Posts Tagged ‘propagandist’

Israeli Government Propagandist WRECKED Over Oct. 7 ‘Intelligence Failure’ Narrative


Criminal Rockefeller Foundation Wants Propagandist To Come Up With More Convincing “COVID” Lies to Covience More Humans To Commit Assisted Suicide With Killer Jabs

In yet another sign that the covid vaccination agenda of globalist institutions did not do quite as well as they had originally hoped, the Rockefeller Foundation has revealed that it (along with other non-profits) has been pumping millions of dollars into a behavioral science project meant to figure out why large groups of people around […]

Prophecy Propagandist Tom Horn Gets Caught In His Own Lies

My brilliant partner Onnabugeisha recently stumbled upon a couple of YouTube videos in which globalist disinformation agent and prophecy propagandist Tom Horn (a.k.a. Wrinkles the Windbag) gives two different stories as to how he knew in advance that Pope Benedict would resign. In the first video, the subject comes up at the 394-second mark, and […]

Top Chinese Propagandist: Dobbs Decision ‘Pathetic,’ Abortion a ‘Constitutional Right’

Hu Xijin, a top Chinese communist propagandist and former editor of the state-run Global Times, slammed the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday for overturning Roe w. Wade. Hu saluted abortion and sneered at the supposed hypocrisy of a “U.S. that advocates human rights vigorously.”

CNN Medical Propagandist: Kids In Schools Need Industrial Grade Masks, Weekly Tests

CNN’s resident fear monger medical “expert” Dr. Leana Wen declared Tuesday that children returning to school need to be forced to wear industrial grade face masks and should be subjected to weekly COVID tests until they are fully vaccinated. “This is now one of the most dangerous times in the pandemic when it comes to […]

Ted Cruz Says Joe Biden Comparing Him to Nazi Propagandist Is Vicious Rhetoric, ‘Tears Country Apart’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Friday denounced President-elect Joe Biden likening Cruz to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels as “vicious partisan rhetoric” that only serves to further divide the country. Cruz’s comments came after Biden said earlier in the day that Cruz and colleague Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) were part of President Donald Trump’s “big lie” about […]

12 Minutes: Vaccine to Insert Transgene & Mark of the Beast-Lady Gaga Propagandist For Satanic Transgender Agenda

[embedded content] CIA is obviously behind this transgender agenda. Under This Heading: WPATH is on the rampage 1.D. ii Comment: Who controls the CIA? The ZIONIST Synagogue of Satan.

We Will Meet Brave Heroic Propagandist David Dees in Valhalla – Jews Mock Death of Talented Revolutionary Artist

A beautiful collage by the dedicated National Socialist designer David Dees, showing his love for our immortal Führer, the eternal martyr Adolf Hitler. Wow! What a rich and diverse legacy he leaves behind. Through his hard work and clever labor, full of love and creativity, David Dees has truly become immortal due to his righteous […]

Video: Biden Says Trump Is “Sort Of Like” Nazi Propagandist Joseph Goebbels

Democratic candidate Joe Biden sparked fury at the weekend by directly comparing President Trump to the chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. “He’s sort of like Goebbels,” the former vice president said in an appearance on MSNBC, adding “You say the lie long enough, keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, it becomes common knowledge.” Biden […]

Trump Announces Full Pardon for ‘Openly Racist’ Right-Wing Propagandist Dinesh D’Souza

President Donald Trump announced in a tweet on Thursday that he will fully pardon the “openly racist” right-wing propagandist Dinesh D’Souza, who pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations in 2014 and has—in just the past year—mocked school shooting survivors, circulated anti-semitic lies, and suggested that the white supremacist Charlottesville rally was “staged.” Will be giving a Full […]

Israel propagandist Alan Dershowitz protested in Qatar

Tamara Nassar Activism and BDS Beat 5 March 2018 Activists walked out of a lecture by Alan Dershowitz in Doha on Sunday, chanting “Zionists are not welcome here.” Dershowitz, for decades a Harvard law professor, is one of the most prominent pro-Israel propagandists in the United States. He has a long record of justifying attacks […]

Newsweek pushes Monsanto propagandist lies authored by scandal-ridden organic hater Henry I. Miller

(Natural News) Yet another mainstream news outlet, Newsweek, has decided to shamelessly spread fake news that bashes organics and promotes GMOs (genetically-modified organisms). And wouldn’t you guess it, but the stated author of this ridiculous hit piece is none other than Hoover Institution hack Henry I. Miller, who’s been caught on numerous […]

Washington Post: US Military-Industrial Complex’s Chief Propagandist

Washington Post: US Military-Industrial Complex’s Chief Propagandist Above Photo: From It used to be that the New York Times and the Washington Post competed against each other to be the chief propagandist for the hundred or so top firms who sell to the US federal government — the 100 top “federal contractors,” almost all of which are Pentagon contractors — […]

Bigtime Zionist Propagandist Weinstein Faces Numerous Allegations of Sexual Assault – Exposing the Jewish Casting Couch!

Bigtime Zionist Propagandist Weinstein Faces Numerous Allegations of Sexual Assault – Exposing the Jewish Casting Couch! Download Today Dr. Duke revealed the outrageous sexual crimes committed by movie mogul (((Harvey Weinstein))), co-founder with his brother of Miramax Films. As numerous well-know Jews have pointed out, Hollywood is completely dominated by Jews, although any goy who […]

CNN Hires Top al-Qaeda Propagandist for Documentary, Fails Miserably Trying to Cover It Up

July 12, 2017 By Jay Syrmopoulos Bilal Abdul Kareem, of On the Ground News, was contracted by CNN to film a documentary called Undercover in Syria. Kareem is a self-proclaimed media activist living in rebel-held Syria and is considered “one of the top English-language propagandists for al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate Jabat al-Nusra,” according to […]

Food Evolution film a cesspool of pesticide industry propaganda, narrated by GMO propagandist Neil deGrasse Tyson

(Natural News) One of the most trusted maxims in today’s world is the Latin phrase cui bono? In other words, who benefits? A more modern parsing is better understood as “follow the money.” And when one takes a deeper look into the money surrounding the new film Food Evolution, it’s clear from the get-go that the movie would in […]

Another Vaccine Whistleblower Steps Out of the Shadows

Now we have another: Dr. Peter Fletcher. The Daily Mail has the story (3/29/16): “Former [British] science chief: ‘MMR fears coming true’”. “A former Government medical officer responsible for deciding whether medicines are safe has accused the Government of ‘utterly inexplicable complacency’ over the MMR triple vaccine for children.” “Dr Peter Fletcher, […]

Scientists Can Identify Terrorists By Their ‘V’ Signs

Terrorists can be identified by the victory signs they post in group photos and selfies, according to Jordanian scientists. Researchers have developed a method that, when combined with other data, could be helpful in breaking new ground in identifying masked terrorists Tech Times reports: Images in which terrorists flash the “V for victory” sign often […]

Is the PKK is behind the Istanbul explosion

 Bomb Rips Through Tourist Spot In Istanbul- An Expected Development As most recently predicted in the post from last week. In line with what had been predicted for well over a year now.   Most recent predictive post The Top US Military Official Arrives in Turkey. Who Greets Him?.… “As I’ve suggested:  Increasing the destabilization […]

Video: Saudi Airstrikes against Yemeni Capital, Houthi Confront Saudi-led Coalition Forces

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