutilate their lambs over tranny shit […]

3 Reasons Why the COVID Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

#1 – Stood up against the most egregious assault on human rights and civil liberties in modern history. • This included violations of bodily integrity and informed consent, the spread of a surveillance state, the closure of small businesses, and the dehumanization of people who wanted to be left alone. #2 – Displayed great courage […]

The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

Alfred Nobel’s will (excerpt) (Paris, 27 November 1895) stipulates that the peace prize is to be awarded to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses. The nomination processes start […]

Trump makes peace with Club for Growth

The moves are another indication of how the GOP is consolidating around Trump as he establishes a stranglehold on the party’s nomination. The former president has won the endorsements of several former primary rivals, and has also begun attracting donors who had previously been on the sidelines. The complex relationship between Trump and the Club […]

AI Deployed Nukes ‘to Have Peace in the World’ During War Simulation


Washington Bends Israel To Peace?

(Blinken and Bibi in Masonic Hand Shake) There are reports that Blinken is pressuring Netanyahu to replace extremist settler parties in his coalition with moderates, and to negotiate a cease fire. Blinken is part of the Commie wing of Freemasonry which may want to see Israel humbled. Another ceasefire would contradict other reports of a planned […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 87: As millions around the world rally for peace, an Israeli minister calls for ethnic cleansing

As the world ushered in 2024 and demonstrators across the world called for a ceasefire, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for more than two million Palestinians to be forcibly displaced from Gaza. Source

Putin Says There Will Be No Peace In Ukraine Until Goals Are Achieved

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed that there would be no peace in Ukraine until his goals are achieved and said those objectives remain unchanged at a year-end news conference. Offering rare detail on Moscow’s operation, Putin dismissed the need for a second wave of mobilization of reservists, saying there are some 617,000 […]

Ukraine’s top negotiator confirms US-UK sabotaged peace deal with Russia

A top Ukrainian official has newly confirmed that the war could have ended – and tens of thousands of lives could have been saved – had Ukraine and its NATO allies accepted a peace deal with Moscow weeks after the February 2022 invasion. Source

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