Posts Tagged ‘scared’

Russia Scared, Moving Nukes to EU border After NATO Announces military Schengen

    The Kremlin voiced concern over NATO’s plan for a ‘military Schengen’ zone allowing free troop movement in Europe. NATO’s initiative, seen as a counter to Russian threats, heightens tensions according to Moscow. Kremlin spokesman cites increased risks and promises counter-steps to protect Russia’s security. Russia is scared, it’s already moving its nuke to […]

Why the GOP isn’t scared of the Dobbs effect anymore

For Republicans, the end of Roe v. Wade has gone from a cause for celebration to something they’d rather not talk about. Since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June 2022, the GOP has repeatedly paid a price electorally. Voters shot down anti-abortion measures in red states like Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, and Montana. And in […]

“They’re Scared to Let Him Talk!” – MUST SEE: Biden Lackey John Kirby Looks Freaked-Out as Senile Grandpa Joe Faces Media to Take Questions

“They’re Scared to Let Him Talk!” – MUST SEE: Biden Lackey John Kirby Looks Freaked-Out as Grandpa Joe Faces Media to Take Questions Source

‘Low’ Tactics: Scared California Democrats Ask AG to Remove Trump from Ballot

California State Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) is leading a group of Democrats in asking California Attorney General Rob Bonta to ask a court to boot former President Donald Trump from the 2024 primary ballot. Source

Linus’ Linux video – Techies too scared to call out the industry heavyweight?

About a year ago Linus Sebastian started a series of videos about using Linux as a daily driver. His approach to the challenge may have been entertaining to some, where other’s reaction to his poor choices on tasks, was what can be described as pussyfooting around. Would it be not true to say that they […]

I’m Black and Palestinian, you scared?

Growing up in Hawaii, even though one of my last names was Palestinian, I never meaningfully learned about or connected with this part of my heritage. Mom’s father, Grandpa Marwan, was someone I mainly learned about in her lyrics and songs. His early death when she was fourteen years old exacerbated this cultural chasm, leaving […]

CME CEO Terry Duffy Says Employees Too Scared To Return To Office Due To Chicago’s Crime Surge

A new ‘racial justice’ bill introduced by Democrats in Maryland would prevent suspected criminals under the age of 25 being charged with felony murder under the justification that their frontal lobes are not fully developed. Yes, really. A felony murder occurs when someone is killed as a result of a felony crime, like if a […]

DOJ Shows Resistance to House Republicans’ Investigations; GOP Says Department Is ‘Scared’

The Department of Justice told the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee on Friday “it may not always be possible” to comply with the committee’s investigative requests. Source

Is Israel Scared Of A Repeat Of Last Year’s Gaza War?

Israel has faced considerable backlash for its violent incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during Ramadan and is being cautioned, even by the United States, to calm the situation down. The Israeli government now seems to be going into survival mode, so the question remains, if Israel goes to war with Gaza again, can it […]

These Are The Richest People In The World In 2022-Is the “Author” Too Stupid , Too Scared to Named the Rothschilds or On the Rothschilds Bribe Payroll?

From the fairy tail propaganda piece. “Today, the 10 richest people in the world control $1.3 trillion in wealth.” No Rothschilde on the list. No mention of who the US owes $30 trillion. No mention of who the entire world owes $226 trillion. 1.3 trillion is chickenfeed, chump change to a pack of Usury Rats […]

Why Republicans Are Scared of Texas’ New Abortion Ban

For decades, Republican state lawmakers have been able to vote for and pass highly restrictive abortion laws without living through the political consequences, because the laws were typically enjoined by the courts before they ever took effect. The politicians got to check the pro-life box important to a segment of their voters without their constituents […]

UN Climate Report Author Says “People Are Starting to Get Scared” & This Will Change the Way They “Vote”

Claims that White House Climate Envoy John Kerry arrived at Barack Obama’s birthday bash via a private jet have been denied by the State Department, despite a photo being published showing Kerry exiting the plane. “Secretary Kerry lives on Martha’s Vineyard, he did not travel there for a party. He took a ferry to Martha’s […]

‘People Are Scared’: Casual Shoplifting Plaguing Residents, Stores In San Francisco

[embedded content] (Daily Caller) — Shoplifters are targeting stores across San Francisco at higher rates, officials say, with thieves frequently stealing in front of security and the onlookers filming them before casually walking out with their items. One video captured June 14 by a local Bay Area reporter showed a shoplifter in a local Walgreens […]

Experts: China ‘White-Knuckled Scared’ of One-Child Policy’s Social Destruction

The Chinese Communist Party’s decision to allow citizens to have up to three children is a desperate attempt to fix the damage done by population control programs that killed hundreds of millions of children, experts told Breitbart News this week. The “one-child policy,” which allowed each couple only one legal child, resulted in the “prevention” […]

Don’t be scared of Biden’s commitment to Palestinian refugees

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

More scared of COVID than rumors, these pregnant Orthodox women chose to get the jab

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Scared by global warming? In Iceland, one solution is petrifying

On a barren hillside in southwest Iceland, workers are installing huge fans to suck carbon dioxide from the air and turn it to stone deep below ground, in a radical – but expensive – way to fight global warming. Engineering fixes for climate change are gaining attention and investments in 2021 as companies such as […]

Iranian Nuclear Weapons. Is Israel Too Scared To Strike?

[embedded content] The key standoff in the Middle East, that between Israel and Iran, has been steadily ramping up. Over the last two months Israel and its allies, primarily the US and Saudi Arabia, have done quite a bit to antagonize Iran and attempt and impair it from achieving its ambitions. Iran’s response is coming, […]

Dominion Running Scared—VERY SCARED!

By Debra HeineAMERICAN GREATNESS Dominion Voting Systems Thursday night abruptly backed out of attending a fact-finding hearing that was set for Friday morning with the Pennsylvania House State Government Committee. At a press conference Friday morning, State Govt Committee Chair Seth Grove said the 1.3. million Pennsylvanians who used Dominion’s voting machines have been “hung […]

Parler CEO: Tech Overlords Are Scared That People Are Rising up Against Censorship

The CEO of Parler, the new censorship-free version of Facebook and Twitter, said this week he believes the elite are scared to death of Americans rising up to reject their assault on free speech. “People say crazy things all the time,” and “it’s not against the law to have those opinions,” John Matze explained to […]

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