Posts Tagged ‘understand’

To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion

In the late 1800s and early 1900s the western world experienced a sudden burst of open occultism among the ultra-rich elites. The rise of “Theosophy” was underway, becoming a kind of fashion trend that would ultimately set the stage for what would later be called “new age” spiritualism. The primary driver of the theosophical movement […]

If You Want to Understand Why the War on Drugs Failed, There is No Better Place to Look Than Arkansas When Clinton Was Governor


Farmers understand they are in an existential battle for survival

French Farmers Dig Up Highways Leading To Paris As They Continue To Protest New Laws Designed To Put Them Out Of Business!!! Protests intensify as farmers resort to actually digging up highways leading into Paris. MERYL NASS 31 JAN 2024 From the incomparable Etienne de la Boetie’s substack. It seems the farmers now understand they are […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Only Christians Understand History

Kandiss Taylor declares that “there’s no such thing as Separation of Church and State”: “We are the church, and we run this state!” Joshua Feuerstein has secured the coveted endorsement of his own family. Christian nationalist Jarrin Jackson says that parents of transgender children are spitting in the face of God because trans children are […]

After Seeing THIS, Now I understand Why So Many are “Pro-Israel” (/sarc)


You do understand that the U.S. and Israel are putting every single American in great jeopardy by perpetrating the Palestinian Genocide?!?!?!

READ HERE: Lindsey Graham Says US Must Escalate Israel-Hamas War and Start WW3 For Peace   Source

Tulsi Gabbard: LGBTQ+ Activists At Pro-Palestine Marches “Don’t Understand” Islamists Want To Kill Them

Former Democratic Representative Tusi Gabbard has called out the hypocrisy of LGBTQ+ activists attending pro-Palestine marches alongside radical Islamists who literally want gay and trans people to be murdered. Appearing on Laura Ingraham’s show Tuesday, Gabbard noted that “Democrats, they have called people like me an Islamophobe for many years just for speaking the truth about […]

Understand what time it is in America – our lives are closer to Russia under Stalin, Cuba under Castro, China under Mao or Venezuela under Maduro than we are to the Constitution

(NaturalNews) The Democrats are making no effort to hide their totalitarian impulses. Certainly, Hillary Clinton isn’t. In an interview last week with CNN’s… Source

Rubio: the only language radical regimes understand is ‘strength’

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he believes people in the West are “incredibly naïve” for thinking agreements can be made with “radical Islamic regimes” in the wake of the deadly Hamas attack. Referencing the Iranian government and the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, Rubio said they do not value life “the way we do.” “We… […]

You do understand the fentanyl crisis is a Khazarian-directed cultural marxist operation to further destroy the American Republic?!?!

___ Source

People do understand that these hot temps are being geoengineered to sell the civilization-destroying Climate Change agenda.


‘Get Them to Understand What’s Going on Right Now’: Story Behind ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’ in Australia’s White Paper Protest

Those who saw the recent protests supporting China’s White Paper Revolution in Australia may notice the silhouette of a famous bear–Winnie-the-Pooh. As the crowd shouted slogans of “CCP, step down! Xi Jinping, step down,” in response to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Zero-COVID policy, Winnie, who wore an official cap of emperors in China’s Qing […]

There will be pestilences: Authorities don’t understand why so many vile diseases are suddenly erupting around the world

(Natural News) Why are we seeing so many unusual outbreaks of disease in 2022?  Coming into this year, there was just one major outbreak that everyone was talking about.  But then 2022 came along, and all of a sudden it seemed like there was a new disease in the news every month.  First, an eruption […]

There will be pestilences: Authorities don’t understand why so many vile diseases are suddenly erupting around the world

(Natural News) Why are we seeing so many unusual outbreaks of disease in 2022?  Coming into this year, there was just one major outbreak that everyone was talking about.  But then 2022 came along, and all of a sudden it seemed like there was a new disease in the news every month.  First, an eruption […]

There will be pestilences: Authorities don’t understand why so many vile diseases are suddenly erupting around the world

(Natural News) Why are we seeing so many unusual outbreaks of disease in 2022?  Coming into this year, there was just one major outbreak that everyone was talking about.  But then 2022 came along, and all of a sudden it seemed like there was a new disease in the news every month.  First, an eruption […]

180th Anniversary: How Hongkongers Should Understand the Treaty of Nanjing

Commentary August 29 marked the 180th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing, which ceded Hong Kong to Britain. Pro-establishment supporters and media took this opportunity to reiterate stereotyped propaganda, such as weak countries have no diplomacy, the British government has been brainwashing Hong Kong people throughout its rule, Hongkongers must get rid […]

Donald Trump Jr. on ‘My Son Hunter’: ‘I Want It to Be Successful Because I Want People to Understand Just How Important This Is’

Donald Trump Jr. wants the upcoming film “My Son Hunter” to be a success because he believes it represents conservatives fighting back.

Arenas disrespects Antetokounmpo: “He does not understand basketball yet”

In recent years, Giannis Antetokounmpo has been among the top 2-3 players on the planet and will continue to be the cream of the crop for many years. He is the holder of two MVP awards and of course the 2021 championship with the Bucks, where he went on a rampage in the Finals against […]

Arenas disrespects Antetokounmpo: “He does not understand basketball yet”

In recent years, Giannis Antetokounmpo has been among the top 2-3 players on the planet and will continue to be the cream of the crop for many years. He is the holder of two MVP awards and of course the 2021 championship with the Bucks, where he went on a rampage in the Finals against […]

Arenas disrespects Antetokounmpo: “He does not understand basketball yet”

In recent years, Giannis Antetokounmpo has been among the top 2-3 players on the planet and will continue to be the cream of the crop for many years. He is the holder of two MVP awards and of course the 2021 championship with the Bucks, where he went on a rampage in the Finals against […]

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