Posts Tagged ‘post’

Royce Mann, boy who recited ‘white privilege’ poem, revealed to be Jewish

Now I realize that it’s quite possible to find 14-year old White boys who, having endured a standard American education, would deplore their White privilege — that they are an “ethnomasochists” as John Derbyshire would have it. But it also seems to me that it’s more likely that such sentiments would come from a Jewish […]

Admiral Fabuloso: Hillary, Syria and the Destructive Career of James G. Stavridis

925,000 Illegals “Ignore Deportation”

There are nearly one million illegal immigrants in the US who have ignored official deportation orders because US law enforcement is at an all-time low, new figures have shown. The one million illegals also include at least 170,000 convicted criminals. According to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies, only a “small fraction” […]

Sane voice, Tulsi Gabbard leads fight to stop Syrian regime-change war

     Congresswoman from Hawaii is gathering support for a bill that would defund the disastrous US intervention against the Syrian government and state. Of all the myths that pass for conventional wisdom in Washington in the late Obama years, perhaps one of the most intractable is the idea that the president has “done nothing” concerning […]

1 in 3 Americans on Medicare Use Commonly Abused Opioid Painkillers

You Can’t Stump the Trump Volume XXVII (You Can’t Barrage the Farage)

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer June 25, 2016 Basically, Donald Trump did Brexit. I believe this to be a solid fact. If they would have known Trump was coming, they never would have agreed to schedule the referendum. When they scheduled it two years ago, they also didn’t know Merkel was going to invite trillions of […]

Civil rights groups seek documents relating to Cuomo’s order blacklisting BDS supporters

Today human rights groups made an announcement that they will seek documents relating to NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive order barring state business with organizations that have endorsed Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. The Center for Constitutional Rights published the release. The Freedom of Information Law request is here. Groups Seek Cuomo Documents […]

Science to FBI: Predicting a Lone Wolf Isn’t Mathematically Possible

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   In the war on terrorism, one thing has become clear since the Orlando shooting – a better way of predicting the radicalization of lone wolves online must be found. A new research paper suggests that intelligence agencies can learn to tell […]

Video Shows Chicago Cop Stomp Drug Suspect’s Head

Video has emerged showing a plainclothes Chicago police officer stomping a man’s head while a second plainclothes cop tries to restrain him during an apparent drug investigation. Originally posted to Facebook on Monday, the video shows one of the officers attempting to arrest 24-year-old Shaquille O’Neil in the 3900 block of West Grenshaw. According to witnesses, O’Neil was running […]

Ninnying Anti-American SJW Faggot Paul Ryan Calls Trump a Racist

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 7, 2016 Paul Ryan believes that ISIS terrorism, baby part markets, racism-shaming and interracial sex is the path forward. Many people wish the anti-American terrorist Paul Ryan would an hero and leave America alone. The spineless faggot Paul Ryan, who openly endorses taxpayer-funding for ISIS immigration into America and Planned Parenthood […]

Ridiculous Ape Obama Turns Into Stuttering Mess Trying to Attack the Leader

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 2, 2016 The retard-tier talking monkey Barack Obama turned into a gibbering mess trying to attack The Leader while giving a pro-Hillary speech in Indiana. He said – and I quote: If we turn against each other based on division of race or religion. If-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if we fall for, you know, a […]

Chakras 101: How To Tell If Your Heart Chakra Needs Healing

Have you ever felt as though you’re carrying around a heaviness throughout your day? Or had a difficulty letting go of the past? Or find it hard to connect with others because you’re burdened with emotional pain? If so, the issue could be coming from your heart chakra. According to Eastern metaphysical theories of Ayurvedic […]

Techitis: Constantly Using Smartphones Causing Widespread Health Problems

Our relationships with our smartphones: for some, it’s attachment, for others, it’s addiction. Several new studies show how the devices might be impacting our health. Terms like ‘text-neck’ and ‘screen-sightedness’ didn’t exist several years ago.  But, the lingo is becoming more commonplace among medical professionals.   Text-neck or tech-neck is a condition […]

Clinton’s Alleged Ex-Lover: Hillary a ‘Terrorist,’ ‘Sex Addict’ Bill Told Me He Had 2,000 Women

In an interview, Kyle claimed that “Billy” Clinton, as she called him, once boasted to her that he had had sex with about 2,000 women. She described Clinton as a “sex addict” who has some “sick, sick need” to “control women.” “Aaron, Hillary is an enabler is about the nicest thing you can say […]

Fatima: The Judaeo-Christian God Is Now Dying.

“Hey lyin’ Ted, America was not built on Judaeo-Christian values. It was built on Christian values hijacked by the Jews!” The evil Satanic god of the Talmudic Pharisaic Jews, installed across the world by those living devils after they won the second world war, enforced on every cleric through the submission demanded by the collective guilt and original […]

Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

The justification for going to war in Iraq thirteen years ago, was based on a 93-page classified document that allegedly contained “specific information” on former Iraqi leader President Saddam Hussein and the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs he was apparently running. by Sean Adl-Tabatabai Now that document has been declassified and it reveals that […]

EXCLUSIVE: Hijacked by pro-vaccine troll Dr. David Gorski, Wikipedia publishes deceitful entry on VAXXED documentary

(NaturalNews) This story has been updated to include Dr. David Gorski’s username on Wikipedia Wikipedia seems like a good place to get fast information that’s at least somewhat reliable, right? Wrong. The truth is that Wikipedia is nothing more than a trove of disinformation and propaganda peddled by industry gatekeepers, intent on maintaining […]

Another Vaccine Whistleblower Steps Out of the Shadows

Now we have another: Dr. Peter Fletcher. The Daily Mail has the story (3/29/16): “Former [British] science chief: ‘MMR fears coming true’”. “A former Government medical officer responsible for deciding whether medicines are safe has accused the Government of ‘utterly inexplicable complacency’ over the MMR triple vaccine for children.” “Dr Peter Fletcher, […]

8 Reasons 9/11 Could NOT Have Been An Inside Job

Below, we’ll show that 9/11 could NOT have been an inside job … I. The 9/11 Commission and Congressional Investigation Into 9/11 All Disproved Any Conspiracy 9/11 was thoroughly and exhaustively investigated by the 9/11 Commission, Congress and U.S. scientific agencies. This horse has already been beat to death, and […]

Swedish politician found dead in ‘burnt-out car’

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