Posts Tagged ‘dr’

More attacks on trains expected ‘at any time’ – German police

Railways in Germany are subject to increased security threats “that can manifest themselves in a successful attack at any time,” the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) said in an internal report cited by Focus magazine.  Ax-wielding Afghan teen attacks German railway passengers Threats to railway transport will remain a “considerable issue,” the report stressed. It comes […]

Dirty Jews Embarrass Melania To Get At Trump

Melania Trump Plagiarism – The Real Scandal From DAVID DUKE [who the brainwashing Jews ALWAYS make sure to add “former Grand Pooh-Bah in the KKK” to his name so people know to hate him — INCOG] Since I made this video I have analyzed the whole silly scandal and the inescapable logic that this was intentional sabotage […]

Israeli forces kidnap 20 Palestinians in West Bank

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation forces kidnapped on Tuesday 20 Palestinians in occupied West Bank cities, including six university students. Several families reported Israeli occupation raided their homes, carried out thorough search and kidnapping their sons. The Palestinian Prisoner Club (PPC) reported that 20 Palestinian were kidnapped during the arrest and inspection campaign. […]

Dr. David Duke talks about Media Lies about Melania Trump & How no one Dares to Say a Word in Support of White People!

Dr. David Duke talks about Media Lies about Melania Trump & How  no one Dares to Say a Word in Support of White People Dr. David Duke Radio Show for Tuesday, July 19, 2016 !   Click here and look for the show dated 7-19-16. Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed […]

Why Turkey coup bid fail?

Alwaght- The experts who are following the Turkish social and political developments for years have described the coup attempt by some army units against the Turkish government as highly strange and at the same time complicated move. The coup was conducted in such an uncalculated way as if it came down from nothing, and actually […]

Truth-in-labeling proponents bombard White House with 250k petition signatures demanding Obama veto bill that strips away Americans’ right to know about GMOs

(NaturalNews) 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the final stop for a controversial bill recently passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, that would scrap state laws like those of Vermont that mandate package labeling for foods that contain genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). And more than 250,000 advocates for truth-in-labeling are now petitioning […]


BOLSHEVISM FROM MOSES TO LENIN: A DIALOGUE BETWEEN ADOLF HITLER AND ME  –  MUST READ Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin: Zwiegespräch zwischen Hitler und mir (“Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: Dialogues Between Hitler and Me”) was first published in 1925 after it was found among the paper of Dietrich Eckhart. Much debate exists if […]

Possible Clinton VP choice, an ex-NATO chief, slammed Iran deal and has close Israel ties: Zio-Watch, July 13, 2016

The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has lost 12 percent of the territory it already held in Syria and Iraq in the first half of 2016, a British think tank says. According to a report released by the IHS Conflict Monitor on Sunday, the territories under the control of Daesh, which started its reign of terror in […]

The Daily Shoah #92: Episode 88 Part 5 of 14 Live

Comments are now located on a separate page. You can follow the link at the bottom of each article, or you can view all comments threads on the bbs. We also have forums where you can post your own topics. News Forum General Discussion Forum Join us! Source Article from

Putin: America Is Not A Democracy

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that America is not really a democracy, arguing that a shadowy elite secretly run the country behind the scenes.  In the video [below] Putin asks “do you really think the United States is a democracy?” reports: It has become almost commonplace to say that we live in a corporatocracy, […]

Pentagon military nurses take ‘zombie pandemic’ course to train for real life outbreaks

     The US Department of Defense is using an animated online course about a zombie pandemic to teach active-duty military nurses about population health. There are actual Pentagon guidelines for a zombie outbreak as well. Do they know something we don’t? Military nurses studying for their doctorate at the Uniformed Services University of the Healthcare […]

‘Kill Palestinians to get closer to God,’ Israeli rabbi says

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -An Israeli Jewish rabbi described on Sunday the Palestinians as “monsters,” calling for slaughtering them to “get closer to God.” Chief Rabbi of Safed and Member of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate Council Shmuel Eliyahu said: “The Palestinians are monsters and killing them is a religious duty.” Speaking to the Israeli TV Channel 7, […]

Nazi ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele ‘Created Twin Town in Brazil’

The Nazi doctor Josef Mengele is responsible for the astonishing number of twins in a small Brazilian town, an Argentine historian has claimed. By Nick Evans / Additions by Alexander Light The steely hearted “Angel of Death”, whose mission was to create a master race fit for the Third Reich, was the resident medic at […]

Most recent poll shows Trump passing up Hillary

Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery — Donald Trump had a few bad weeks, culminating in the press and the establishment beating him up for stating that the reason he was being treated unfairly by a judge might be because of the judge’s Mexican heritage. (What an racist outrage to think that someone who belongs to […]

The Daily Traditionalist: Rick Tyler – Make America White Again

Radio Aryan June 29, 2016 Matthew Heimbach is joined today by special guest Rick Tyler, a long-time activist who is now running for Congress in Tennessee. ‘Rick Tyler for Congress’ has been everywhere due to his billboards, which say ‘Make America White Again’ and ‘I Have a Dream’. This was all planned in order to […]

Iran expresses indignation over deaths caused by terrorism in Lebanon

Tehran, June 28, IRNA – Iran on Tuesday expressed indignation over deaths of innocent civilians in a series of terrorist bombings in Lebanon. Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi sympathized with the bereaved families of the terrorist bombings. He said that followers of divine religion fell victims to the bomb explosions in Bogha region in Lebanon. […]

#AusExit? Aussies ponder their future in Commonwealth after Brexit

The “AusExit” campaign, led by Australia’s republican movement, has surged in popularity since the UK’s decision to leave the EU in last week’s referendum. The republican movement calls for the removal of the British monarch as Australia’s head of state and elimination of the Union Jack from the Australian flag. The benefits of remaining part […]

The Laws of (Thermo) Racial Dynamics: Spiritual Utilitarianism Revisited

But if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation.” ~ Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World (1915), chapter 4 It was not coincidence that Engels disliked The Second Law of […]

Turkish-Israeli deal partially lifts Israeli siege on Gaza

Turkey announced on Monday a deal to normalise relations with the Israeli occupation state. The deal partially lifts 10-year-old Israeli siege on Gaza. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that after the deal, set to be signed Tuesday, his country and Israel would again have ambassador representation in each other’s country. Also under the deal, […]

Sometimes The Law Needs To… HANG ‘EM HIGH!

By Phillip Marlowe (the INCOG MAN) United States of America, Prattville, Alabama, 2016 Anno Domini: In the space of only a 48 hours, local blacks in totally unrelated criminal acts, kill two perfectly innocent White people in a little nowhere Southern burg. Probably a place not a whole lot different from Andy Griffith’s Mayberry. Or used to be, anyways. Black murder victim, […]

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