Posts Tagged ‘mind’

Civilian Death Toll From Coalition Airstrikes in Syria Could Be Single Largest in U.S.-Led War on ISIS

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 56 civilians were killed when their convoy of vehicles attempted to slip out of an area north of the city of Manbij in the predawn darkness, as U.S.-backed forces pushed forward in an increasingly bloody offensive in the area. In a brief phone interview, a […]

Republican National Convention Watch: Update 2.1 – The real reason the Bushes didn’t show up at the Convention

Over the course of the next few days, I’ll be doing my best approximation of a live feed to cover the RNC in Cleveland and any other globalist-related news that crosses my radar. For your convenience in reading it, I’ll place each new update at the top. [Update 2.1 – 19 July 2016] The real […]

Zero Gravity: Don’t be Afraid to Let Go!

19th July 2016 By Mary C. Batson, MA Guest writer for Wake Up World Recent conversations have centered around the seemingly growing chaos we see around the globe. I would suggest that the chaos is not growing, but rather, our conscious awareness of it, and the possibility that more and more dirt is being hidden under […]

Revealed: U2’s Bono was caught up in Bastille Day massacre and had to be rescued from a restaurant by anti-terror police

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Ukrainian nationalists block Polish politicians in Odessa hotel over ‘pro-Russian stance’

The action was aimed at preventing the Polish politicians from laying flowers at the Kulikovo Pole Square to commemorate the victims of the Odessa Massacre. On May 2, 2014, violent clashes erupted in the city between supporters and opponents of the recent coup in Kiev, with 48 people dying in a fire set by the […]


As reported previously, tensions between the United States and Russia remain high following Vladimir Putin’s chilling ultimatum to Barrack Obama: “Tell the world about Nibiru, or I will.” Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened to provide the world with full disclosure on the Nibiru crisis–unless Obama took the lead and made the disclosure himself. The deadline for […]

Once When We Were Free

Jon Rappoport, GuestWaking Times We’re more sensible now. We don’t live our lives as much as we arrange them and organize them. B follows A. D follows C. We take our medicine and our shots because the doctor says so. We’re careful, because accidents happen. We don’t say what’s on our minds […]

Photos: Supreme Leader leads Tehran Eid al-Fitr prayers

Israel behind anti-Islam propaganda in US: Analyst The extent of aggression used against a UAE businessman, arrested in the US as a Daesh suspect and later released, is the… Source Article from

Hate-filled propaganda: British establishment rag sez ‘Jeremy Corbyn is a nasty bully and embarrassment to UK’

     If you were to write a history of the death of the Labour Party, you could do worse than start with the election of Ed Miliband as leader in 2010. Choosing Ed over his big brother was the first indication we had that Labour members – and, of course, trade unionists – were growing […]

Rob Schneider: The Uncensored Truth About Mandatory Vaccines

“The most basic of all human rights is the ability to have control over your own body and be able to exercise informed consent when making medical decisions that can harm you or your child.” — Rob Schneider by Jefferey Jaxen, Waking Times The year was 2014 and California just passed Assembly Bill 2109 in […]

FBI Interviews Hillary Clinton For Three And A Half Hours

Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI on Saturday morning in the investigation of her email arrangements while serving as secretary of state. The New York Times reports: “Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary,” Nick Merrill, a campaign spokesman, said in a statement. “She is […]

What cost, Israel…

  JAMAL KANJ Much had been argued about the creation of Israel and the ensuing 1948 ethnic cleansing of non-Jewish Palestinians. Sadly however, most had become a desensitised academic debate. A lifeless abstract portrayal failing to depict what it really meant for one to be a refugee without a country. On this 68th commemoration […]

Natural compounds that can regenerate your body

     The human body is a complex and miraculous thing, and would not exist without continual cell turnover. When we are sick, however, regenerative processes are replaced by degenerative processes, making medicine the go-to choice for balancing our body back. But while drug-based medicines tend to be the most popular solution in today’s world, they […]

Natural compounds that can regenerate your body

     The human body is a complex and miraculous thing, and would not exist without continual cell turnover. When we are sick, however, regenerative processes are replaced by degenerative processes, making medicine the go-to choice for balancing our body back. But while drug-based medicines tend to be the most popular solution in today’s world, they […]

Why Everyone’s So Mad: Economic Depression Continues For ‘Poorly Educated’

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Post Great Recession life for those who did not go to college has been an exercise in frustration and pent-up rage that appears to have been personified in the rise of Donald Trump with white, working class voters. Empirical data is […]

The Laws of (Thermo) Racial Dynamics: Spiritual Utilitarianism Revisited

But if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation.” ~ Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World (1915), chapter 4 It was not coincidence that Engels disliked The Second Law of […]

Jeff Sessions: Time for an American Brexit

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 25, 2016 Senator Jeff Sessions has penned a heartfelt piece for Breitbart praising the Brexit and announcing that it is now our turn to declare independence from the international elite establishment. This is hardcore nationalism. We have entered into that. The British people, our special friends and allies, deserve our full […]

Matrix Deprogramming and the Prohibition of Nature’s Red Pill

Dylan Charles, EditorWaking Times “Remember. All I’m offering is the truth. Nothing Else.” – Morpheus, The Matrix Are we merely sentient programs, bound from birth to death to the directives of our masters and the chains of the Matrix? Or are we multi-dimensional beings, continuously striving for deeper and deeper connection to […]

Oakland police department goes through two chiefs in one week

     Paul Figueroa, who became Oakland’s Police Chief on Wednesday, was removed from his position on Friday. His term began when he replaced Interim Chief Ben Fairow, who began his term last Friday after Police Chief Sean Whent resigned. Oakland’s game of police-chief musical chairs continues as the third interim chief was removed from his […]

British Labour MP dies after being shot, stabbed, beaten in brutal attack

     Labour MP Jo Cox has died after being shot and stabbed outside her weekly advice surgery in West Yorkshire. A 52-year-old man is being held by police. Cox was shot and stabbed outside Birstall library. She was airlifted to nearby Leeds General Infirmary in a critical condition not long after 13:00 BST, but reportedly […]

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