Posts Tagged ‘planned’

mRNA Non Vaccine Killer Jabs Are Working Great Just As Planned

Millions dead, millions disabled to die later, millions sterilized so they can not reproduce. And all for a mythical non existent imaginary “virus”. 223 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever No Worries No Virus Trump cheerled the killer jab in America and still […]

Dallas church with link to Planned Parenthood faces backlash after opening pro-abortion pregnancy resource center

(NaturalNews) A pro-abortion church in Dallas, Texas, is facing backlash after opening a pregnancy resource center (PRC) that aims to “counter anti-abortion… Source

Docs Reveal Israel-Iran Conflict Planned 100 Years Ago To Spark World War 3

The Israel-Iran conflict is an “inside job” by the globalist elite who are working to ensure the conflict will light the fuse to ignite a “holy war” that will spiral out of control into World […] The post Docs Reveal Israel-Iran Conflict Planned 100 Years Ago To Spark World War 3 appeared first on The […]

Expanding Middle East War. Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, The War on Energy, Strategic Waterways

Opening video available at link. No holds barred comprehensive information and analysis by MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY including several clear maps and graphs. Be prepared, this is long, but of the usual high quality from M.C., and worth our time.   We stand in Solidarity with Palestine. But we must recognize that the United States Military and Intelligence apparatus is firmly […]

Israel’s planned slaughter of genetically engineered red heifers will herald Temple rebuilding, unveiling of Antichrist (Jewish messiah)

(NaturalNews) The reason for the October 7 “Operation Al Aqsa Flood” Hamas attack on Israel has everything to do with the “five perfectly red heifers” that were… Source

Investigation finds evidence that Planned Parenthood is selling body parts of aborted babies

Investigation finds evidence that Planned Parenthood is selling body parts of aborted babies Documents secured by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a pro-life organization, through a public records request has found that the University of California, San Diego has been purchasing the body parts of aborted babies from Planned Parenthood. The “Biological Transfer Agreement” uncovered by […]

Baltimore Bridge Collapse a ‘Well-Planned Strategic Attack’ on America’s Supply Chain: Lara Logan

“This is a brilliant, well-planned strategic attack on one of the most important supply chains in the United States of America,” investigative journalist Lara Logan told Steve Bannon on The War Room. “Why are you coming to the mic telling the country that it’s not terrorism when your own intelligence agencies are telling you it […]

Missouri AG sues Planned Parenthood for trafficking minors to get abortions in other states

Missouri AG sues Planned Parenthood for trafficking minors to get abortions in other states Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is suing Planned Parenthood for “trafficking” minors out of the state so they can undergo abortions without obtaining parental consent. The legal action has been in the works for several years, and its goal is to […]

Planned Parenthood accused of trafficking minors to carry out more abortions

(NaturalNews) Missouri’s Republican attorney general sued a Planned Parenthood affiliate, accusing it of helping minors travel to Kansas to get abortions without… Source

Highly Engineered Bitcoin Revolution Carried Out To Normalize Long-Planned Government-Regulated Digital Currencies (See Psyop Below)

READ HERE: The Next Financial Crisis Could Trigger A Bitcoin Revolution   Source

45 Pedophiles Who Planned To Eat Children Arrested on Sickening Array of Child Sex Charges

Forty-five pedophiles have been arrested by authorities in Greenville County, South Carolina on charges ranging from child trafficking, human trafficking, child sexual abuse, and cannibalism. “Sheriff told us about a man who he said wanted […] The post 45 Pedophiles Who Planned To Eat Children Arrested on Sickening Array of Child Sex Charges appeared first […]

Censorship expert Mike Benz says 2020 election RIG for Biden was planned at least SEVEN MONTHS ahead of time

(NaturalNews) The Pentagon led a massive censorship campaign to stop Donald Trump from winning the 2020 presidential election, explained censorship expert Mike… Source

Were COVID lockdowns and “distance learning” PLANNED to make today’s kids and the next generation of adults DUMB ENOUGH to vote for more communism?

Were COVID lockdowns and “distance learning” PLANNED to make today’s kids and the next generation of adults DUMB ENOUGH to vote for more communism? No, it’s not enough that Americans are force-fed processed, nutrition-void food stuff and fluoridated water to lower their IQ, but we all had to endure COVID lockdowns and “distance-learning,” which should […]

Planned BBC smear on UK Palestinians will rely on Israeli spy source

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada John Ware will soon front a new BBC attack on British Palestinians. (BBC/Al Jazeera) Citing Israeli “terror” allegations, the BBC plans to broadcast an attack on prominent British Palestinians in a television program presented by pro-Israel reporter John Ware. The Electronic Intifada has learned that the episode of Panorama […]

Australian Senator Has Legislative Proof Covid Was Planned Decades Ago: ‘We Will Expose Your Global Agenda’

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts has proof the Covid-19 pandemic was “planned and globally coordinated” decades in advance by globalist figures determined to seize totalitarian control of humanity. “It has become clear that people in this […] The post Australian Senator Has Legislative Proof Covid Was Planned Decades Ago: ‘We Will Expose Your Global Agenda’ appeared […]

Muckraker Releases Several “Mass Migration Blueprints” Used by Leftwing NGOs and the UN in the Planned and Organized Invasion into America

Muckraker Releases Several “Mass Migration Blueprints” Used by Leftwing NGOs and the UN in the Planned and Organized Invasion into America Source

“Mass Migration Blueprints” Reveal NGOs “Carefully Planned” US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

What’s becoming increasingly evident is that a network of NGOs funded partly by the US taxpayer but by other countries and corporations are covertly facilitating the invasion of illegals at the US southern border, as well as distributing them across the US into progressive metro areas. Source

UFC Superstar Could Save Ireland From Planned Globalist Collapse

Legendary UFC fighter Conor McGregor may run for president in his home country of Ireland, according to recent social media posts by the MMA icon. McGregor was recently placed under investigation by the Irish government for “online hate speech” over his criticism of the nation’s mass migration policies and failure to protect its citizens from […]

Oh, and by the way, this is just the first of several terrorists attacks planned by the Deep State Uniparty and executed by the U.S. Intelligence Community to keep Americans in fear throughout this holiday weekend.


Pre-planned conflict between Israel and Hamas a mere CONTINUATION of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG plot

Pre-planned conflict between Israel and Hamas a mere CONTINUATION of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG plot For many decades, modern-day Israel has been stonewalled in its ongoing efforts to expand its borders as part of the Zionist-led “Greater Israel” project, mainly by Hezbollah, which continues to be a restraining force keeping Israel’s plans at bay. Even […]

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