Posts Tagged ‘depopulation’

June “Pride” — Homosexuality is Depopulation & Destablilization

(Most of these young women will not have successful marriages and children) The promotion of homosexuality is designed to depopulate and destabilize society by destroying the nuclear family. How can Lefties be so stupid?   In honor of June, “Gay Pride” month, I re-post the classic 1995 essay by Charles Socarides, a psychiatrist who treated […]

France headed for Depopulation

France, a nation which aggressively pushed the Covid-19 vaccine, is now headed for depopulation. Apparently, birth rates are more difficult to hide than sudden deaths. Their crypto-Phoenician President is now offering fertility checks to his citizenry, in an effort to be pretend-concerned. Some of their brainwashed citizenry are still concerned about sharia law. The post […]

South Korea heading for Rapid Depopulation (And Communist Invasion)

South Korea, a small, technologically advanced country, also has a strong culture of conformity. So the entire population lined up for their Covid19 vaccine shots. And now there are grim predictions that their birth rate has fallen so low, that they are headed for extinction. Of course,the data on deaths following the vaccine is being […]

BlackRock CEO promotes depopulation, substituting humans for machines in developing nations for better quality of life

(NaturalNews) For BlackRock CEO Larry Fink countries with declining populations will be “big winners” when dealing with social problems that come from… Source

Aaron Rodgers Drops Bombshell: ‘Fauci Created AIDS in 80’s as Part of Depopulation Experiment’

New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers has declared that Dr. Anthony Fauci created AIDS in a lab in the 1980’s as part of a sick depopulation experiment on humanity. According to Rodgers, AIDS was the blueprint for the elite’s to test various methods of depopulating the globe. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

Euthanasia Driven Depopulation Agenda

The core tenet of the depopulation agenda has always been to make people want their own demise. Convince people that our earthly resources are finite and that overpopulation is an existential threat to humanity. Once this seedling takes route in the brain stem of a free-willed human being who is indifferent to evil – they […]

Japanese Official Sounds the Alarm: ‘Pandemic Was a Hoax To Push Depopulation Drugs’

A Japanese official has issued an urgent warning to citizens around the world, declaring that the Covid pandemic was a giant hoax by the global elite designed to push “depopulation drugs” on humanity. Top Japanese […] The post Japanese Official Sounds the Alarm: ‘Pandemic Was a Hoax To Push Depopulation Drugs’ appeared first on The […]

News from Poland with Ania K – Exploitation/Abuse and Migration/Depopulation Agenda moving full steam ahead


Nun gives a grave warning regarding the depopulation agenda

april 2 2024 Nun gives a grave warning regarding the depopulation agenda, and calls out the Pope as the spiritual leader of the evil globalists behind it all. She knows! Mirrored From: _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware […]

Interview 1872 – World Depopulation is Right on Track! (NWNW 549)

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: Video player not working? Use these links to watch it somewhere else! WATCH ON:   /  /  /  /  /  or DOWNLOAD […]

Depopulation – Satanists Contrive World Wars to Kill Goyim

Left. “Testament of Youth,” poignantly dramatizes how the First Judeo Masonic World War destroyed young lives. Satanists on both sides start wars to kill Patriots and Christians Western Civilization Died on the Somme a Century Ago On July 1,1916, General Douglas Haig, a Freemason, began the Battle of the Somme which by November resulted in the death of one […]

The Plot Thickens: Uncovering the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in the 2025 Depopulation Forecast released by Deagel

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 11, 2024 • ( 31 COMMENTS ) In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025. We can reveal that […]

Bret Weinstein Confirms Depopulation Agenda: “They Have No Use for Us”

While the entire world tuned into the Super Bowl Sunday evening, evolutionary biologist and Darkhorse Podcast host Bret Weinstein and Alex Jones filmed a two-hour discussion on the fate of humanity. Alex Jones highlighted what he saw as the core problems, mentioning issues like open borders, currency devaluation, and the general destabilization of society. Jones […]


How the Medical Establishment is Working to Facilitate the Depopulation Agenda

19 jan 2024 Dr. David Ayoub MD explains how the medical establishment through certified documentation is working hand in hand with the global cabal to facilitate the depopulation agenda. Radio Liberty Conference 2005, Aptos, California. “…this pandemic that’s goingto come, they’re trying to build the infrastructure to do mass vaccinations in a very, very short […]

Deagel’s Depopulation Forecast confirmed by Heavily Censored Pfizer Documents

A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, gained attention in 2020 for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event across the Western World by 2025. Source

Mortality Watch and Agendas Promoting The Great Depopulation

Before we get into this sensitive topic, let us be clear. There is nothing ‘great’ about The Great Depopulation in the sense of being positive or good. Although there are those on both sides of this spiritual and information war whom do believe it is either wholly good, or a necessary evil. It has greatly saddened me lately to […]

WEF Document From 1991 Exposes Globalist Depopulation Plan in Detail

In 1991 a WEF document was released that detailed the plan to drastically reduce the Earth’s population by the year 2030. On September 22nd, 1991, nine months before the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, a joint WEF and UN Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development was held in Des Moines, Iowa. A document from […]



CIA is behind Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Forecast & Official Excess Death Figures in the Millions prove it’s on Target & not just an Estimation

In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025. We can reveal that recent findings appear to link […]

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