Posts Tagged ‘nukes’

‘Headline-No reason’ for Russia not to support US-backed resolution on nukes in space – White House-EXCEPT OF COURSE, US HAS NEVER EVER ONCE KEPT IT’S PROMISES, WORD OR HONORED THE TERMS OF IT’S TREATIES

There was once a government which herded it’s sheep into war after war for the benefit of Usury Internatinal bankers who owned the politicians of the country through blackmail and Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Blackmail Videos. The minions who operated the ‘government liked to keep the American people fearful so the people thought they needed […]

Putin threatens to ‘Destroy European Civilization’ with Nukes

    Russian President Vladimir Putin wants the West to know that he is aware that NATO and the U.S. are preparing to strike Moscow and that he would not have qualms about using the country’s nuclear arsenal to “destroy civilization.” According to Reuters, the Ukraine war has triggered the worst crisis in Moscow’s relations […]

Medvedev Warns Of Nukes On Berlin, London & Washington Before Russia Would Return To 1991 Borders

READ HERE:   Source

AI Deployed Nukes ‘to Have Peace in the World’ During War Simulation


Top experts warn AI poses ‘risk of extinction’ to Humanity similar to Nukes, Pandemics

    In a joint statement released last week, OpenAI head Sam Altman and “Godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton warned that the existential threat of artificial intelligence (AI) to humanity is real. Even though Altman, whose firm created ChatGPT, and Hinton are both profiting from AI, they admit, along with more than 350 other prominent […]

Russia Scared, Moving Nukes to EU border After NATO Announces military Schengen

    The Kremlin voiced concern over NATO’s plan for a ‘military Schengen’ zone allowing free troop movement in Europe. NATO’s initiative, seen as a counter to Russian threats, heightens tensions according to Moscow. Kremlin spokesman cites increased risks and promises counter-steps to protect Russia’s security. Russia is scared, it’s already moving its nuke to […]

Quisling UK Govt Allows US Nukes At RAF Lakenheath

Not content with emptying the treasury and ammunition depots of the UK to further the US proxy war in Ukraine our Quisling government of occupation have quietly green lighted the storage of US nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath making the UK an instant target should the war in eastern europe go nuclear. As is common […]

Supplying Nukes to China, Involved in 9/11 & Attacking USS Liberty; With Friends Like This Who Needs Enemies???

  Michael Collins Piper and John Kaminski, 2006 Hide original message Things have not changed at all. Still poor after all these years. Consider supporting writers who try to tell the truth and don’t spin shit for hidden reasons. No candidate is going to save our bacon without addressing the world’s foremost problem. Recent […]

Russia Offers To Negotiate Pulling Nukes From Belarus – Names Key Condition

Russia Offers To Negotiate Pulling Nukes From Belarus – Names Key Condition Moscow has offered to negotiate a nuclear drawdown on the European continent with the United States, with a Kremlin official identifying the conditions for Russia withdrawing its tactical nuclear weapons from Belarus. But based on the main condition, it is without doubt going […]

UFOs and Nukes: Whistleblower Mario Woods (USAF Retired) Testifies to Pentagon’s UFO Program AARO

The interview below is nearly three hours long. Chris Lehto made a one hour summary video if you need something shorter. This is a very compelling case. Source

Zelensky Calls on the Entire World to Annihilate Russia if they Use Nukes

    Vladimir Zelensky, president of Ukraine, said this week that if Russia chose to use nuclear weapons on Kiev, the world should make it known that it would be met with an immediate military response. The head of Ukraine claimed that Moscow only speaks the language of force and has been utilizing “terrorist” blackmail […]

South Korea Slams North’s ‘Obsession’ With Nukes After 4th Missile Test In A Week

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol warned of an “overwhelming response” from South Korean and U.S. militaries should nuclear weapons be used. Source

NATO warns Russia not to Resort to Nukes in Ukraine or Else they will Respond with Nukes Too

Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg has threatened Vladimir Putin with ‘severe consequences’ if he used nuclear weapons on Ukraine. Fears are growing that Russia is seeking to escalate the conflict as its invasion falters. It comes as Kremlin-installed authorities in four Ukrainian regions under its control claimed victory in annexation votes yesterday, with Moscow warning it […]

Vanderbilt Pediatric Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After Matt Walsh Exposes ‘Big Money Maker’ Motive

A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was […]

Vanderbilt Pediatric Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After Matt Walsh Exposes ‘Big Money Maker’ Motive

A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was […]

Vanderbilt Pediatric Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After Matt Walsh Exposes ‘Big Money Maker’ Motive

A Kansas school district has agreed to pay a settlement of $95,000 in a civil lawsuit brought by a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a self-declared trans student (a female demanding to be referred to as “he/him”). Pamela Ricard, a math teacher at Fort Riley Middle School, says she was […]

Medvedev Says Nukes Can Be Used to Defend New Russian Territories, Warns Hypersonic Missiles Can Hit The EU And US

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said Thursday that strategic nuclear weapons can be used to defend “the Donbass republics and other territories accepted into Russia” and warned the “retired idiots with general’s stripes” at NATO that hypersonic missiles can “reach targets in Europe and in the United States.” From Pravda, ‘Dmitry Medvedev: ‘Hypersonic arms will reach […]

Russia Warns US Against Sending Long-range Arms to Ukraine, Vows Use of Nukes

September 3, 2022  By Staff, Agencies A senior Russian diplomat has warned the US against supplying long-range weapons to Ukraine, saying that Moscow is determined to use nuclear arms if its existence is threatened. “We have repeatedly warned the US about the consequences that may follow if the US continues to flood Ukraine with weapons,” […]

Russia Warns US Against Sending Long-range Arms to Ukraine, Vows Use of Nukes

September 3, 2022  By Staff, Agencies A senior Russian diplomat has warned the US against supplying long-range weapons to Ukraine, saying that Moscow is determined to use nuclear arms if its existence is threatened. “We have repeatedly warned the US about the consequences that may follow if the US continues to flood Ukraine with weapons,” […]

Russia Warns US Against Sending Long-range Arms to Ukraine, Vows Use of Nukes

September 3, 2022  By Staff, Agencies A senior Russian diplomat has warned the US against supplying long-range weapons to Ukraine, saying that Moscow is determined to use nuclear arms if its existence is threatened. “We have repeatedly warned the US about the consequences that may follow if the US continues to flood Ukraine with weapons,” […]

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