Posts Tagged ‘worldview’

‘Men Must Be Governed’: The Christian Nationalist Worldview Laid Bare By Pastor Joel Webbon

Joel Webbon is a Christian nationalist pastor at Covenant Bible Church in Texas and the founder of Right Response Ministries. Through his ministry, Webbon organizes events like “Blueprints for Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines for Ruling the World,” which took place earlier this year and featured militant Christian nationalists like Doug Wilson and Oklahoma state Sen. […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Opposing Their Biblical Worldview

Scott Lively warns former President Donald Trump that if he attempts to compromise on the issue of abortion in hopes of “bringing a huge wave of baby-murdering women to the polls this November,” then “you will set God Himself against you.” Tim Barton is “having a hard time wrapping [his] head around” allowing a “pharmacist […]

Consequences of the Wrong Worldview

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL “The Grand Narrative of our society is the story of mechanistic science; a story in which man is reduced to a biological ‘organism’. A story that also completely ignores the psychological and symbolic dimension of the human being. This view of man is the core of the problem” says psychologist […]

AFA Wants Trump to Pick Evangelicals with Right-Wing ‘Biblical Worldview’ for Supreme Court

Religious-right legal activist Phillip Jauregui appeared on the American Family Radio’s “At the Core” program with host Walker Wildmon yesterday to complain about the lack of conservative evangelical Supreme Court justices and to tout the Center’s “green list” of potential Republican nominees who meet the Center’s “biblical worldview” standard. Wildmon, the grandson of AFA Founder […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Biblical Worldview

Lance Wallnau was having technical problems Wednesday night while trying to do a livestream on Facebook, and he’s convinced that Facebook is intentionally disrupting his ability to broadcast. Eric Metaxas says the “classical Greeks” were promoting a biblical worldview, even though the Bible didn’t exist at that time. Vincent James and Steve Franssen have begun […]

A New Worldview Is Emerging That Can Change Our Perspective On Reality

What would change if from the moment you were born up until now, you were taught that in some way we are all truly connected? What if a story of interconnectedness was the foundation of your worldview, letting you know that you are connected to the earth, plants, animals, people and universe in ways that […]

Klaus Schwab’s Diabolical Worldview

Klaus Schwab’s Diabolical Worldview Stephen Lendman / Stephen Lendman Klaus Schwab’s Diabolical Worldview by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Paul Craig Roberts called Schwab an “insane tyranny.” His diabolical worldview “means the end of human autonomy.” He supports elimination of free and open societies as once existed. He wants them ruled of, […]

Confused Shitlib Fails Hard to Justify Her Retarded Worldview


Dennis Wise Honorably Defends Flawless Worldview National Socialism from Slanderous Jewish Attacks


New survey: 98% of Americans who support socialism reject biblical worldview

A new survey by the Cultural Research Center found that 98 percent of Americans who support socialism reject the biblical worldview. Veteran researcher George Barna oversaw the survey — titled “American Worldview Inventory 2020” — for the center, which is located at Arizona Christian University near Phoenix. Barna noted in a news release that one message emerging from its […]

The Spiritualistic vs. Scientific Worldview – Finding Common Ground

May 30th, 2018 By Simon Vandekerckhove Guest writer for Wake Up World Famously, the Book of Genesis opens with the presumptuous statement that, “In the beginning … God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This very first line of the Bible has put the Christian faith – or any other faith for that […]

A Mythical Worldview vs Jewish Religions

Physical forms are the most important aspect of a culture. The faces, the gestures, the body types we see in our everyday life are the biggest sources of information that shape our consciousness. The fact that we see White people or Mexicans around us has more impact on our vision of the world than anything […]

The racist worldview of Arthur Balfour

The racist worldview of Arthur Balfour The Balfour Declaration led to the expulsion of Palestinians. Wikimedia Commons   Arthur James Balfour will, no doubt, be praised effusively by supporters of Israel in the coming weeks for a brief document he signed 100 years ago. As Britain’s foreign secretary in November 1917, Balfour declared his backing […]

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