Posts Tagged ‘baton’

UFO NEWS ~ 2 Ufos Caught In Baton Rouge Louisiana! plus MORE

» “We Should Prepare Now” – Elon Musk FINAL WARNING (2021)Yesterday at 4:08 pm by PurpleSkyz » U.S. Court Vindicates Patriot Edward SnowdenYesterday at 12:19 pm by PurpleSkyz » Report dismisses Havana Syndrome theoriesYesterday at 12:05 pm by PurpleSkyz » CRISPR: The future or undoing of humanity? – Walter IsaacsonYesterday at 12:03 pm by PurpleSkyz » Data shows US counties with most UFO reportsYesterday […]

Joe Biden Picks Up the Baton from Barack Obama

Barack Obama, the once US President, member of the Democratic Party, and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, fought four wars. Republican Donald Trump who succeeded him preferred not to increase the number of war zones and conflicts involving the United States Armed Forces. It is thus not surprising that some members of the international community […]

Is Turkey in a Hurry to Take the Relay Baton from the US in Afghanistan?

In a recent interview with Reuters, Turkish officials announced Turkey’s readiness to occupy the Kabul airport after US troops withdraw, and to take over managing and protecting it. Turkey articulated this proposal back at a NATO meeting in May, when Washington and its allies agreed on a plan for withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan. On […]

Symphony of the Holocaust – Mengele Directed jews to the Gas Chamber with a Conductor’s Baton!

If you question this jew’s story about the chosen ones getting sent to the gas chamber by baton-wielding Mengele, then you can be sent to the gulags in many countries today. Link Share now! Source

U.S. Jewish Groups Pick Up the Baton and take the lead at anti-Trump Women’s March

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[WATCH] St. Louis Cops Caught on Video Beating Mentally Ill Man with Baton and Punches

St. Louis Metropolitan police were caught on video viciously beating a mentally ill man because he wouldn’t respond to orders of “put your fucking hands behind your back” – once again reminding us why it’s best to never call police when dealing with family issues. After all, you can’t expect help from people who are […]

Video: Police Officer Who Beat Woman With Baton Had 14 Previous Use of Force Incidents

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Two ex-Baton Rouge Cops Acquitted of Sex-Related Abuse Won’t Get Police Jobs Back

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Photo Shows Cop Break Baton On Student’s Face

(Credit: Luiz da Luz) GOIAS, BRAZIL — A photo is circulating online showing a protester being hit with so much force by a military police officer that the officer’s baton snapped upon impact. It another painful reminder that police misconduct is a global phenomenon, and is fundamentally a human rights […]

Republican National Convention Watch: Update 2.1 – The real reason the Bushes didn’t show up at the Convention

Over the course of the next few days, I’ll be doing my best approximation of a live feed to cover the RNC in Cleveland and any other globalist-related news that crosses my radar. For your convenience in reading it, I’ll place each new update at the top. [Update 2.1 – 19 July 2016] The real […]

Turkish Deputy Mayor killed After Attacker Storms Office In Istanbul

The deputy mayor of Istanbul’s Sisli district, Camil Candas, a member of the Turkish opposition party CHP has been shot dead at city hall. Candas was shot in the head and killed on Monday by an unknown assailant. The Jewish mayor was initially reported to be in a critical condition by Turkish broadcaster NTV. Individual […]

Israeli rabbis say ‘ gays are disabled people’

Two prominent Israeli rabbis described gays and lesbians as “disabled people” and are in an urgent need to psychological treatment to be straight. Chief Israeli Jewish Rabbi of Ramat Gan Yaakov Ariel, one of the leaders of Religious Zionism, stated that the members of the gay and lesbian community are “disabled people suffering from a […]

Iran to release vendor list of foreign investors in oil sector

  TEHRAN, July 18 (Shana) – Managing director of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said the company is preparing the preliminaries for issuing the first tender based on newly-developed oil contracts to develop the country’s oil and gas fields, adding the company will release a vendor list of eligible international energy companies for developing the […]

The Travesty Of Justice Ginsburg

The Travesty Of Justice Ginsburg Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids The Travesty Of Justice GinsburgJuly 18, 2016 © Watch ‘EU-Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ For More See: Jewish Tyranny At Supreme Court Click Here And: The Constitution’s Fatal Flaw Click Here And: Gay Marriage Or States Rights? Click Here And: Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Agenda Click Here And: […]

Brexit, 2019?

Brexit, 2019? July 17th, 2016 Via: AFP: The minister charged with securing new trade deals for Britain outside the EU said Sunday he was aiming for a Brexit date of January 1, 2019, as London made overtures towards Australia and Canada. “That’s the date […]

Royce Mann, boy who recited ‘white privilege’ poem, revealed to be Jewish

Now I realize that it’s quite possible to find 14-year old White boys who, having endured a standard American education, would deplore their White privilege — that they are an “ethnomasochists” as John Derbyshire would have it. But it also seems to me that it’s more likely that such sentiments would come from a Jewish […]

ISISrael’s Terror & Subversion in Bangladesh

  July 17, 2016 The Masonic Jewish banksters are instigating terror attacks in Asia to prove that the world is under attack by radical Islam and not by Cabalist Judaism. Al Qaeda/”Daesh”/ISIS are nothing more than a gang of hitmen tied into local organized crime guided by the intelligence services of Israel, India, and the […]

The Developer Behind Latest Augmented Reality Craze

Google was well represented at AYM’s summits. At the 2008 New York summit (.pdf), Google attendees included Vice President New Business Development Megan Smith, Director of New Business Development Gisel Hiscock, and Principal in the New Business Development Team Katie Stanton. Also in attendance was Jared Cohen who at the time represented the US State Department, […]

Gavin Long, named as Baton Rouge gunman, was marine with online alias

Gavin Long, the man identified on Sunday as the deadly shooter of police officers in Baton Rouge, left behind an online trail to web pages featuring complaints about the treatment of African Americans by police. “You gotta fight back,” he urged viewers in a video […]

Iran deal is still imperilled by deep state– hardliners, Israel lobby, Hillary Clinton

Nearly a year after the Iran deal passed, it is still in treacherous waters. Hardliners in the American power structure want to capsize the deal. They include neoconservatives inside the Beltway who have the ear of administration officials, the Israel lobby, and Hillary Clinton’s braintrust too. And it’s all happening in plain sight. Because the […]

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