Posts Tagged ‘merkel’


Angela Merkel’s Admitted Betrayal of Minsk Agreement Grounds for Nuremberg Tribunal after Kiev’s 8 Year Genocide in Donbass

A confession by former German chancellor Angela Merkel about the Minsk peace agreements could be used as evidence in a tribunal involving Western politicians responsible for provoking the Ukraine conflict between Moscow and Kiev, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned on Thursday. Source

End Of An Era: Germany’s Angela Merkel Bows Out After 16 Years

BERLIN (AP) — Angela Merkel was assured of a place in the history books as soon as she became Germany’s first female chancellor on Nov. 22, 2005. Over the next 16 years, she was credited with raising Germany’s profile and influence, working to hold a fractious European Union together, managing a string of crises and […]

Angela Merkel’s Husband Slams The ‘Lazy’ Unjabbed For ‘Ignoring Science’

The husband of outgoing German chancellor Angela Merkel, has slammed unvaccinated citizens, saying they are ignoring science and being “lazy.” Professor Joachim Sauer told Italian newspaper La Repubblica “It is astonishing that a third of the population does not follow scientific evidence. Partly this is down to certain laziness and complacency of Germans“ RT reports: […]

“Vaxx’d, Cured, Or Dead” – German Health Minister Hints At Jab Mandate; Merkel Fears “Highly Dramatic” Situation

By Tyler Durden After demonstrations erupted across Europe and more broadly across the globe over the weekend, outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday that the latest surge in European COVID infections is “worse than anything Germany has experienced so far” and called for more tight restrictions to try and stop the virus from spreading […]

Germany to introduce tighter restrictions on unvaccinated, says Merkel

Germany will introduce tighter COVID-19 curbs on unvaccinated citizens, said Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday after holding a crisis meeting amid a surge in infections. In regions where there are more than three COVID-19 patients in hospital per 100,000 inhabitants, only the vaccinated and those who have recovered from the virus will be able to […]

Fourth wave of COVID-19 hitting Germany with ‘full force’, Merkel says

The fourth wave of COVID-19 is hitting Germany with “full force”, Angela Merkel said when speaking to the association of German city leaders. The German chancellor described the pandemic situation as “dramatic” as COVID-19 cases rise significantly. “The fourth wave is hitting our country with full force”, she added. Germany’s public health agency reported 52,826 […]

People Have A ‘Duty To Society’ To Get Vaccinated Says Angela Merkel

According to outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, rolling up your sleeves for a Covid jab isn’t only a person’s right, it’s actually their “duty” to society. On Friday Merkel said: “You have the right to get vaccinated,” adding “to a certain extent, you also, as a member of society, have the duty to be vaccinated, […]

‘Democracy is under attack’ says Merkel at German reunification ceremony

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for an ongoing commitment to democracy, on the 31st-anniversary ceremony of the reunification of east and west. In a joint service with Christians, Jews, and Muslims, the outgoing Chancellor said “October 3, 1990, stands for the reunification of our country in peace and freedom.” “This freedom did not just […]

German election: Centre-left Social Democrats narrowly beat Merkel’s CDU bloc, initial results show

The centre-left Social Democrats are hoping to govern Germany after narrowly beating Angela Merkel’s centre-right Union bloc in Sunday’s parliamentary election. The SPD, led by Olaf Scholz, secured 25.7% of the vote, while the CDU-CSU bloc, helmed by Armin Laschet, got 24.1%, according to preliminary figures. This translates into 206 seats for the SPD in […]

Germany Embarks On Tricky Search For Post-Merkel Government

BERLIN (AP) — Germany is embarking on a potentially lengthy search for its next government after the center-left Social Democrats narrowly beat outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right bloc in an election that failed to set a clear direction for Europe’s biggest economy under a new leader. Leaders of the parties in the newly elected parliament […]

Merkel’s Bloc Eyes Worst Result Yet In Tight German Election

BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s center-left Social Democrats were locked in a very close race Sunday with outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right bloc, which was heading toward its worst-ever result in the country’s parliamentary election, projections showed. Top officials from both parties said they hope to lead Germany’s next government and have their candidates succeed […]

Germany’s Merkel vows party will fight as polls worsen

Outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed Tuesday that her party will fight for a good result in Germany’s election next month and won’t be distracted by polls showing its support at worryingly low levels. Merkel’s Union bloc has been sagging in polls for weeks as Armin Laschet, the leader of her Christian Democratic Union party and […]

Germany election: SPD overtakes Merkel’s CDU in polls for first time in 15 years

Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) has moved ahead of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the polls for the first time in fifteen years. The SPD was polling at 23% while the CDU was one point behind at 22%, according to figures released on Tuesday by Forsa. It is the first time the Social […]

Merkel on Biden’s Afghan Fiasco: ‘Everything Seems to Have Been in Vain’, Macron’s Migrant Wave Concerns

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has labelled the 20-year Afghan war as being “in vain” while French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the country must not again become a hub of terrorism. The German and French leaders gave televised statements to their respective nations on Monday, with Chancellor Merkel calling the Taliban’s conquest of the last […]

Merkel successor hopeful Armin Laschet apologises for book plagiarism

A politician hoping to replace Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel late this year has apologised for committing plagiarism in a 2009 book. Armin Laschet, the CDU nominee to succeed Merkel, admitted that he failed to credit a source in his book about immigration. “There are obviously mistakes for which I bear responsibility … I would like […]

We Cannot Go on Like This: Merkel Says on Tackling Climate Crisis After Floods

Destroyed houses are seen in Schuld, Germany, Thursday, July 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Michael Probst) Less than three months before leaving office, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has openly conceded that the industrial world has failed to adequately fight climate change and that more rapid, pain-inducing steps were urgently needed. Media reports said: Merkel, who has led Europe’s largest economy and […]

Xi Jinping Held Talks with Macron and Merkel, and Li Keqiang with the British Business Community

The July 5 (video) summit of Chinese leader Xi Jinping, on the one hand, and French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on the other, is not an ordinary event in the series of others on the table of the “Great Game.” Strange as it may seem, the first of these is due […]

Merkel’s Germany Faces ‘EPIDEMIC’ of Rampant Child Rape & Pedophilia

Millions of German children are subjected to rape and child abuse as pedophile’s in Germany feel more empowered than ever under Angela Merkel’s rule. According activist Julia von Weiler, from the German branch of global NGO Innocence in Danger, the sex abuse of children in Germany is now at epidemic levels. The problem authorities face in […]

Angela Merkel’s political legacy in the Western Balkans will be tough to beat | View

During the last visit of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to Berlin in the summer of 2018, the now outgoing German chancellor, Angela Merkel, allegedly told Bosnian politicians that in the architecture of the European Union, BiH would be the church’s crowning ornament, without which the church would not be a church. She […]

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