Posts Tagged ‘dobbs’

‘Permanent contraception procedures’ soared after Dobbs decision: Research

Rates of people seeking permanent contraception spiked after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, new research shows.   Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Boston University looked at rates of tubal ligations and vasectomies among 18- to 30-year-olds between 2019 and 2022 using the TriNetX platform and compared them with 2022… […]

Vanishing clinics: The stark reality of abortion access in post-Dobbs America

The closure of 65 independent reproductive care clinics since June 2022 leaves 14 states entirely without abortion clinics. Source

Why the GOP isn’t scared of the Dobbs effect anymore

For Republicans, the end of Roe v. Wade has gone from a cause for celebration to something they’d rather not talk about. Since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June 2022, the GOP has repeatedly paid a price electorally. Voters shot down anti-abortion measures in red states like Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, and Montana. And in […]

The affirmative action ruling won’t be the Dobbs of 2024

“It really pisses me off,” Luster said of the court’s two decisions on the same issue. “These actions are racist at their core.” David Axelrod, a former senior strategist for President Barack Obama, expects the rulings “will motivate some, particularly the young.” Pete Giangreco, a Democratic strategist who’s worked on nine presidential campaigns, says the […]

Alito: Dobbs Leak Made Supreme Court Justices ‘Targets of Assassination’

Leaking the draft Dobbs opinion overruling the infamous Roe v. Wade made Supreme Court justices “targets of assassination,” Justice Samuel Alito told the Wall Street Journal in a rare interview published Friday. Source

Top Chinese Propagandist: Dobbs Decision ‘Pathetic,’ Abortion a ‘Constitutional Right’

Hu Xijin, a top Chinese communist propagandist and former editor of the state-run Global Times, slammed the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday for overturning Roe w. Wade. Hu saluted abortion and sneered at the supposed hypocrisy of a “U.S. that advocates human rights vigorously.”

CNN’s Stelter: Lou Dobbs Firing Is Sweet Justice for Supporting ‘Evil’ Trump

CNN’s chief media correspondent Brian Stelter boasted on Friday that the firing of Lou Dobbs by Fox News was an inevtiable consequence of Dobbs’ support for President Trump. After news broke on Saturday that Fox News Media was cancelling the “Lou Dobbs Tonight” show, Brian immediately sprung into action, appearing on air to claim that […]

Lou Dobbs: Democrats Attempting Coup D’etat Against White House

Lou Dobbs has accused the Democrat party of attempting a coup d’etat against the Trump administration.  The Fox Business anchor has slammed the liberal media for blindly repeating Democrat demands for Trump’s impeachment based on dubious anonymously sourced leaks. reports: Meanwhile, during the 8 years of the scandal ridden Obama administration, former IRS head Lois Lerner […]

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