Posts Tagged ‘array’

The dizzying array of legal threats to Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro

SAO PAULO — Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro has been a target for investigations since his early days in office, and the swarm of cases have multiplied since his failed reelection campaign in 2022. Authorities have been looking into everything from allegations he conspired to incite an uprising aimed at ousting his successor, to questions […]

45 Pedophiles Who Planned To Eat Children Arrested on Sickening Array of Child Sex Charges

Forty-five pedophiles have been arrested by authorities in Greenville County, South Carolina on charges ranging from child trafficking, human trafficking, child sexual abuse, and cannibalism. “Sheriff told us about a man who he said wanted […] The post 45 Pedophiles Who Planned To Eat Children Arrested on Sickening Array of Child Sex Charges appeared first […]

Democrat Mayor Arrested on Sickening Array of Pedophilia Charges Resigns Citing ‘Mental Health’ Issues

A Democrat mayor has been arrested on a sickening array of pedophilia charges after he was caught distributing child pornography to a network of pedophiles operating in his district. On Thursday, authorities announced that Patrick Wojahn, the mayor of College Park, Maryland, had been arrested on 40 counts of possessing child exploitative material and 16 […]

Drag Queen Youth Counselor Arrested and Charged With Sickening Array of Child Sex Crimes

An award-winning drag queen who counseled children at a “safe haven” for LGBTQ+ youth in Pennsylvania has been arrested and charged with a sickening array of child sex crimes, according to local reports. According to […] The post Drag Queen Youth Counselor Arrested and Charged With Sickening Array of Child Sex Crimes appeared first on […]

A Simple Song on an Array Mbira

Unique and new instruments are always fascinating. This one has a nice sound. From Wikipedia: The array mbira /əmˈbɪərə/ is a hand-crafted modern musical instrument with a unique harp- or bell-like sound. It is made in the United States by its inventor Bill Wesley and manufactured by Wesley with Patrick Hadley in San Diego, California, […]

Lycopene is found in a variety of fruits, offering an array of antioxidant carotenoid benefits

(Natural News) Lycopene, a compound that occurs in a variety of fruits, provides antioxidant carotenoid benefits, according to a study published in the journal Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. The study looked at the lycopene content of various fresh fruits, which included tomatoes, watermelons, jackfruits, bananas, grapes, oranges, and papayas. The researcher […]

Cabin air on commercial flights can be filled with a vast array of toxic chemicals that cause seizures and nausea

(Natural News) Cabin air that circulates in commercial flights contain toxic chemicals that are detrimental to the public health, according to a report published in The potentially poisonous fumes may result in a condition called aerotoxic syndrome, which may result in blurred vision, seizures, and headaches as well as nausea, diarrhea, and even breathing difficulties. […]

Grab a sick bag: Video of Hillary Clinton ‘lying for 13 minutes straight’ has gone viral

     Democratic presidential front- runner Hillary Clinton has come under fire in a new viral video that purports to show her lying or changing her stance on various topics “for 13 minutes straight” with the set of clips notching up over 7 million hits online. The video is a long highlight reel of Ms Clinton […]

360 video: Dozens of people pay tribute to victims of Brussels attacks

Brussels airport and Metro bombings The terror attacks rocked the Belgian capital on Tuesday morning. Two explosions went off in the departure hall of Brussels’ Zaventem Airport at around 8 a.m. local time, with at least one of them being a suicide bombing. A third blast occurred at the Maalbeek Metro station, near the European […]

UN Votes in Favor of Ending Cuban Blockade 191-2

Once again, the United States and Israel voted against the motion to end economic sanctions. The United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of lifting the blockade against Cuba Tuesday, with only the U.S. and Israel voting against. The initiative has been backed by the majority of members for the last 23 years. Secretary-General Ban […]

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