Posts Tagged ‘Duke’

Palestinian boy of 12 in occupied West Bank is killed by rubber-coated steel bullet

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem Israeli soldiers kill 12-year-old Palestinian with rubber bullet during clashes in West Bank RAMALLAH (Ma‘an) 19 July — A 12-year-old Palestinian was killed Tuesday evening during clashes with Israeli soldiers in the town of al-Ram north of Jerusalem in the central occupied West Bank after he was […]

Dirty Jews Embarrass Melania To Get At Trump

Melania Trump Plagiarism – The Real Scandal From DAVID DUKE [who the brainwashing Jews ALWAYS make sure to add “former Grand Pooh-Bah in the KKK” to his name so people know to hate him — INCOG] Since I made this video I have analyzed the whole silly scandal and the inescapable logic that this was intentional sabotage […]

Israeli forces kidnap 20 Palestinians in West Bank

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation forces kidnapped on Tuesday 20 Palestinians in occupied West Bank cities, including six university students. Several families reported Israeli occupation raided their homes, carried out thorough search and kidnapping their sons. The Palestinian Prisoner Club (PPC) reported that 20 Palestinian were kidnapped during the arrest and inspection campaign. […]

Dr. David Duke talks about Media Lies about Melania Trump & How no one Dares to Say a Word in Support of White People!

Dr. David Duke talks about Media Lies about Melania Trump & How  no one Dares to Say a Word in Support of White People Dr. David Duke Radio Show for Tuesday, July 19, 2016 !   Click here and look for the show dated 7-19-16. Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed […]

Israeli rabbis say ‘ gays are disabled people’

Two prominent Israeli rabbis described gays and lesbians as “disabled people” and are in an urgent need to psychological treatment to be straight. Chief Israeli Jewish Rabbi of Ramat Gan Yaakov Ariel, one of the leaders of Religious Zionism, stated that the members of the gay and lesbian community are “disabled people suffering from a […]


BOLSHEVISM FROM MOSES TO LENIN: A DIALOGUE BETWEEN ADOLF HITLER AND ME  –  MUST READ Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin: Zwiegespräch zwischen Hitler und mir (“Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: Dialogues Between Hitler and Me”) was first published in 1925 after it was found among the paper of Dietrich Eckhart. Much debate exists if […]

Possible Clinton VP choice, an ex-NATO chief, slammed Iran deal and has close Israel ties: Zio-Watch, July 13, 2016

The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has lost 12 percent of the territory it already held in Syria and Iraq in the first half of 2016, a British think tank says. According to a report released by the IHS Conflict Monitor on Sunday, the territories under the control of Daesh, which started its reign of terror in […]

HAPPENING: At Least 30 Dead In France Terrorist Attack!

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 14, 2016 That’s quite the carnage. Another horrifying attack on the French is underway. This time, in the city of Nice, in southern France. The Daily Star: A truck has ploughed into crowds celebrating France’s national day in a terror attack – killing at least 30 people and injuring 100 injured. The truck […]

BDS victory in Mennonite Church Canada

The BDS Movement celebrated a victory at the Mennonite Church Canada Assembly this weekend in Saskatoon, with an overwhelming majority of delegates supporting a resolution on that encourages BDS. With 350 delegates in attendance only one person opposed the resolution. This resolution is in part a response to the 2009 Kairos Document that was prepared […]

Israeli forces shoot five Palestinians during raid of Sa’ir as siege of southern West Bank continues

Violence / Detentions — Jerusalem / West Bank Israeli forces violently suppress clashes in sealed Hebron village in wake of shooting HEBRON (Ma‘an) 10 July — Israeli forces shot and injured at least five Palestinians and detained three others in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron overnight Saturday, as Israeli forces continued to […]

Hillary Clinton has a decision to make

Elie Wiesel might have been the  most moral man to have come out of the Jewish people in the last thousand years, but at the same time, he was also inarguably an enemy to the Palestinian people. That should not be controversial. The late Israeli politician Yossi Sarid called Wiesel an “ethnic cleanser in a […]

Separation and conquest: Israel’s ideological barrier

In 2002 the Israeli Government decided to construct “a barrier” separating the West Bank and Israel with the declared purpose of improving the security of Israel by preventing Palestinians from entering Israel without first being cleared at a checkpoint. Today, the Annexation and Segregation Wall consists partly of concrete slabs, which are eight to nine […]

The Daily Shoah #92: Episode 88 Part 5 of 14 Live

Comments are now located on a separate page. You can follow the link at the bottom of each article, or you can view all comments threads on the bbs. We also have forums where you can post your own topics. News Forum General Discussion Forum Join us! Source Article from

The Orthodox Nationalist: Trump’s Campaign and Elite-Financed Hate – What Does the Law Say?

Radio Aryan July 5, 2016 Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson investigates the terrorist campaign designed to intimidate Trump supporters and prevent them from attending his rallies. These enemies of free speech are breaking all sorts of laws with their behaviour, but because they are funded by big business and corporate interests they appear to be avoiding […]

‘Kill Palestinians to get closer to God,’ Israeli rabbi says

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -An Israeli Jewish rabbi described on Sunday the Palestinians as “monsters,” calling for slaughtering them to “get closer to God.” Chief Rabbi of Safed and Member of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate Council Shmuel Eliyahu said: “The Palestinians are monsters and killing them is a religious duty.” Speaking to the Israeli TV Channel 7, […]

Most recent poll shows Trump passing up Hillary

Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery — Donald Trump had a few bad weeks, culminating in the press and the establishment beating him up for stating that the reason he was being treated unfairly by a judge might be because of the judge’s Mexican heritage. (What an racist outrage to think that someone who belongs to […]

The Daily Traditionalist: Rick Tyler – Make America White Again

Radio Aryan June 29, 2016 Matthew Heimbach is joined today by special guest Rick Tyler, a long-time activist who is now running for Congress in Tennessee. ‘Rick Tyler for Congress’ has been everywhere due to his billboards, which say ‘Make America White Again’ and ‘I Have a Dream’. This was all planned in order to […]

The Daily Traditionalist: Brown Savages in Small White Communities

Radio Aryan June 28, 2016 Matthew Heimbach is joined by Azzmador to talk about the impact of refugee resettlement on American communities, specifically the recent horrific rape of a 5 year old girl by a group of these juvenile savages. Azzmador points out that where these crimes happen over a wide area in America, people […]

Turkish-Israeli deal partially lifts Israeli siege on Gaza

Turkey announced on Monday a deal to normalise relations with the Israeli occupation state. The deal partially lifts 10-year-old Israeli siege on Gaza. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that after the deal, set to be signed Tuesday, his country and Israel would again have ambassador representation in each other’s country. Also under the deal, […]

The Daily Traditionalist: The Calm Before the Storm

Radio Aryan June 22, 2016 Yes you should hide your head in shame, allowing a bull-dyke like that to straddle your tank A storm knocked out Matthew Heimbach’s internet so for the first half of the show we have Brett Light joining Sven Longshanks to talk about what is happening in Australia and once Matt […]

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