Posts Tagged ‘perspective’

Videos on growing your food Canadian and US perspective

LAWYERLISA MAR 26, 2024 Image from Action4 Canada My kids are studying the potato famine. One fact stood out. The vegetable that originated in Peru was eventually adapted for Ireland. The Irish discovered one acre of potatoes could feed 10 people. In one year of potato blight 50% of the people died. There is a […]

Author Richard Littlejohn Puts Climate Hysteria Into Perspective

In November 1703, England experienced one of its most devastating natural disasters. The storm claimed around 30,000 ives both on sea and on land. Ancient trees were uprooted and roofs were ripped off buildings as […] The post Author Richard Littlejohn Puts Climate Hysteria Into Perspective appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Makow- The “Jewish Conspiracy” in Perspective

(Bishop Gregory of Nyssa 335-395 AD –Cabalist Judaism has pitted Jews and Freemasons against God and man alike.)  “Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan,” said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. “It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon.” In other words, […]

Mainstream broadcasters include the Palestinian perspective at last

Despite near unanimity of support for Israel in the US political establishment these days, some voices are making it into the mainstream media to explain the causes of violence and state that while they condemn the Hamas attacks on civilians, they were not “unprovoked.” Source

JFK: A Horrifying and Damning Israeli Perspective

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Cancer DeMystified: The Untold Perspective About the #2 Killer in the World

Originally Published on DailyClout “The current paradigm or current narrative [around cancer] is designed to make money because these drugs are really expensive. And oncologists actually are paid to give cancer drugs, so it’s a big industry. So, there’s no interest of oncologists to actually practice good medicine. It’s not in their financial interest to […]

Putting Things In Perspective Regarding Biden’s Act of War

Carlsbad, CA February 11, 2023 by Rich Scheck The recent revelation by journalist Seymour Hersh asserts that the US was responsible for destroying the Nord Stream Pipeline. If true, President Biden’s decision to do that has put everyone in extreme danger! This amounted to an act of war against a sovereign nation, Russia, which has […]

A New Worldview Is Emerging That Can Change Our Perspective On Reality

What would change if from the moment you were born up until now, you were taught that in some way we are all truly connected? What if a story of interconnectedness was the foundation of your worldview, letting you know that you are connected to the earth, plants, animals, people and universe in ways that […]

A Flaw in The Theory of Evolution: A Perspective

According to the theory of evolution, all life on Earth began with a single-cell organism, billions of years ago which eventually evolved into ape-like creatures over millions of years, who then evolved into human beings. Regression in evolution, like for example humans reverting to ape-like creatures, metaphorically speaking, is not permitted, and yet, this is […]

Anti-Russian Sanctions: a Middle Eastern Perspective

The Arabic portal “Elaph” has called anti-Russian sanctions the “friendly and bitter fire of the USA in Europe” that has led to negative consequences for the economies of the countries of the Old World. They suffered from them after announcing the rejection of Russian gas, with no clear alternative to replace it. The portal’s opinion […]

Russia’s Operation in Ukraine, a Middle Eastern Perspective

“Ukraine: the price of the American-European deception,” “A lesson for the Ukrainian people in the school of the West.” These and similar headlines have flooded the Middle Eastern media and social media in the wake of the Russian military operation in Ukraine.  One of the main topics is the reasons and background for this move […]

Russian Gas and Ukraine: a Middle Eastern Perspective

Hype in the West regarding Russia’s plans to seize Kyiv and its other “schemes” garnered response and comments in the Middle Eastern political circles and media. Among these the US-driven propaganda narratives regarding Moscow’s alleged intent to use its gas as a geopolitical weapon and about the gas stranglehold that Russia has allegededly put on […]

There’s only one essential role humans have on Earth—a humbler perspective could save the world

This excerpt is from Urgent! Save Our Ocean to Survive Climate Change, by Captain Paul Watson (GroundSwell Books, 2021). This web adaptation was produced by GroundSwell Books in partnership with Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute. I would like to introduce you to an alternative way of looking at […]

The October massacre of Kashmir -Indifference of Indian liberal’s perspective

Prominent cartoonist Satish Acharya’s illustration in early October provided quite the insights into the recent gruesome developments in Kashmir. The piece features Shraddha Bindru, a Kashmiri Pundit, who’s holding the body of her murdered father, addressing the unknown killer –coward. The cartoon does justice to the mainstream media’s portrayal of the ‘Muslim terrorist’. The bearded […]

“A Certain Terror”: A White Male Perspective on Being an Ally

Although the rather inelegant term “allyship” had not yet become part of the social-justice lexicon, I first bumped into the complexity of being an ally in 1988 when I belatedly started to take feminism seriously. I was following a feminist anti-pornography group that challenged men’s use and abuse of women in the sexual-exploitation industries. That […]

The Martinez Perspective (Sept. 10, 2021): 9/11 Anniversary Special; Israeli Conspiracy


The Martinez Perspective (Sept. 8, 2021): Vaccine Passports & Smart Cities; Total Tyranny Approaches


The Martinez Perspective (Sept. 6, 2021): Cities Pay Off Negro Criminals; False Leftist Claims About Black Incarceration & More


The Martinez Perspective (Sept. 3, 2021): ZOG spy state; Antifa infiltrates US high schools & More


The Martinez Perspective (Sept. 1, 2021): Dummies take the Vaccine; Female Control of the Dating Market & More


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