Posts Tagged ‘detail’

Whistleblowers: Majority of Trump security detail weren’t bona fide Secret Service agents

(NaturalNews) Majority of the members of former President Donald Trump’s security detail on July 13 were not bona fide members of the Secret Service, according to… Source

The Burning Question Not Asked: Who Was Head of Butler Secret Service Detail That Day?

Who was the head of the Secret Service detail that day? Who did not give the order to delay Trump taking the stage, or sweep him off as a crowd sounded the alarm? How can cops or Secret Service not see or hear any of this pandemonium in the video below of people yelling “He’s […]

DEEP DIVE: Dishonorable Judge Beryl Howell EXPOSED IN DETAIL! Why the January 6th Judge That Presided Over Rudy Giuliani’s Trial MUST BE IMPEACHED “Trump-Hating Judge Shredded The Constitution”

DEEP DIVE: Dishonorable Judge Beryl Howell EXPOSED IN DETAIL! Why the January 6th Judge That Presided Over Rudy Giuliani’s Trial MUST BE IMPEACHED “Trump-Hating Judge Shredded The Constitution” Source

WEF Document From 1991 Exposes Globalist Depopulation Plan in Detail

In 1991 a WEF document was released that detailed the plan to drastically reduce the Earth’s population by the year 2030. On September 22nd, 1991, nine months before the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, a joint WEF and UN Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development was held in Des Moines, Iowa. A document from […]

Man Painstakingly Crafts Scaled-Down Model of Noah’s Ark to Last Detail, Brings Bible Epic to Life

A nearly-retired construction worker in Virginia spent years of spare evenings and weekends building a perfect replica of Noah’s Ark. Down to the smallest detail, his creation is faithful to one of the Bible’s most enduring epics. Mackie Jenkins, 65, from Washington, D.C. originally, started a Bible study ministry three decades ago in Warrenton, Virginia, […]

The language of grief in ‘Minor Detail’

Adania Shibli’s spare and haunting novel charts two lines, the shift in consciousness between the Nakba era and contemporary times, but also the trajectory that remains constant: racist violence.  Source

Ukrainian veterans detail how Kyiv plundered U.S. aid while wasting soldiers and endangering civilians

(Natural News) Ukraine has yet to formally ‘lose’ the war against Russia following Moscow’s invasion in late February, but according to several of the country’s military veterans, it’s just a matter of time before that happens. “The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to […]

Ukrainian veterans detail how Kyiv plundered U.S. aid while wasting soldiers and endangering civilians

(Natural News) Ukraine has yet to formally ‘lose’ the war against Russia following Moscow’s invasion in late February, but according to several of the country’s military veterans, it’s just a matter of time before that happens. “The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to […]

Ukrainian veterans detail how Kyiv plundered U.S. aid while wasting soldiers and endangering civilians

(Natural News) Ukraine has yet to formally ‘lose’ the war against Russia following Moscow’s invasion in late February, but according to several of the country’s military veterans, it’s just a matter of time before that happens. “The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to […]

Ukrainian veterans detail how Kyiv plundered U.S. aid while wasting soldiers and endangering civilians

(Natural News) Ukraine has yet to formally ‘lose’ the war against Russia following Moscow’s invasion in late February, but according to several of the country’s military veterans, it’s just a matter of time before that happens. “The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to […]

Ukrainian veterans detail how Kyiv plundered U.S. aid while wasting soldiers and endangering civilians

(Natural News) Ukraine has yet to formally ‘lose’ the war against Russia following Moscow’s invasion in late February, but according to several of the country’s military veterans, it’s just a matter of time before that happens. “The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to […]

Ukrainian veterans detail how Kyiv plundered U.S. aid while wasting soldiers and endangering civilians

(Natural News) Ukraine has yet to formally ‘lose’ the war against Russia following Moscow’s invasion in late February, but according to several of the country’s military veterans, it’s just a matter of time before that happens. “The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to […]

Vice President Mike Pence’s Security Detail Feared For Their Lives on Jan. 6

The security detail protecting former Vice President Mike Pence expressed fear for their own lives during the violence of Jan. 6, 2021, according to fresh Congressional testimony revealed on Thursday night.  Some feared they would have to fire their service weapons “or worse,” and discussed saying goodbye to their family members as the attack played […]

New files expose Australian govt’s betrayal of Julian Assange and detail his prison torment

Documents provided exclusively to The Grayzone detail Canberra’s abandonment of Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, and provide shocking details of his prison suffering Was the government of Australia aware of the US Central Intelligence Agency plot to assassinate Julian Assange, an Australian citizen and journalist arrested and now imprisoned under unrelentingly bleak, harsh conditions in […]

FBI Releases Document with Detail of Alien Bodies, Spacecraft and Planet

The Document declassified by the FBI states: “…Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control, and the bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter…” The crafts possess a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any […]

‘They ran barefoot in the streets,’ Palestinians detail fleeing shelling and airstrikes

At least 38,000 Palestinians have fled their homes and sought shelter in schools run by the United Nations as hundreds of houses were completely destroyed in airstrikes since last Monday, in the most serious escalation in Gaza between Israel and Hamas in the past seven years. Most were displaced beginning late last week when ceasefire […]

Hacked emails allegedly detail how EU drug regulator was Pressured to approve Pfizer jab despite ‘problems’

    An alleged cache of email exchanges between EU officials and the European Medicines Agency show that the drug regulator was uncomfortable about fast-tracking approval for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid jabs, Le Monde has reported. The EMA has claimed that the contents of the messages, which were obtained by hackers and published on […]

This pandemic was planned ten years ago down to the last detail | Ghana President Nano Afuko-Addo

Ghana President Exposed World Lockdown Plot Last JuneOCTOBER 20, 2020 AT 10:10 AMHenry Makow Henry Listen to this 14-min speech. In June, Ghana President Nano Afuko-Addo basically outlined what is now happening in October, and confirms the Ottawa World Lockdown Leak posted here. This pandemic was planned ten years ago down to the last […]

Devil’s in the detail: Exorcism guidebook translated into English for first time

There is a catch, however, as distribution of ‘Exorcisms and Related Supplications’ is restricted to bishops, though others, including exorcists, scholars, and seminarians, can get ahold of a copy if a bishop agrees. “Given that there’s less facility in Latin than there used to be, even among priests, it opens the door to more priests […]

Strange Mars pits captured in incredible detail (VIDEO)

The mesmerizing footage, captured in March of this year, was shared by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter imaging project, HiRise. READ MORE: Mesmerizing Martian clouds captured by NASA rover (VIDEO) Protonilus Mensae is an area of Mars in the Ismenius Lacus quadrangle. The terrain features cliffs, flat-topped hills, and wide valleys, believed to have been formed […]

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