Posts Tagged ‘settlement’

Visa, Mastercard to lower ‘swipe fees’ in merchant antitrust suit settlement

Visa and Mastercard agreed to reduce and cap credit card interchange fees as part of a landmark antitrust settlement with U.S. merchants, who say the deal could save tens of billions of dollars over the next five years. “This settlement is the culmination of eight years of hard-fought litigation and detailed, painstaking negotiations,” Hilliard Shadowen… […]

Realtor settlement could bring ‘seismic shift’ to housing market

A major settlement reached between the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and home sellers Friday could bring signficant changes to the real estate world. The full implications of the $418 milion settlement for the U.S. housing market are not yet clear. Even so, NAR’s agreement to scrap longstanding rules governing broker commission fees will slash… […]

Supreme Court grapples with Purdue Pharma’s settlement

Awaiting a decision expected by June 2024, the case stands as a pivotal moment in America’s ongoing struggle against opioid crisis. Source

Sudan’s army chief says he favours negotiated settlement to war

Sudan’s army chief said on Friday he had not sought military support on a recent regional tour and that his preference was for a peaceful solution to the conflict that has killed thousands and displaced millions of civilians, Reuters reports. General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan also said in an interview with Reuters that he had asked […]

UK trade union backs boycott of Israel settlement project

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) in England and Wales has passed a motion reiterating its “commitment to ‘boycott the goods of companies who profit from illegal settlements, the Occupation and the construction of the Wall’.” In a motion passed on Wednesday, the 5.5 million member strong TUC said: “Any attempt to delegitimise the Palestinian call […]

Foreign Ministry: One Million Plan exposes Israel’s settlement crime involvement

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned what was reported by Israeli media regarding a settlement plan aimed at increasing the number of settlers in the occupied West Bank to reach one million. This came in light of an Israeli agreement between several Israeli ministries and the so-called “heads of settlement councils”. On […]

$137 Million Settlement vs ARBITRATION SETTLEMENT of $One Million For Exact Same Racial Discrimination

 This article is more than 1 year old Tesla ordered to pay $137m to Black former employee for racial abuse Comment:  To my Knowledge Elon Musk and his wicked brother USE MONARCH CIA Mind Controlled Slaves who they rip off of labor and creations. This article is more than 1 year old California federal court orders […]

Mega MAGA Squeeze: Trump-Linked SPAC Soars After SEC Settlement

Mega MAGA Squeeze: Trump-Linked SPAC Soars After SEC Settlement Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC) – the SPAC working to bring Donald Trump’s ‘Truth Social’ media venture public, has exploded over 70% higher this morning in its biggest rally since November after the SEC said it settled fraud charges against the SPAC. The SEC said late Thursday […]

Amazon Agrees to $25 Million Settlement Over Alexa Unlawfully Storing Children’s Voice Recordings, Location Data

Amazon Agrees to $25 Million Settlement Over Alexa Unlawfully Storing Children’s Voice Recordings, Location Data Posted on July 20, 2023 By Danielle Wallace  FOXBusiness Strategic Resource Group managing director Burt Flickinger and OptionsPlay Director of Education and Product Jessica Inskip discuss whether Amazon will break Prime Day sales on ‘The Claman Countdown.’ Amazon has agreed to […]

Black Man Awarded Over $2M for Failing “Biased” Teacher Exam, Part of $1.8B Settlement

Herman Grim, 64, of Queens, on July 5 was awarded the biggest judgment to date — a jaw-dropping $2,055,383. Source

Palestinians protest against Israel’s illegal settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank

In the first half of 2023 Israel advanced over 12,000 new settler housing units. July 15, 2023 at 11:46 am READ: PA warns of Israels plan to take over Palestine archaeological sites Show Comments Related Source

Israel seeks to build 450 settlement units in Jerusalem: Haaretz

The Israeli Justice Ministry is advancing illegal settlement plans including 450 settlement units for Jews in the heart of occupied Jerusalem, Haaretz revealed earlier this week. The settlement plan, the paper said, was submitted by a real estate company run by right-wing activists to build the 450 settlement units for Jews in the heart of a Palestinian […]

Faith Wins: Barclays Bank Pays Settlement After Debanking Christian Organization

Barclays Bank, a major retail bank in the United Kingdom, has settled a lawsuit brought by the UK-based Christian ministry the Core Issues Trust over the former’s decision to suddenly suspend its banking services in 2020. Source

Four Israelis Dead in Shooting Attack Near Settlement of Eli: Video

June 20, 2023 Zionist entity At least four people were killed and several others wounded in a shooting attack at a gas station outside the northern West Bank settlement of Eli on Tuesday. According to the media reports, one of the two attackers has embraced martyrdom and the other one fled the scene. Later on, […]

Why Biden will not condemn Israel for the Homesh settlement

Joe Biden’s history with Israel’s illegal settlement project is a lot longer than anyone else’s in U.S. politics. More than 40 years ago when he was a young senator, he banged the table and told Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, If you don’t stop building illegal settlements across the Green Line we’re going to slash […]

Israel moves illegal Homesh settlement amid Biden criticism

Jewish settlers have reestablished a Yeshiva in the illegally occupied West Bank. The school had previously been located in the Israeli settlement of Homesh, but was moved to nearby state-owned land. The move, which was approved by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was done without permits and in violation of existing […]

6,300-Year-Old Settlement Was Home to Earliest Megalithic Builders

Archaeologists in France have found evidence of a 6,300-year-old fortified compound and residential site belonging to Europe’s first megalithic builders! These builders constructed impressive megalithic monuments during the Neolithic period, including barrows and dolmens, though their identity and whereabouts have remained a mystery, until now. The people who built these structures have long been admired […]

‘Israel’ claims UN ‘biased’ over statement on settlement expansion

21 Feb, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The Israeli occupation claims that the United Nations is biased after the organization issued a statement condemning the illegal Israeli settlement expansion. The United Nations is biased and is ignoring “Palestinian terrorism”, claimed Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen claimed on Tuesday after the UN Security Council issued […]

Palestinians fire missiles at Israeli settlement after attacks on female prisoners

Palestinian resistance groups have fired missiles from the besieged Gaza Strip at nearby Israeli settlements in retaliation for the Israeli army escalations in the occupied West Bank, especially attacks on female prisoners. Israeli media outlets quoted an army spokesman as saying that the Iron Dome missile defence system had intercepted a missile fired on Wednesday […]

NPR and J Street refuse to call Neve Yaakov a settlement in occupied East Jerusalem

Steve Inskeep of NPR today described Neve Yaakov, the scene of an attack last week, as being in Israel. While Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street called it a Jerusalem “neighborhood.” It is in fact an exclusively Jewish settlement in occupied Jerusalem, built on confiscated Palestinian lands, and a source of affliction for Palestinians. Source

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