Posts Tagged ‘rampant’

Palestinians in Gaza’s displacement camps face rampant disease due to destroyed infrastructure

Those who survived Israel’s deadly bombardment now have to contend with the rising environmental disaster in Gaza’s displacement camps, including insect infestations, dangerous amounts of garbage and human waste, and the spread of infectious disease. Source

San Francisco announces plans to PUNISH businesses for fleeing due to rampant crime

San Francisco announces plans to PUNISH businesses for fleeing due to rampant crime Retail stores are fleeing San Francisco in droves as the California city collapses under the weight of rampant crime and theft. And rather than deal with the crime problem, city leaders instead want to punish the stores trying to leave. The so-called […]

KFC Abandoning Chicago Due To ‘Rampant Crime’ Caused By Leftist Policies

Three KFC locations have joined the mass exodus of businesses leaving Chicago due to rampant crime caused by leftist policies making it increasingly difficult to earn an honest living in the city. Residents of Chicago […] The post KFC Abandoning Chicago Due To ‘Rampant Crime’ Caused By Leftist Policies appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Drug-Use, Robberies, & Public Sex: Cali Public Library Forced To Close Due To Rampant Illegal Activity

In case you’re wondering whether or not libraries still have use in the age of the internet, they do. And we have Gavin Newsom’s state to thank in helping the nation get reacquainted with their new purpose. That use appears to now be a designated place for drug use, robberies and public sex. At least, […]

World Health Organization Says ‘We’re Still In A Pandemic’ & Covid Is ‘Rampant’

Despite declaring the public health emergency over last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) has now claimed that Covid is “rampant” and that the world is “still in a pandemic” WHO is now saying that […] The post World Health Organization Says ‘We’re Still In A Pandemic’ & Covid Is ‘Rampant’ appeared first on The […]

Anti-White Hatred Is Running Rampant on Twitter (X)

People like me end up getting banned without any valid explanation or opportunity to appeal the decision. However, Source

IRS stops processing pandemic-era tax breaks, citing RAMPANT FRAUD

(NaturalNews) The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced an immediate moratorium on pandemic-era tax breaks, citing rampant fraud.According to ZeroHedge,… Source

Rampant Western Hypocrisy Condemns Children in North-East Syria to a Life of Abuse

SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° Vanessa BeeleySave the Children report on north-east Syria detention camps. The West accuses Russia of human rights abuses against children, they should look in the mirror June 2023 – On International Children’s Day, Ambassador Neil Holland says that Ukraine’s children are paying the price of Russian aggression. Neil Holland […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Rampant Misogyny

Lauren Witzke says, “I don’t think that women should be president.” Jarrin Jackson declares that “feminism hates Christ.” Jon Miller asserts that “nobody believes women when they give their age…or body count…or say they weren’t flirting with another guy…or how much they spent on your card at Saks…or when they say they want you to […]

Rampant theft prompts NYC grocery stores to consider locking up food

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Smash-and-grab incidents are on the rise in many of America’s urban centers, including New York City where local retailers are considering putting food items in locked cases to keep them from getting stolen.Criminals are reportedly stealing so many products right in plain sight these days that desperate businesses all … [Read More…] […]

IT BEGINS: New GOP majority planning to launch committee to investigative rampant abuse of power by federal agencies

(Natural News) House Republicans are planning to launch a new subcommittee to investigate the growing political weaponization of the federal government by the deep state, hopefully with an eye toward defunding the offending agencies if Joe Biden’s Justice Department refuses to hold the officials who run them accountable. The new panel will fall under the… […]

CIA Caught Covering Up Rampant Child Sex Crimes Inside Agency and NO ONE Has Gone to Jail

Imagine an agency so secretive and so corrupt that they can literally get away with criminal sexual abuse of children. Source

Rampant LGBT perversion, violence and mental illness: How America’s collapse was foretold 50 years ago

(Natural News) It has long been argued that, should humanity ever go extinct, it will be because of overpopulation and the depletion of all resources. The reality, though, is that human society is already in the throes of an engineered collapse because of “save the world” depopulation and population control efforts disguised as “sustainability.” In […]

Rampant LGBT perversion, violence and mental illness: How America’s collapse was foretold 50 years ago

(Natural News) It has long been argued that, should humanity ever go extinct, it will be because of overpopulation and the depletion of all resources. The reality, though, is that human society is already in the throes of an engineered collapse because of “save the world” depopulation and population control efforts disguised as “sustainability.” In […]

Rampant LGBT perversion, violence and mental illness: How America’s collapse was foretold 50 years ago

(Natural News) It has long been argued that, should humanity ever go extinct, it will be because of overpopulation and the depletion of all resources. The reality, though, is that human society is already in the throes of an engineered collapse because of “save the world” depopulation and population control efforts disguised as “sustainability.” In […]

Poll: Most Americans Blame Biden, Not Russia, for Rampant Inflation in the U.S.

Most Americans blame President Biden, not Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, for rampant inflation plaguing the U.S., a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Tuesday found. 

Shocking FOIA Request Details Rampant Child Sex Crimes By CIA Agents and No One is Going to Jail

Through multiple FOIA lawsuits, Buzzfeed News obtained hundreds of internal CIA reports which detail the rampant abuse. According to the reports, despite multiple agents and contractors, at least 10, being caught in child sex abuse situations, just one of them has gone to jail. The others remain protected by the agency. Buzzfeed reports that most of the […]

Fauci Says Smallpox & Polio Would Still Be Rampant If Vaccines Got The Same Pushback Then As They Do Now

Dr Anthony Fauci is now arguing that if the US government faced the same level of vaccine hesitancy when the smallpox and polio vaccines were rolled out, the diseases would still be running rampant in the US. As President Biden ponyed the finger at Facebook as the main culprit behind underwhelming vaccine uptake in the […]

Merkel’s Germany Faces ‘EPIDEMIC’ of Rampant Child Rape & Pedophilia

Millions of German children are subjected to rape and child abuse as pedophile’s in Germany feel more empowered than ever under Angela Merkel’s rule. According activist Julia von Weiler, from the German branch of global NGO Innocence in Danger, the sex abuse of children in Germany is now at epidemic levels. The problem authorities face in […]

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Welcomes Joe Biden: Talk of City’s Rampant Gun Crime Avoided

President Joe Biden was greeted by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) on Wednesday when he arrived for a speaking appointment at an Illinois community college. The city’s rampant gun violence however was not on the public agenda, with Biden instead choosing to talk about “human infrastructure” and his American Families Plan. AP reports the president set out for […]

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