Posts Tagged ‘simulation’

Top Physicist Finds Evidence We Are Living in a ‘Matrix-Style’ Simulation

A world-renowned physicist claims to have found evidence that humanity is living in a ‘matrix-style’ simulation. Dr Melvin Vopson was studying mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when he found evidence for a new law of […] The post Top Physicist Finds Evidence We Are Living in a ‘Matrix-Style’ Simulation appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

David Icke – We are in an induced shared dream (simulation)

Jackson Source

AI Deployed Nukes ‘to Have Peace in the World’ During War Simulation


Child Flu Reports from China Echo Pandemic Simulation Run by Bill Gates and WHO in October 2022, Targeting Children

Above image: Bill Gates on panel stage at Catastrophic Contagion Exercise in Brussels, Belgium on October 23, 2022. ___________________________________________________________________________ Also Read: Angry Crowd Surrounds Bill Gates Car – Shouts “Murderer!” Records Show Bill Gates Funded Discredited, Fraudulent Lockdown Paper Which Threatened ‘2.2 Million US Deaths’ _____________________________________________________________________ As the major media now reports rising cases of […]

WHO Conducts Deadly Pandemic Simulation Targeting Children, as FDA Still Ignores Deadly COVID Vaccine Batch Inconsistencies

Above image: Bill Gates on panel stage at Catastrophic Contagion Exercise in Brussels, Belgium on October 23, 2022. Echoing the simulation Event 201, also in “partnership” with Johns Hopkins, which preceded the declaration of the 2020 COVID pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO), with WHO mega-donor Bill Gates in attendance, just conducted another simulation of […]

Event 201: organizers of WEF-Gates pre-Covid simulation warned of ‘similar pandemic in the future’

Most notably, Event 201 was organized by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum. In the simulation, this coronavirus pandemic resulted in a death toll of 65 million people becoming the deadliest pandemic in history, even worse than the 1918 Spanish flu. Source

Energy collapse: First blackout simulation in German district predicts 400 deaths in 96 hours

(Natural News) A blackout simulation conducted in a German district showed that 400 deaths could occur in a span of three days alone. The simulation highlighted the dangers of a worsening energy collapse, the opening salvo of which Germany has faced. The western Rheingau-Taunus district became the first of 401 German districts and urban districts to undergo […]

“No Regrets”: A 2021 Monkeypox Simulation Predicted 270 Million Dead, Lockdowns, Mask Mandates & Social Distancing

As the world is hearing about the spread of monkeypox we are also learning of a 2021 exercise which simulated a worldwide monkeypox outbreak killing 270 million people.  In March 2021, two organizations partnered together to conduct a simulation to evaluate “high-consequence biological threats”. The simulation focused on a bio-terror attack which used a weaponized version […]

WHO, Gates Foundation & Big Pharma Execs Took Part In A 2021 Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’

The World Health Organization (WHO) held an emergency meeting to discuss the outbreak of monkeypox on Friday, after more than 100 cases were reported around the world. The numbers of reported cases continue to increase…. […] The post WHO, Gates Foundation & Big Pharma Execs Took Part In A 2021 Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’ appeared first […]

Monkey Pox Simulation Was Held in Nov. 2021 by Gates-Backed Organization, Start Date of Pandemic Was May 15, 2022. Gain-of-Function Research in 2020.

Above image: Bill Gates with World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab In an eerie parallel to an exercise sponsored by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) at the Pierre Hotel in New York on October 18, 2019, nearly two months before the first reports of an unknown respiratory illness emerged from Wuhan, China, […]

Monkeypox Was a Table-Top Simulation Only Last Year

Elite media outlets around the world are on red alert over the world’s first-ever global outbreak of Monkeypox in mid-May 2022—just one year after an international biosecurity conference in Munich held a simulation of a “global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox” beginning in mid-May 2022.

A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation

By Fabio Vighi 16 Aug 2021 A year and a half after the arrival of Virus, some may have started wondering why the usually unscrupulous ruling elites decided to freeze the global profit-making machine in the face of a pathogen that targets almost exclusively the unproductive (over 80s). Why all the humanitarian zeal? Cui bono? […]

False Flag Warning: Israel Leads 10-Country Simulation of Major Cyber Attack on Global Financial System, Just Months After WEF Did the Same Thing

A simulation took place on December 9th 2021 in Israel. It was about a major cyber security attack on global financial systems. The simulation took place with 9 other countries, the World Bank, as well as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Finance Ministry in Jerusalem. [Worryingly, back in March of this year, the World […]

Another Globalist “Simulation” Comes True

You know how Event 201 was just the most high profile in a string of “simulations” and “scenarios” (including Clade X, Crimson Contagion, Lock Step and SPARS) that just happened to predictively program the fear of a global coronavirus pandemic into the minds of the global political and managerial class? And you know how those […]

DHS Begins Releasing Gas on NYC Citizens at 120 Locations in ‘Biological Attack Simulation’

DHS Begins Releasing Gas on NYC Citizens at 120 Locations in ‘Biological Attack Simulation’by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought ProjectOctober 20, 2021 On Monday, the Department of Homeland Security and the Metro Transit Authority began a drill in which government agents will release a gas at over 100 locations to simulate a biological attack on the […]

The WHO staged concurrent and consecutive pandemic simulation exercises during COVID-19 and data from those exercises were used to exaggerate the severity and extent of COVID-19

“As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. … The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.” UK government If COVID-19 was downgraded in March 2020 why did COVID-19 […]

The World Economic Forum’s latest simulation ‘fits’ with their Great Reset Agenda

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says the World Economic Forum’s latest simulation on a cyber attack that will shutdown the world economy “fits with their Great Reset Agenda”. “Imagine how quickly society would disintegrate if electricity, water, fuel and other essentials were shut down due to a cyber attack,” Mr Bernardi said. “We’d have a […]

Cyber Polygon 2021: Cult Runs Simulation Of a Coming ‘Cyber Pandemic’ To Prepare For Econom ic Reset

Cyber Polygon 2021: Cult Runs Simulation Of a Coming ‘Cyber Pandemic’ To Prepare For Economic Reset David Icke / Gareth Icke – memes and headline comments by David Icke The globalists are setting the stage for the Great Reset with an upcoming high-profile simulation targeting cyber attacks against major financial institutions. The World Economic Forum […]

USA Plans Total World Economic Collapse ‘Simulation’ just like Pandemic ‘Simulation’ Back in November 2019

    The globalists are setting the stage for the Great Reset with an upcoming high-profile simulation targeting cyber attacks against major financial institutions. The World Economic Forum (WEF) will team up with the Russian government and global banks this July to simulate a major supply-chain “cyberpandemic” that could potentially “bring down the entire system.” […]

Is 2021’s Fictional Cyberattack Simulation Prepping Us For a Cyber Pandemic?

by Robert Wheeler Many readers are aware of a simulation conducted by the World Economic Forum called Event 201 that preceded the COVID pandemic. Event 201 eerily described and seemed to predict the pandemic. (There was also a pandemic simulation called Clade X that preceded Covid.) What some readers may not know, however, is that the […]

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