Posts Tagged ‘wrong’

Scientists Create Organic Slave Computers! (What Could Go Wrong?)

A Swiss tech startup has just announced the first “bioprocessor” constructed from 16 “human brain organoids.” Wait until you hear what that means. Source

What if They are Wrong?

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May 18 – Wrong Think

(left–Harrison Butker) Please send links and comments to [email protected] — wrongthink —Beliefs or opinions that run contrary to the prevailing or mainstream orthodoxy.  Synonyms: badthink, thought crime Usage notes With its Orwellian roots, use of the word implies that freedom of opinion is being suppressed. NFL star Harrison Butker has come under withering criticism […]

WHO is Wrong to Rush the Vote 

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its own legal requirements by submitting draft amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) for a vote at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) this May. This was in response to various concerns raised in parliaments and civil society. This matters […]

We’re paying off medical debt wrong 

We must rein in high prices and improve insurance coverage and hospital financial assistance so we can stamp out medical debt at the source.   Source

Dr. Phil Delivers Stunning Message to the COVID “Experts” Who Got it Wrong

The floodgates appear to be opening at last. In the latest episode of Dr. Phil Primetime, the renowned clinical psychologist delivered a powerful message poised to thrust the mishandling of COVID back into the spotlight. “You hear people say, ‘Well, we did the best we could with what we knew.’ No, they did not,” Dr. […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: ‘Democracy Is Wrong’

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

Consequences of the Wrong Worldview

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL “The Grand Narrative of our society is the story of mechanistic science; a story in which man is reduced to a biological ‘organism’. A story that also completely ignores the psychological and symbolic dimension of the human being. This view of man is the core of the problem” says psychologist […]

Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong

“A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct,” political commentator Bill Maher declared on his latest episode of Real Time. “Yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom — ideas that haven’t aged well.” “We were told to wash our hands […]

If you watch the “wrong” things on YouTube, the Feds could demand that Google reveal your identity

If you watch the “wrong” things on YouTube, the Feds could demand that Google reveal your identity Privacy experts are sounding the alarm about two recent court orders that allowed the federal government to order Google to release private information about users who watched certain unapproved videos and livestreams on YouTube. According to the orders, […]

There’s something very wrong with the ‘Tesla’ death of Angela Chao…..

___ Source

The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [This article was co-authored by Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan, Treasurer of the Australian Medical Professionals Society, and Dr Duncan Syme, Vice President of the Australian Medical professionals Society] Last week, the AMA publicly called for the disendorsement of Tasmanian Liberal candidate Dr Julie Sladden, accusing her of having anti-vaccine opinions that […]

March 3 – Israelis Think They Can Do No Wrong

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  On Thursday, Israel launched a surprise attack on Palestinians who had gathered at food trucks in Gaza City. According to numerous reports, more than 100 people were gunned down while trying to get desperately needed food. “At about 4:30 this morning, trucks started to come through. Once we […]

Elon Musk Is Right And The NY Times Is Wrong About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

Authored by James D. Agresti via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), In a recent trio of posts to X, Elon Musk wrote that (1) illegal immigrants “are not prevented from voting in federal elections,” (2) “you don’t need government issued ID to vote,” and (3) Democrats “are importing voters.” Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla and owner […]

LA Times Tells Angelenos They’re Wrong About Crime, Everything Is Fine

Authored by James Breslo via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), My family moved to Los Angeles during the 1984 Olympics. “I Love L.A.” was on the radio and the city was the envy of the world. I loved everything about L.A. I immediately became a Dodgers, Lakers, Rams, and Kings fan. And I loved the […]

Iowa Lottery Mistakenly Posts Wrong Powerball Numbers For 7 Hours

In what can only be described as a nightmare scenario, Powerball losers in the state of Iowa mistakenly thought they were winners for about seven hours this week. The anomaly took place after a “human reporting error” caused the wrong numbers to be posted for last Monday’s drawing. The Iowa Lottery’s website posted the wrong […]

Come On, Peggy Noonan, Just Say You Were Wrong 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The answer to the question “Will they ever admit to being wrong?” is of course: no. I’m speaking in particular of the architects of the lockdown and mandate policies that wrecked the rights and liberties of billions worldwide.  Now they want to pretend like it never happened or that someone […]

How Modeling Can Go Terribly Wrong

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL To theorize about our existence is essential. Indeed it could be argued that to think and speak is, in the most basic sense, to impose abstract models upon the multiple and often confusing manifestations of life around us. Without mental models for understanding the things outside our heads we would […]

3 Reasons Why Nikki Haley Is Dead Wrong About Anonymous Speech

Republican Presidential contender Nikki Haley, who has past ties to the World Economic Forum, made a series of dystopian comments Tuesday, saying internet users should be “verified” before freely expressing their opinions online. Jordan Schachtel reported: Nikki Haley went on television and declared that it was absolutely necessary to deanonymize the internet, justifying the idea […]

Standing Up, Speaking Up Against Evil Is Not Wrong And Is Blessed By The Creator God

Standing against evil, speaking up against evil, is not wrong no matter how much Zionist Zombies and their blackmailed with Mossad Child Rape Video Political whores, MSM sluts, and stupid sheep who swallow whole whatever the current propaganda is and regurgitate it back without ever putting their brains in gear. The truth does not become […]

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