Posts Tagged ‘granted’

Bail Granted to Suspects in Killing of Christian in Pakistan

Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan. (Alimrankdev, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Due to sloppy police investigation and pressure from an Islamist extremist party, a judge last week granted bail to at least 52 Muslims accused of killing a Christian man over a false blasphemy accusation, sources said. Special Judge Anti-Terrorism Court […]

‘Day X Is Here’: Assange Granted Hearing That May Be Last Opportunity To Stop Extradition

The United Kingdom’s High Court of Justice granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a final appeal hearing that will be held on Feb. 20-21, 2024.  Source

Threat of Prison Awaits Christian Mother Granted Bail in Nigeria

Rhoda Jatau could face up to 10 years in prison under Nigeria’s blasphemy law. (ADF International) BAUCHI, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – A Christian woman charged under Nigeria’s blasphemy law has been released on bail after 19 months, but she faces the threat of 10 years in prison for allegedly sharing a… Source

Israeli Intelligence To Be Granted Full Access to National Biometric Database

The Israeli government is implementing significant amendments in the usage and access of biometric data, which could have profound implications for privacy rights, per recent reports from the Calcalist. This move demonstrates a radical shift in the control of civilian and private biometric data, especially during the country’s wartime. The series of altered data permissions are […]

Olympic Runner Oscar Pistorius Granted Parole 10 Years After Killing His Girlfriend

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) — Double-amputee Olympic runner Oscar Pistorius was granted parole Friday, 10 years after shooting his girlfriend through a toilet door at his home in South Africa in a killing that jolted the world. Department of Corrections spokesperson Singabakho Nxumalo said Pistorius would be released from prison on Jan. 5. His parole […]

The unelected United Nations has been quietly granted full regulatory control over the Internet

From UNESCO Seeks To Regulate All Internet Content The United Nations has been quietly granted full regulatory control over the Internet, allowing the unelected organization to censor or punish anybody who threatens to disrupt the globalist agenda. While citing the need for “multi-stakeholder” regulation of the Internet, UNECSO’s 59-page bill is titled Guidelines for the […]

UN Quietly Granted Powers To Regulate ALL Internet Content

The United Nations has been quietly granted full regulatory control over the Internet, allowing the unelected organization to censor or punish anybody who threatens to disrupt the globalist agenda. While citing the need for “multi-stakeholder” […] The post UN Quietly Granted Powers To Regulate ALL Internet Content appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The World is Taking Ukraine For Granted and Expects Success Too Quickly, Protests Zelensky

The “modern world” is too accustomed to success and the “colossal” effort by Ukraine is not appreciated, Volodymyr Zelensky says.  Source

OIA reveals NZ’s Min of Health Granted Vaccine Exemptions to Hundreds Among Its Key Staff Whilst Hypocritically Insisting the Public Be Vaccinated

Thanks Di for the link! From An OIA HNZ00023978 dated 2 August 2023 asked the following question: “According to the legislation at the time in 2021, there were operational exemptions available for those who were not getting vaccinated against Covid 19. Your website outlines the process of applying for an operating exemption under clause 12a. […]

New Zealand: Important Medical Staff Were Granted Covid Vaccine Exemptions


WEF quietly granted backdoor access to billions of cellphones enabling “blacklists” of users holding “politically incorrect” views

From WEF Orders Governments To Preparefor BILLIONS of ‘Social Credit Prisoners’ The CRIME of Wrong Think Black Listed The World Economic Forum has been quietly granted backdoor access to billions of cellphones as part of a plot to compile “blacklists” of users who hold “politically incorrect” views and commit “wrong speak”… WATCH VIDEO AT […]

WEF Granted Backdoor Access To Regulate Hate Speech Online

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is being granted backdoor access by various government’s to police social media platforms for so-called ‘hate speech’ and ‘misinformation.’ The WEF says the move will allow them to regulate online […] The post WEF Granted Backdoor Access To Regulate Hate Speech Online appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Respect Is Earned, Not Granted-Thats Why No One Respects Congress, They Have Not Earned Respect

“More than that, the FBI made Congress review a redacted unclassified document in a classified facility. That goes to show you the disrespect the FBI has for Congress.” Seriously!Respect for congress??? Respect for a bunch of demonically possessed whores who commit treason against America and Americans Every single day??? Respect for low life child raping […]

Globalist Bill Gates Demands China Must Be Granted ‘Strong Role In World Governance’

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates claimed China’s rise has been “a huge win for the world” and must be granted a “strong role in world governance” in a Monday interview about the future of the world […] The post Globalist Bill Gates Demands China Must Be Granted ‘Strong Role In World Governance’ appeared first on News […]

Biden Admin Suggests Saudi Crown Prince Be Granted Immunity in Khashoggi Murder Lawsuit

The Biden administration on Thursday suggested that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman be granted immunity from a lawsuit filed against him over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In a court filing, the administration noted the crown prince’s appointment as prime minister in September, which they said made him “the sitting head of government of a foreign state.” “Under common […]

5-Year-Old With Terminal Brain Cancer Granted Wish Of Early Halloween By Amazing Neighbors

For uninformed onlookers, the costumed crowds in the Crown Point neighborhood of Hamilton, Ontario, last Wednesday might have been baffling. But while Halloween is more than a month away, one little boy might not make it to the holiday — leading his neighborhood to celebrate early. Nick and Kira Hurdakis spent the last 4 1/2 […]

5-Year-Old With Terminal Brain Cancer Granted Wish Of Early Halloween By Amazing Neighbors

For uninformed onlookers, the costumed crowds in the Crown Point neighborhood of Hamilton, Ontario, last Wednesday might have been baffling. But while Halloween is more than a month away, one little boy might not make it to the holiday — leading his neighborhood to celebrate early. Nick and Kira Hurdakis spent the last 4 1/2 […]

5-Year-Old With Terminal Brain Cancer Granted Wish Of Early Halloween By Amazing Neighbors

For uninformed onlookers, the costumed crowds in the Crown Point neighborhood of Hamilton, Ontario, last Wednesday might have been baffling. But while Halloween is more than a month away, one little boy might not make it to the holiday — leading his neighborhood to celebrate early. Nick and Kira Hurdakis spent the last 4 1/2 […]

5-Year-Old With Terminal Brain Cancer Granted Wish Of Early Halloween By Amazing Neighbors

For uninformed onlookers, the costumed crowds in the Crown Point neighborhood of Hamilton, Ontario, last Wednesday might have been baffling. But while Halloween is more than a month away, one little boy might not make it to the holiday — leading his neighborhood to celebrate early. Nick and Kira Hurdakis spent the last 4 1/2 […]

5-Year-Old With Terminal Brain Cancer Granted Wish Of Early Halloween By Amazing Neighbors

For uninformed onlookers, the costumed crowds in the Crown Point neighborhood of Hamilton, Ontario, last Wednesday might have been baffling. But while Halloween is more than a month away, one little boy might not make it to the holiday — leading his neighborhood to celebrate early. Nick and Kira Hurdakis spent the last 4 1/2 […]

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