Posts Tagged ‘long’

Minsk: Belarus is Ready to Become the Western Gate of China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Royce Mann, boy who recited ‘white privilege’ poem, revealed to be Jewish

Now I realize that it’s quite possible to find 14-year old White boys who, having endured a standard American education, would deplore their White privilege — that they are an “ethnomasochists” as John Derbyshire would have it. But it also seems to me that it’s more likely that such sentiments would come from a Jewish […]

The Developer Behind Latest Augmented Reality Craze

Google was well represented at AYM’s summits. At the 2008 New York summit (.pdf), Google attendees included Vice President New Business Development Megan Smith, Director of New Business Development Gisel Hiscock, and Principal in the New Business Development Team Katie Stanton. Also in attendance was Jared Cohen who at the time represented the US State Department, […]


Facebook recently began tracking and serving ads to web users who don’t even have an account on the social media site. In doing so, Facebook also quietly changed the ad settings of its users without their consent. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, Facebook will target both users and non-users across the web to […]

Iran’s intelligence minister says more terrorist elements identified

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Tuesday, Alawi said the Intelligence Ministry has recently arrested 6 people with links with the terrorist groups who had plans to carry out attacks in Iran during religious events in the holy month of Ramadan and on the International Quds Day, which was marked on July 1. According to […]

Introducing Heathen Women!

I just wanted to share a quick video that I made, as an introduction to my new website. It’s called ‘Heathen Women’ and it consists of a group of White Nationalist Heathen women from all over the world. We write about current events, White issues, women’s issues, homesteading, self defense and parenting. I am always […]

This Is Exactly Why Jim Carrey Called Out “Government Fascism” In Response To Mandatory Vaccination Law

When the passing of a mandatory vaccine law for children in California took place in 2015, various public figures and activists, including Jim Carrey, took to social media to voice their thoughts around the new mandate. The bill removes all exemptions to vaccine requirements for school entry except those medically indicated.  The law applies to […]

The Big Failure That Hillary Kept Secret For 30 Years‏

The first time Bill Clinton proposed to Hillary Rodham was at twilight in England’s romantic Lake District in the spring of 1973. She declined. The couple had recently graduated from Yale Law School and were at a crossroads in their two-year relationship. While the spurned Bill returned home to teach at the University of Arkansas and prepare to run […]

Turkey has Failed to Meet EU Conditions for Visa-Free Travel – But Let’s Let the Roaches in Anyway, Hm?

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 21, 2016 Might as well let em all in anyway. Europe needs more Moslems, and this is a quick way to get tens of millions. Turkey was hoping its citizens would be allowed visa-free travel to most of the EU by this month. It was part of the migrant deal between […]

Economic agreements between Iran, Russia should be implemented 2016-2017

Iran’s ambassador to Russia called for speeding up cooperation between the two countries’ businesses ST. PETERSBURG, June 16. /TASS/. Trading relations between Russia and Iran fall short of the current level of the political dialog and need improvement, Iran’s ambassador to Russia, Mehdi Sanaei, said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Our relations are […]

Court to Californians: No Automatic Concealed Carry Rights for You!

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled this week , on a seven to four vote, ruled that California residents do not have an automatic right to carry a concealed weapon. According to the court: “The protection of […]

Las Vegas School Cop Charged With Assaulting Student and Staff Member With Baton Enters Plea

In May, Officer James Lescinsky became the latest in a growing number of Las Vegas school cops to be implicated in a violent crime and/or official misconduct. Lescinsky, while employed by the Clark County School District Police in North Las Vegas, is accused of assaulting both a student and a school staff member with his […]

Democratic Leadership Is Missing In Action On Mass Incarceration

Print Friendly Above Photo: Thinkstock  Sentencing reform will be a compromise between moderate and conservative Republicans, unless Democrats finally come to the table. PETITION: Tell Democratic and Republican Leaders to Get On Board With Ending Mass Incarceration Even though it now looks like Americans will be deprived the drama of a contested Republican convention, the gathering in […]

Grab a sick bag: Video of Hillary Clinton ‘lying for 13 minutes straight’ has gone viral

     Democratic presidential front- runner Hillary Clinton has come under fire in a new viral video that purports to show her lying or changing her stance on various topics “for 13 minutes straight” with the set of clips notching up over 7 million hits online. The video is a long highlight reel of Ms Clinton […]

Irish and Dutch governments join Sweden in speaking out for right to call for BDS

The Dutch and Irish governments have publicly stated that calls for a boycott of Israel are legitimate, with the Dutch foreign minister saying that advocating and campaigning for Palestinian rights through the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel are “protected by the freedom of expression”. The statements dealt a serious blow to […]

Magnitude 5.5 earthquake hits near the island of Crete in Greece

     Greek authorities say a strong earthquake with preliminary magnitude 5.5 has occurred off the southern island of Crete, but no damage or injuries have been reported. Athens University’s Geodynamic Institute says the undersea quake struck at 11:36 a.m. Wednesday, 30 kilometres (19 miles) south-southeast of Crete’s southeastern tip. Greece is one of the world’s […]

Glyphosate found to create ‘mutant’ offspring when fed to pigs – cranial deformations, missing eyes and transgender organ development

(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) deemed glyphosate as probably carcinogenic to humans last year, but the adverse impact of the herbicide extends beyond a heightened risk for cancer. A study conducted by a team of researchers from Germany and Egypt found that pigs fed glyphosate spawned “mutant” offspring, plagued by malformations, missing […]


Burning the resin of a Boswellia tree as an incense has been a component in religious and cultural ceremony for milennia, for it is said that its aroma contributes to spiritual exaltation. Also known as frankincense and olibanum, Boswellia resin has been mentioned in numerous ancient texts including the old testament for its mystical capabilities […]

American doctor sends brutal warning to the public: Money, marketing and legislation are fueling the opioid epidemic

(NaturalNews) Practicing physician Ronald Hirsch is fed up with all the incessant marketing and over-prescription of opioid painkillers going on in the field of medicine. He knows that big money is influencing the incessant marketing of opioids. Hospital staff members are often trained to try and please patients by offering them pain relief […]

Denying Cannabis and Its True Nature

Looking back fifty years, one can see obvious differences in the public’s general state of health. Current data shows that more than 44% of people who died in 2009 had been diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life and these figures are increasing. by Ryan Cristian Around 1,660,290 new cancer cases are expected […]

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