Posts Tagged ‘putting’

Zionist Lobby Will Now Be Putting HUGE Pressure On Biden Administration Like This To Compel Full Support Of The Gaza Genocide

“I Can No Longer in Good Conscience Continue to Represent This Administration” – Biden Interior Department Staffer Abruptly Resigns Source

Rep. Bennett says House might be ‘putting division behind us’ after foreign aid bill

Rep. Michael Bennett (D-Colo.) on Sunday expressed optimism that the House could move past its policy divisions following the chamber’s bipartisan support for a long-sought foreign aid bill this weekend. “This week, to see the House of Representatives finally pass, not just Israel aid with over 300 votes, but aid to Ukraine with more than… […]

You do understand that the U.S. and Israel are putting every single American in great jeopardy by perpetrating the Palestinian Genocide?!?!?!

READ HERE: Lindsey Graham Says US Must Escalate Israel-Hamas War and Start WW3 For Peace   Source

Forget governance: Dysfunctional Republicans are putting on a show

For them, satisfying the id of their Republican base voters is paramount, while producing successful legislative outcomes and seeking compromise often takes a backseat.  Source

Ukraine Begins Putting American Conservatives on Official Kill List

Ukraine’s main intelligence agency (SBU) has begun putting ordinary Americans who criticize Ukraine on their official ‘Kill List’. The program, funded by American taxpayer dollars, targets any American citizen who dares to criticize the Ukraine […] The post Ukraine Begins Putting American Conservatives on Official Kill List appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Food collapse incoming: Globalist war on nitrogen emissions putting entire global food supply at risk

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Governments all over the world are passing policies to deal with nitrogen emissions – and these policies are putting the global food supply at risk.The people pushing this so-called “war on nitrogen” claim that excess nitrogen in the environment is hazardous and pollutes the land, the water and the air. They say […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Putting the ‘T’ in ‘Tyranny’

Wayne Ally Root is calling for a national strike to shut down the entire nation in response to the arrest of former President Donald Trump. Attempting to defend his handling of the allegations that Ali Alexander has a history of propositioning underage males, Nick Fuentes admits that knew that “Ali was bisexual” and that “he […]

U.S. doctors admit tens of thousands were killed during the “pandemic” by putting them on ventilators

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A shocking article published by The Wall Street Journal in December 2020 has resurfaced.  In it, American physicians admitted to putting patients on ventilators who did not need it as a step in their protocol.  It was done not as a treatment likely to benefit the patient, but rather as a fruitless and callous way […]

U.S. Doctors Admit Tens of Thousands Killed During The “Pandemic” By Putting Them On Ventilators

U.S. Doctors Admit Tens of Thousands Killed During The “Pandemic” By Putting Them On Ventilators by Mac Slavo | Mar 19, 2023 A shocking article published by The Wall Street Journal in December 2020 has resurfaced.  In it, American physicians admitted to putting patients on ventilators who did not need it as a step in […]

Putting Things In Perspective Regarding Biden’s Act of War

Carlsbad, CA February 11, 2023 by Rich Scheck The recent revelation by journalist Seymour Hersh asserts that the US was responsible for destroying the Nord Stream Pipeline. If true, President Biden’s decision to do that has put everyone in extreme danger! This amounted to an act of war against a sovereign nation, Russia, which has […]

Doctors in USA admit they killed Patients during the Pandemic by putting them on Ventilators

BY RHODA WILSON ON JANUARY 24, 2023 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) A jaw-dropping article published by The Wall Street Journal in December 2020 has resurfaced.  In it, American physicians admitted to ventilating patients who did not need it as a step in their protocol.  It was done not as a treatment that was likely to benefit the patient, but rather as a fruitless […]

Putting ‘profits over people’, Senate rejects paid sick leave for rail workers

Forty-two Republicans—and serial Democratic obstructionist Joe Manchin of West Virginia—voted down Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (D-N.Y.) proposal to include seven paid sick days in the tentative contract. Source

Israel PM slammed for not putting Lebanon maritime deal before Knesset for vote

Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked yesterday slammed Prime Minister Yair Lapid after he announced that he will not put the maritime border agreement with Lebanon to a vote in the Knesset, Maariv newspaper reported. “Yair… The Knesset is not a list of Yesh Atid and you are the only ruler in it,” Shaked wrote on […]

Chinese Social Media Sites Are Quietly Putting Digital Fingerprints on Screenshots

CHINESE SOCIAL MEDIA SITES ARE ADDING HIDDEN WATERMARKS TO SCREENSHOTS. PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK.  Sharing screenshots of sensitive content in China has just become more risky.  More Chinese social media services are putting hidden watermarks on screenshots that make the images traceable no matter where they are shared, a feature that an analyst said could prevent the spread […]

Chinese Social Media Sites Are Quietly Putting Digital Fingerprints on Screenshots

CHINESE SOCIAL MEDIA SITES ARE ADDING HIDDEN WATERMARKS TO SCREENSHOTS. PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK.  Sharing screenshots of sensitive content in China has just become more risky.  More Chinese social media services are putting hidden watermarks on screenshots that make the images traceable no matter where they are shared, a feature that an analyst said could prevent the spread […]

“Putting up tens of millions of 5G antennas, without a single biological test of safety, has to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world”

From globalresearch.caby Mark Steele Excerpt: Conclusion To quote Martin L Pall, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry and Medical Sciences at Washington State University, “Putting tens of millions of 5G antennas, without a single biological test of safety, has to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world”. Professor Pall […]

5 Abortion Providers on How Bans Are Putting People’s Lives in Danger

Abortion is now banned in 10 states, severely limited in another four, and threatened in about half of the country, in total. In states where exceptions may be made in cases of rape or incest, or for the sake of a patient’s life or well-being, guidelines are vague about what kind of abortion or abortion-adjacent […]

Police failure to activate body-cams is putting evidence at risk

Victoria Police has been warned it risks weakening evidence unless officers comply with this simple measure. The Victorian Auditor General on Wednesday released its report into body-worn cameras (BWCs) which found Victoria Police officers didn’t activate body-worn cameras in situations they were required to in 16.4 per cent of instances, based on data from March […]

Putting Darvill’s Stonehenge Solar Calendar Theory To the Test!

When an academic heavyweight with the credentials of a professor of archaeology proposes a new theory about Stonehenge, the media takes immediate notice. Such is the current excitement raised by Timothy Darvill, Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

This is the year we come out of Covid… only fear will stop Britain from putting the virus behind us now, writes Professor KAROL SIKORA

This is the year we come out of Covid… only fear will stop Britain from putting the virus behind us now, writes Professor KAROL SIKORA By Professor Karol Sikora For The Daily Mail Published: 22:34 GMT, 3 January 2022 Allow me to make two bold predictions: this is the year we come out of Covid […]

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