Posts Tagged ‘angela’

There’s something very wrong with the ‘Tesla’ death of Angela Chao…..

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Angela Davis: South Africa standing up for Palestine has created new hope in the world

Angela Davis on the importance of solidarity with Palestinians as they face genocide in Gaza. Source

Angela Merkel’s Admitted Betrayal of Minsk Agreement Grounds for Nuremberg Tribunal after Kiev’s 8 Year Genocide in Donbass

A confession by former German chancellor Angela Merkel about the Minsk peace agreements could be used as evidence in a tribunal involving Western politicians responsible for provoking the Ukraine conflict between Moscow and Kiev, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned on Thursday. Source

End Of An Era: Germany’s Angela Merkel Bows Out After 16 Years

BERLIN (AP) — Angela Merkel was assured of a place in the history books as soon as she became Germany’s first female chancellor on Nov. 22, 2005. Over the next 16 years, she was credited with raising Germany’s profile and influence, working to hold a fractious European Union together, managing a string of crises and […]

Angela Merkel’s Husband Slams The ‘Lazy’ Unjabbed For ‘Ignoring Science’

The husband of outgoing German chancellor Angela Merkel, has slammed unvaccinated citizens, saying they are ignoring science and being “lazy.” Professor Joachim Sauer told Italian newspaper La Repubblica “It is astonishing that a third of the population does not follow scientific evidence. Partly this is down to certain laziness and complacency of Germans“ RT reports: […]

People Have A ‘Duty To Society’ To Get Vaccinated Says Angela Merkel

According to outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, rolling up your sleeves for a Covid jab isn’t only a person’s right, it’s actually their “duty” to society. On Friday Merkel said: “You have the right to get vaccinated,” adding “to a certain extent, you also, as a member of society, have the duty to be vaccinated, […]

Angela Merkel’s political legacy in the Western Balkans will be tough to beat | View

During the last visit of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to Berlin in the summer of 2018, the now outgoing German chancellor, Angela Merkel, allegedly told Bosnian politicians that in the architecture of the European Union, BiH would be the church’s crowning ornament, without which the church would not be a church. She […]

Telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel

Source April 08, 2021 Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel. April 8, 202114:30 The two leaders had a detailed discussion on a number of topical international matters. While exchanging opinions on ways of resolving the intra-Ukrainian crisis, the Russian President and the German Chancellor voiced concern in connection with the escalation of tensions in southeastern Ukraine. Vladimir Putin […]

Former press officer for Angela Merkel convicted of spying for Egypt

A former press service employee of German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been convicted of spying for Egypt. The German-Egyptian citizen, identified only as Amin K., was convicted by a Berlin court on Monday and given a suspended prison sentence of one year and nine months. The 66-year-old had been accused by federal prosecutors of espionage […]

QAnon-Promoting 2020 Congressional Candidate Angela Stanton King Scheduled to Speak at CPAC 2021

Content warning: this post reports on dehumanizing language directed at trans people. Angela Stanton King, a promoter of QAnon conspiracy theories and anti-LGBTQ bigotry, is scheduled to speak at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference on a Sunday afternoon panel shortly before former President Donald Trump speaks. Stanton King spoke at a “Stop the Steal” […]

Angela Merkel Says Coronavirus Pandemic Won’t End Until The Whole World Is Vaccinated

The pandemic will not end until everybody in the world has been immunized against Covid-19, according to Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel. Speaking to reporters after Fridays’ virtual G7 summit, Merkel said she had told G7 leaders that the “pandemic is not over until all people in the world have been vaccinated,” adding: “Everyone must participate….The […]

Angela Merkel participates in historic Torah scroll writing ceremony

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel observed the finishing of a refurbished Torah scroll in an event marking Holocaust Remembrance Day in Berlin on Wednesday. The 18th century Sulzbacher Torah, which survived the National Socialist Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938 and lay unnoticed for decades in a cabinet in a synagogue in Amberg, Bavaria, was brought back to […]

Armin Laschet confirmed as leader of Angela Merkel’s CDU party

Armin Laschet has become the new leader of the Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) party in Germany. He takes the helm months before an election to decide who will replace Ms Merkel as chancellor, when she steps down later this year.  While the vote confrming the new CDU leader is not the final word on […]

Angela Merkel warns Germany about ‘8 to 10 very hard weeks’ ahead; speculation follows about Covid-19 lockdown extension

Germany should brace itself for hard weeks ahead, Chancellor Angela Merkel is said to have warned. Some local media have already started speculating that the news could mean a potential lockdown extension. “It will be tough until Easter,” Merkel said on Tuesday, according to multiple media outlets. The chancellor expects Germany to face “between eight […]

As bad as Angela Merkel is, at least she Just Condemned Social Media for interfering with Free Speech by Banning Trump

World’s biggest liberal and pro-invasion of Europe advocate, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has concerns that Twitter’s “problematic” suspension of Donald Trump’s account, in the wake of last week’s assault on the Capitol, is an encroachment on freedom of opinion, her spokesman said. As bad as she is, well at least she once in her lifetime […]

Car seen crashing into gate of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office

A car with slogans scrawled on its sides crashed into the gate of the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Wednesday, a Reuters witness said. Berlin police do not suspect an extremist attack, a spokeswoman told Reuters on Wednesday. “We are not working on the basis of this assumption at the moment,” she […]

Car crashes into Angela Merkel’s office gate

A car with an anti-globalisation message on its side was seen crashing into the gate of the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Wednesday, a Reuters witness said.  Reuters photographs from the scene of the incident showed police inspecting a vehicle with the words “Stop Globalisation Politics” written in white on the […]

Angela Merkel: ‘Clear Evidence’ Assad Used Chemical Weapons In Syria

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she is absolutely certain that President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the chemical attack in Syria, despite evidence to the contrary.  “I believe that the evidence that chemical weapons were used there is very clear and very explicit. From my point of view, this can be verified again, but this cannot help […]

German Chancellor Angela Merkel ruffles Turkey’s feathers over offensive in Syria’s Afrin

nsnbc : German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on Wednesday, ruffled Turkey’s feathers over Ankara’s military offensive against Kurdish militants in Afrin, in northern Syria. Merkel […]

LOLocaust: QAnon Exposes the ‘Nazi World Order’ and Confirms Angela Merkel as Hitler’s Child

Qtards have really jumped the shark here. Now SGT Report is parroting the Alex Jones line of Nazis (the Germanic Death Cult) running the world, and promoting the conspiracy theory that Hitler actually fathered a child, who is currently ruling over Germany. Who would have guessed that the Nazis are really behind flooding Germany with […]

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