Posts Tagged ‘invasion’

The second invasion of al-Shuja’iyya is a war of attrition

Israel has been forced into a war of attrition as the Palestinian resistance has reconstituted itself across Gaza. The scale of the horrors perpetrated by the Israeli army in these battles only emerges through testimonies after the fighting ends. Source

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 237: As Israel’s invasion of Rafah and northern Gaza continues, Smotrich calls for ‘war’ on West Bank

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has called for launching a “defensive war” on the West Bank in the same way that Israel has done in Gaza. The minister wields administrative power over the West Bank. Source

Jeff Bezos, Facebook LINKED to DARPA’s data gathering and privacy invasion program

(NaturalNews) Amazon founder and Executive Chairman Jeff Bezos was linked by a report to the United States Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research… Source

South Korea heading for Rapid Depopulation (And Communist Invasion)

South Korea, a small, technologically advanced country, also has a strong culture of conformity. So the entire population lined up for their Covid19 vaccine shots. And now there are grim predictions that their birth rate has fallen so low, that they are headed for extinction. Of course,the data on deaths following the vaccine is being […]

Rafah Invasion: Everything that’s happened so far

Israel began its invasion of Rafah, ordering the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people. “I do not feel safe in any place in Gaza,” Saadi Salem tells Mondoweiss as he attempts to flee Rafah. “The killing is in every corner around the Gaza Strip.” Source

The Rafah invasion will be catastrophic

The impending Rafah invasion will be even worse than anything we’ve seen so far. And the U.S. is just going to watch it happen. Source

ALIEN INVASION: Hundreds of illegal immigrants enter San Diego after men in masks CUT the border fence

(NaturalNews) A terrifying video from a San Diego resident has captured hundreds of illegal immigrants crossing into American soil after smugglers cut through the… Source

Want To Stop The Illegal Invasion of 3ed World pedophiles, Women Rapers, Thieves & Murderers at the Mexico Border?

The Appian Way leading to Rome on which Rome crucified 6,000 criminals as a warning Well, I can tell you how to do it. The Romans once crucified 6,000 people along a 120 mile stretch of road between Rome and Capua. People were traveling for days along a major trade route seeing a new person […]

Terrifying video outlining City Council’s Nazi style invasion of your home

Hume City Council CEO’s office? You may have heard of a few sayings such as: – The land of the ‘free’, – This is a free country, – Your home is your castle, legally referred to as the castle doctrine/castle law/defence of habitation law. The land of the free, is with reference to the United […]

Netanyahu Approves Rafah Invasion & Israel Consistently Fires On Starving Palestinians Seeking Food

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/15/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Russia says to Romania what it said to Ukraine before the Invasion: “Romania is not a nation but a way of life”

Former presidential adviser Iulian Fota vehemently criticized recent statements made by Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, which ignited a firestorm of controversy surrounding Romania’s national identity and sovereignty. Medvedev’s assertion that “Romanians are not a nation, but a way of life” on his VK page as reported by Tass, sparked outrage […]

Zionist Tyrant & Genocidal Maniac Netanyahu approves invasion of densely populated Rafah

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March 13 – ZOG is Responsible for Migrant Invasion

(( (Mayorkas is a member of the board of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which is funnelling millions of migrants into the US) Please send links and comments to [email protected]  Organized Jewry has all the characteristics of a plague of locusts eating the fabric of our society. “We shall destroy every collective force except our own,” […]

As Ramadan approaches, Rafah braces for an Israeli ground invasion

In a tent opposite the bathrooms of the UNRWA school in Rafah, Nahed al-Za’im, a mother of five, sits with her sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Her husband, the sole breadwinner for the family, worked as a seller of cleaning supplies, but he lost his source of livelihood due to the Israeli aggression on the Gaza […]

Prather Point: United Nations and the U.S. are funding NGOs to push INVASION USA – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The United Nations – with the help of the U.S. government – is pouring money into non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to drive the migrant… Source

Prather Point: United Nations and the U.S. are funding NGOs to push INVASION USA – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The United Nations – with the help of the U.S. government – is pouring money into non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to drive the migrant… Source

Prather Point: United Nations and the U.S. are funding NGOs to push INVASION USA – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The United Nations – with the help of the U.S. government – is pouring money into non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to drive the migrant… Source

Biden’s INVASION agenda wins: TREASONOUS judge suspends Texas law that allows cops to arrest illegal immigrants

(NaturalNews) The legal showdown between Texas and the Biden administration’s justice system continues as a federal judge recently blocked a new Texas law that… Source

Biden’s INVASION agenda wins: TREASONOUS judge suspends Texas law that allows cops to arrest illegal immigrants

(NaturalNews) The legal showdown between Texas and the Biden administration’s justice system continues as a federal judge recently blocked a new Texas law that… Source

Hilton proudly sponsors the illegal migrant invasion of America

(NaturalNews) Independent journalist, former Green Beret and experienced combat correspondent Michael Yon, who was recently deep inside the Darien Gap, revealed… Source

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