Posts Tagged ‘database’

Progressive International unveils database exposing global right-wing network threatening democracies

This database, which results from a year of meticulous research, exposes the mechanisms through which these forces erode democratic norms and foster geopolitical instability. Source

China is building the world’s largest DNA database for its organ harvesting industry

China is building the world’s largest DNA database for its organ harvesting industry China is building the world’s largest DNA database for the benefit of the communist nation’s organ harvesting industry. Experts on the matter who came to Washington, D.C. testified before Congress regarding China’s systematic, widespread and nonconsensual harvesting of human organs for transplantation, […]

Douglas Murray Announces New Doxing Database to Keep Critics of Israel From Getting a Job

Douglas Murray, the director of the British Free Speech Union, announced a new initiative on Monday aimed at doxing critics of Israel for “hate speech” and keeping them from getting jobs. Source

Cartels Are Using a Police Database to Track and Target Their Enemies

Cartels Are Using a Police Database to Track and Target Their Enemies Members of Mexico’s cartels are piggy-backing on technology used by local governments, sources told VICE News. December 14, 2023, 12:40pm Share Tweet Snap R – Forensics exhume human remains in Guerrero state, Mexico. Photo PEDRO PARDO/AFP via Getty Images. L – a screen grab […]

Israeli Intelligence To Be Granted Full Access to National Biometric Database

The Israeli government is implementing significant amendments in the usage and access of biometric data, which could have profound implications for privacy rights, per recent reports from the Calcalist. This move demonstrates a radical shift in the control of civilian and private biometric data, especially during the country’s wartime. The series of altered data permissions are […]

Dr. Ealy has confirmed that CDC, has removed 32,000+ records of myocarditis and pericarditis from the VAERS database between Sep & Dec 2022

Dr. Ealy has confirmed that CDC, has removed 32,000+ records of myocarditis and pericarditis from the VAERS database between Sep & Dec 2022 New World Odor @hugh_mankind · Follow Missing VAERS Reports: CDC Are Covering Up the Scene of a Crime “Dr. Ealy has confirmed, & (Jessica Rose as well), that CDC, has removed 32,000+ records […]

Human rights orgs call on UN to add Canadian firm to settlement business database

Over 100 international organizations are calling for Montreal-based WSP Global Inc. to be added to the UN database of businesses operating in illegal Israeli settlements due to its role in the Jerusalem Light Rail system. Source

Brazil to test biometric database for “election integrity”

Some of the voting machines that will be part of the integrity test in Brazil ahead of the general elections will feature biometrics, the electoral court announced. 56 of the 641 machines to be used in the test will have biometrics scanning capability, which outlines the basic ideas for a future where the state collects […]

UCLA Creates Database to ‘Track Attacks on Critical Race Theory’

Faculty at the University of California–Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law have created a database to identify and record efforts to block critical race theory (CRT) being taught in schools across the country. Source

Government Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Recently

There has been a massive 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports following the rollout of the experimental COVID-19 jabs, according to recent data in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Brian Shilhavy, editor of Health Impact News, traced his steps in searching the government data, providing links to documentation of his various findings. Having […]

Government Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Following Jab Rollout

There has been a massive 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports following the rollout of the experimental COVID-19 jabs, according to recent data in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Brian Shilhavy, editor of Health […] The post Government Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Following Jab Rollout appeared first on News Punch. Source

UK signs US border deal to share police biometric database

The UK has signed up to a US plan for sharing police-held biometric data about citizens with US border officials. Source

Report: Biden Still Not Using Defense Department Database to Vet Afghans with Potential Terrorism Ties

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing to not screen Afghan arrivals to the United States for potential terrorism ties through the Department of Defense’s “tactical database,” according to Republican senators.

Over 120,000 Hunter Biden Emails Uploaded To Searchable Database

A former Trump White House staffer has uploaded more than 120,000 emails found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop to a searchable database this week, which can be found at the (slowly loading) website: In addition to searching, visitors can download the emails as well.

Exclusive: Sen. Ron Johnson Sends Query to Unissant on DOD Medical Database

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) sent a letter to Unissant, the company that manages the Department of Defense’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), to get answers on alleged errors that showed a rise in medical conditions of service members in 2021 compared to the four previous years, Breitbart News has exclusively learned. Johnson sent the letter […]

Massacre of the innocents: VAERS database shows teen deaths from Pfizer jab

Massacre of the innocents: VAERS database shows teen deaths from Pfizer jab It is hard to believe that the criminal COVID enterprise has kept this death campaign going so long. Dr.MarkTrozzi Mon Jan 3, 2022 – 11:25 am EST (Dr. Trozzi) — The Death-by-injection statistics are staggering. The murdered children are real. The choice of […]

34,337 Deaths 3,120,439 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database

34,337 Deaths 3,120,439 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database The Free / thefreeonline The Free UK Public Data Show 35 Deaths 213 Hospitalizations Among Booster Triple Vaccinated By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | December 22, 2021 The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by […]

HR 550: House Passes Bill To Fund Federal Vaccination Database

Even a blind person could see that the only purpose to track vaccinations is to identify the unvaccinated. Technocrats have turned the unvaccinated into an enemy that must be dealt with by physical means. Today that could be fines, quarantines and criminal records. Tomorrow, it could mean mass expulsion and even genocidal purging. Tyranny never […]

European Database: 31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots

by Brian Shilhavy The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 31,014 fatalities, and 2,890,600 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. This database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in […]

Mexico’s World Bank-Funded Mandatory Biometric Database Raises Serious Ethical and Legal Questions

Mexico’s government wants the biometrics of all its citizens. Given the fragility of its institutions and organized crime’s infiltration of both government and law enforcement, this is a major cause for concern.   Mexico has a serious problem with identity theft. Last year, the country ranked eighth worldwide in terms of the incidence of the crime, according […]

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