Posts Tagged ‘delusional’

Delusional Israel will target Turkey next, Erdogan warns

(NaturalNews) In the event that Israel would victoriously overcome the Palestinian Islamist political and military movement Hamas in Gaza, it would come after… Source

The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon

In 1996, a nest of American-born imperialists revolving around Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Richard Perle created a new think tank called “The Project for a New American Century.” While the principled aim of the think tank ultimately hinged on a new “Pearl Harbor moment” that would justify a new era of regime-change […]

“War For Longer” – To Think Markets Can Keep Sailing Through What We Are Seeing Is “Delusional”

“War For Longer” – To Think Markets Can Keep Sailing Through What We Are Seeing Is “Delusional” Authored by Michael Every via Rabobank, Friends: The One With the Pogroms This Daily tries to hammer home that the world we all loved from 1994 to 2004 is over. Symbolically, actor Matthew Perry, Chandler Bing from Friends, […]

Delusional Biden declared Ukrainian victory back in February … 5 months later, Russian forces are still in control

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden declared in February that Ukraine has won the war. Five months later, Russian forces still control significant parts of Ukraine… Source

Nudelman’s Delusional Bubble

Nudelman’s Delusional Bubble February 22, 2023 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ More Vids! The Zelensky Show Here! Unhinged Against Russia Here! Zelensky…CNN’s New Jew Darling Here! +BN Classics! Jewish War On Holy Russia Here! The Religion Of Vladimir Putin Here! Bloody Passover In Ukraine Here! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br […]

This is what a totally delusional Khazarian agent looks like when she want to be president.

Delusional Nikki Haley Implies She is Going to Run Against Trump, Says ‘I’ve Never Lost an Election and I’m Not Going to Start Now’ Source

Justice Sotomayor Spreads Delusional Misinformation During SCOTUS Hearing On Covid Vax Mandate

Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday spread delusional misinformation during oral arguments on the Biden regime’s “vaccine” mandate, claiming 100,000 children are currently hospitalized with covid (real number 3,342), Omicron is “as deadly” as Delta and covid deaths have never been higher. This is just absolutely astonishing. “100,000 children in serious condition,” per Sotomayor. […]

Delusional Americans Think Anyone Doing This Reporting is Crazy

Thursday, July 22, 2021 by: Mike AdamsTags: chaos, Collapse, depopulation, food supply, Gear, genocide, pandemic, preparedness, prepping, survivalBypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL36KVIEWS (Natural News) The plandemic engineers and mass murderers will be exposed and stopped. Much like the Third Reich, their conspiracy to exterminate the human race will ultimately fail, and now we’re starting to see a tipping point emerging, leading to a […]

CNN’s Acosta: ‘Delusional’ Trump Inviting Supporters into ‘Cult-Like Alternate Reality’

CNN anchor Jim Acosta said Thursday on “The Situation Room” that former President Donald Trump claiming the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was “a loving crowd” was “delusional.” Discussing January 6 during an interview for the book “I Alone Can Fix It,” Trump said, “There was a lot of love. I’ve heard that […]

Biden’s Grand Strategy Is Delusional And Dangerous

31ST MARCH 2021  By Andrew Korybko Source The Biden Administration continues to push its delusional and dangerous grand strategy, which doesn’t even serve the US’ own interests but just the short-term narrow ones of a certain segment of its economic and political elite. US President Joe Biden’s grand strategy is a mix of Democrat value […]

Dear Delusional Americans: America Loves War! (Proof From American Delusions)

1798-1800 France Undeclared naval war against France, marines land in Puerto Plata. 1801-1805 Tripoli War with Tripoli (Libya), called “First Barbary War”. 1806 Spanish Mexico Military force enters Spanish territory in headwaters of the Rio Grande. 1806-1810 Spanish and French in Caribbean US naval vessels attack French and Spanish shipping in the Caribbean. 1810 Spanish […]

Will Republicans Side With ‘A Delusional Con Man’ Asks Hillary Clinton

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is asking will Republicans side with ‘a delusional con man’? “Republican senators must decide today between upholding 244 years of democracy or going down in history as siding with a delusional con man” Clinton said. She then added that “It shouldn’t be a tough choice.” Republican senators must decide today […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Power of Delusional Thinking

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

A “Delusional Psychosis” is Descending Upon the American People

We don’t need a police force. We don’t need a secret Stasi to go after the neighbor that isn’t wearing his mask on a park bench. We have families who are willing to do that.’ Mark McDonald The Epoch Times / YouTube By Lianne Laurence November 28, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — America is on the verge […]

Mary Trump: ‘Delusional’ Donald Doesn’t Understand a Pardon Is an ‘Admission of Guilt’

President Donald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, said Tuesday on CNN’s “Tonight” her uncle was “delusional” and not capable of understanding a pardon is “essentially an admission of guilt,” so he will likely attempt to pardon himself. Trump said, “We’ve heard about pardons he’s thinking of making. I have no doubt in my mind he’s going […]

Palestinians recall Bahrain envoy over ‘dangerous, delusional’ Israel deal

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Study: Americans More Prudish, Delusional and Religious Than the Rest of the World

Cultural differences exist across borders, and because monoliths are mostly fantasies, often within them, too. That said, America, in particular, is culturally perplexing, and even confounding, to a lot of the rest of the world. I am not, as Americans are wont to do, laboring under the delusion that people in other places spend all […]

How They Do It– Netanyahu Was Once a Leader of Stature. Now He’s Becoming a Delusional Maniac

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Delusional pastor starved toddler to death to exorcise demon gets 99 years in prison

     Aracely Meza cradles the limp body of a 2-year-old boy, praying for God to bring the starved toddler back to life. The moment was captured on videos that a Dallas County jury watched this week before finding the Balch Springs pastor guilty Friday of felony injury to a child causing serious bodily injury. The […]

FBI Entrapment Operation Nabs Delusional California Ginger Flake for ‘Plotting Christmas Attack’

     The FBI announced on Friday that it arrested California tow truck driver Everitt Aaron Jameson for plotting a Christmas terror attack on Pier 39 in San Francisco. In statements to undercover informants, Jameson outlined a plan that would have involved running civilians down with his truck, deploying improvised explosives, and using his skills as […]

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