Posts Tagged ‘success’

TABOR: The enduring success story empowering Colorado taxpayers

TABOR has survived during both Republican and Democratic administrations. Source

First Human Neuralink Implant A Success, Musk Says ‘Initial Results Promising’

Elon Musk on Monday announced that the first human patient has received a brain implant from his startup, Neuralink – which according to Musk “Enables control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking.“ “Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is […]

The World is Taking Ukraine For Granted and Expects Success Too Quickly, Protests Zelensky

The “modern world” is too accustomed to success and the “colossal” effort by Ukraine is not appreciated, Volodymyr Zelensky says.  Source

The Grain Deal has become a diplomatic success story, or is there a new phase coming? …

Unfortunately, one of the negative consequences of active hostilities is observed in the foreign trade relations of the countries participating in the conflict. A temporary danger zone does not guarantee safety along trade communication routes. Disrupting the prior steady trading system is costly to the trade balance and frequently leads to major humanitarian crises, such […]

Is Singapore’s success in combating corruption undermining the foundations of the unipolar world order?

Against the backdrop of growing global concern about the ubiquity of corruption and skepticism about the prospects for its eradication, there is heightened interest in “best practices” – real successes achieved by individual states in this area. The Republic of Singapore is a good example of a successful struggle to eradicate this plague in Asia. […]

Right Wing Round-Up: The Quest for MAGA Success

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

Markey: Biden Budget Designed to Continue ‘Success Story’ Where ‘Inflation Is Going Down’

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Closing Bell: Overtime,” Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) stated that President Joe Biden’s budget proposal “is just aimed at continuing” the economic “success story” under the Biden presidency where “Inflation is going down.” Markey said, “President Source

Xi Jinping Has ‘Doubts’ Regarding Success of Taiwan Invasion: CIA Chief

William Burns, director of the CIA, claimed that Beijing is doubtful whether its potential invasion of Taiwan would be successful, with the ongoing Russia–Ukraine conflict strengthening such concerns. In an interview with CBS on Sunday, Burns was asked whether China would commit to an outright invasion or seek to slowly strangle Taiwan’s democracy. “I think our […]

Qatar’s hosting of a successful FIFA World Cup will be an Arab success

Qatar is living through one of the thousand and one nights, which people thought was a fantasy but can now see with their own eyes. It has become a reality, with a dazzling display that is capturing hearts. This small country is throwing a large party for countries from around the world; two million people […]

The Riddle Of Jewish Success…Spiked!

The Riddle Of Jewish Success…Spiked! November 2, 2022 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ More! Secession Is The Only Way! Here! Making Secession Work Here! Prepping For Secession Here! +BN Classics! Secession Now! Here! How Secession Works Here! Signs Of Secession Here! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br Nathanael Fnd Is Tax […]

Fight of the tournament sees Georgia on top, and continued Japanese success

Day 4 of the World Judo Championships was a thriller and in the fight of the tournament, Georgian,Tato Grigalashvili, won the World Title, beating reigning champion Matthias Casse in a thrilling re-match of last year’s final. Japan’s Horikawa Megumi was also spectacular claiming her gold medal. Source


By Miko Peled Source Roger Waters’ concert tour titled, “This is Not a Drill,” is a display of both fantastic music and enormous courage, generosity and urgency. He delivers a message that is clear and unapologetic. It calls for justice for Palestine, justice for all oppressed people, it is an anti-war, anti-gun, anti-nukes, pro-environment, pro […]

China’s PISA Success—Less Than Meets the Eye

Commentary Following Chairman Mao’s lead, Chinese propaganda often referred to America as a Paper Tiger back in the day, implying a lack of substance behind a strong facade. Although the term hasn’t found much use recently, there’s no lack of apt applications vying for attention. One, ironically, concerns China’s position as the highest-scoring participant in […]

Turing Scheme: How does the UK’s Erasmus replacement work and has it been a success?

The UK’s post-Brexit replacement for Erasmus+ promised the world to British students, quite literally. Called the Turing Scheme, it was supposed to open up opportunities across the globe, far beyond Europe, with the central aim of improving social mobility. So, a year since it began, how is the scheme performing and how does it compare […]

Turing Scheme: How does the UK’s Erasmus replacement work and has it been a success?

The UK’s post-Brexit replacement for Erasmus+ promised the world to British students, quite literally. Called the Turing Scheme, it was supposed to open up opportunities across the globe, far beyond Europe, with the central aim of improving social mobility. So, a year since it began, how is the scheme performing and how does it compare […]

Set Your Kid up for Academic Success with This Bundle

Sponsored Content Back-to-school season is here, and parents are once again faced with the dilemma of helping their children get motivated in school. Not only that, but you must also find ways to set up your kids for success, lest you risk letting them get left behind on lessons. Educators always note that the key […]

Lee Jae-myung is On his Way to Success, the Question is its Price

On August 28, 2022, the Democratic Party of Korea will hold a National Assembley to elect a new leader.  A heated debate is expected as key factions within the party seek to set the rules in their favor and intra-party infighting is not out of step with the Conservatives. It should be recalled that the […]

US is Trying to Drive Erdogan into a Corner – but Without Success

Joe Biden’s administration is currently losing on all its foreign policy fronts, but he is still hoping for success, if nowhere else, in his confrontation with the Turkish leader Recep Erdoğan, so that he can demonstrate to the world and the US public, that there is still some “gunpowder left in the barrel.” This consideration […]

China Mum on ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Box Office Success After Tencent Dropped Project

Chinese state media, which obsessively covers box-office news when it sees a political angle for the Communist Party, has been silent about the astonishing success of Top Gun: Maverick – the Tom Cruise film that had financial backing from China’s huge Tencent Holdings until the producers stopped trying to please Beijing’s censors.

Maduro’s success: principled resistance to imperialism pays off

The world has been stunned by a double wonder: Bolivarian Venezuela’s political survival and its miraculous economic recovery: the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean has reported that it expects the Venezuelan economy to grow for the first time since 2014, by 5 per cent, one of the highest in the region. Venezuela’s […]

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