Posts Tagged ‘Minsk’

Prigozhin may already be dead, if not Assassination awaits him in Minsk

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin is either already dead or is going to meet a sticky end in Belarus after his mercenary group attempted mutiny in Russia over the weekend, it has been claimed. Unless Prigozhin has a deep network of support in the upper echelons of Russia’s power structure, then he will be killed in […]

The Minsk Deception and the Planned War in Donbas

There is a historically possible world in which the Minsk Agreement never needed to be made. In 2014, a US supported coup removed the democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, with his eastern base, and replaced him with a West leaning president who was handpicked by the US. Assistant Secretary of State for European and […]

Angela Merkel’s Admitted Betrayal of Minsk Agreement Grounds for Nuremberg Tribunal after Kiev’s 8 Year Genocide in Donbass

A confession by former German chancellor Angela Merkel about the Minsk peace agreements could be used as evidence in a tribunal involving Western politicians responsible for provoking the Ukraine conflict between Moscow and Kiev, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned on Thursday. Source

Belarus: Dozens of arrests in Minsk as police use water cannon to break up anti-Lukashenko protests

Riot police detained protesters in Minsk on Sunday as thousands rallied for the ninth consecutive Sunday rally against Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. The interior ministry said water cannon and stun grenades were used to disperse demonstrators who gathered in the capital to protest against his controversial re-election in August, widely seen as rigged. Independent media […]

Meddling in Belarus’s affairs via UN inadmissible, help only at Minsk’s request – Moscow

By Newsdesk -2020-09-19 Vladimir Putin and Lukashenko at the Kremlin Third countries should refrain from soliciting interference in Belarus’ internal affairs via the United Nations and other tools unless asked for assistance by Minsk itself, Pyotr Ilyichev, the head of the Department of International Organizations at the Russian Foreign Ministry, told Sputnik on Saturday. “Unfortunately, in the […]

Belarus: More than 300 arrested at anti-government women’s march in Minsk

Police in the capital of Belarus cracked down sharply on a women’s protest march on Saturday demanding the authoritarian president’s resignation, arresting more than 300, including an elderly woman who has become a symbol of the six weeks of protest that have roiled the country. More than 2,000 women took part in the march in […]

Poland Coordinates Protests in Minsk. Why Russia Needs Runet as an Information Shield

[embedded content] Video by REDUX, it was then posted by Bornaya Solyanka, a successor channel to PolitRussia which has been deleted from YouTube since shortly before August 20th. Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leonya. The events in Belorussia bring on more than thoughts about the brotherly country’s internal and external political problems. The shutting […]

Poland Coordinates Protests in Minsk. Why Russia Needs Runet as an Information Shield

[embedded content] Video by REDUX, it was then posted by Bornaya Solyanka, a successor channel to PolitRussia which has been deleted from YouTube since shortly before August 20th. Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leonya. The events in Belorussia bring on more than thoughts about the brotherly country’s internal and external political problems. The shutting […]

Poland Coordinates Protests in Minsk. Why Russia Needs Runet as an Information Shield

[embedded content] Video by REDUX, it was then posted by Bornaya Solyanka, a successor channel to PolitRussia which has been deleted from YouTube since shortly before August 20th. Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leonya. The events in Belorussia bring on more than thoughts about the brotherly country’s internal and external political problems. The shutting […]

Poland Coordinates Protests in Minsk. Why Russia Needs Runet as an Information Shield

[embedded content] Video by REDUX, it was then posted by Bornaya Solyanka, a successor channel to PolitRussia which has been deleted from YouTube since shortly before August 20th. Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leonya. The events in Belorussia bring on more than thoughts about the brotherly country’s internal and external political problems. The shutting […]

Poland Coordinates Protests in Minsk. Why Russia Needs Runet as an Information Shield

[embedded content] Video by REDUX, it was then posted by Bornaya Solyanka, a successor channel to PolitRussia which has been deleted from YouTube since shortly before August 20th. Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leonya. The events in Belorussia bring on more than thoughts about the brotherly country’s internal and external political problems. The shutting […]

Poland Coordinates Protests in Minsk. Why Russia Needs Runet as an Information Shield

[embedded content] Video by REDUX, it was then posted by Bornaya Solyanka, a successor channel to PolitRussia which has been deleted from YouTube since shortly before August 20th. Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leonya. The events in Belorussia bring on more than thoughts about the brotherly country’s internal and external political problems. The shutting […]

Wagner mercenaries busted in Minsk, as Belarus elections heat up (Video) — The Duran

[embedded content] Via The Epoch Times ()… Belarusian authorities said Wednesday they have detained dozens of Russian private military contractors days before Belarus’ presidential vote, a sign of escalating tensions between the two neighbors. 124 more words via Wagner mercenaries busted in Minsk, as Belarus elections heat up (Video) — The Duran Share this: Like this: […]

Ukraine talks resume in Minsk

Ukraine: Russia’s representative to OSCE says Kiev sabotages Minsk agreements

State power has its own limits defined by the fact that it is authority that reaches people from outside. State power cannot oversee and dictate the creative states of the soul and mind, the inner states of love, freedom and goodwill. The state cannot demand from its citizens faith, prayer, love, goodness and conviction. It […]

Italy’s OSCE chairmanship to call for implementation of Minsk Accords: Angelino Alfano

nsnbc : Italy’s Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said the OSCE, under Italian chairmanship, will in every possible way contribute to the establishment of peace […]

Merkel, Macron and Putin agree on implementing Minsk Accord, Tillerson visits Ukraine

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Russian President Vladimir Putin met on the sidelines of the G20 in […]

A Case of Justice Catering to Political Power in the Philippines: Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Acquitted of Plunder

Rape culture: Girls wearing shorts under school uniform skirts to avoid sexual harassment from classmates

     Girls as young as 12 wear shorts underneath their school skirts to prevent sexual harassment, which includes boys groping them in the playground and exposing their underwear, MPs have heard. The “sexual harassment epidemic” has been “normalized” in UK schools and has reached “breaking point,” the Women and Equalities Committee was told on Tuesday. […]

BEST OF THE WEB: Psychopath or comic genius Tony Blair may not go to jail, but he’s definitely going to hell! (VIDEO)

     Remember Tony Blair? “He’s like a gag reflex” says Jonathan Pie. “He may not go to prison but he’s definitely going to hell.” As usual, Pie nails it, pulling no punches. Blair is responsible for more than 500,000 deaths. Yet, lying psychopath that he is, he has the gall to call Corbyn “dangerous”. Source […]

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