Posts Tagged ‘displacement’

Gaza resistance sources say fear is rising U.S. pier will be used for forced displacement of Palestinians

Critics warn the U.S.-constructed pier off Gaza’s coast is being used for military purposes. Now a source in the Gaza resistance says there are indications it will be used to facilitate the forced displacement of Palestinians. Source

‘Israel’ makes move on Rafah, forced displacement commences

6 May 2024 By Al Mayadeen English Israeli occupation forces begin to forcefully displace Palestinians formerly displaced to Rafah amid the increased likelihood of the start of the imminent invasion. The Israeli occupation forces officially began, on Monday, the forceful displacement of the already-displaced Palestinian people currently seeking shelter in Rafah, which had been designated by the […]

Palestinians in Gaza’s displacement camps face rampant disease due to destroyed infrastructure

Those who survived Israel’s deadly bombardment now have to contend with the rising environmental disaster in Gaza’s displacement camps, including insect infestations, dangerous amounts of garbage and human waste, and the spread of infectious disease. Source

Day 169: Israeli Aggression Claims More Lives, as Displacement Orders Intensify

March 23, 2024 In a devastating Israeli raid on the north of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, today at dawn, five Palestinians, including innocent children, were killed and several others were left injured. The occupation’s aircraft mercilessly bombarded an inhabited two-story house in the Mirage area, resulting in this loss of life. Adding to […]

Testimonies describe forced displacement campaign in northern Gaza

Israel claims there is not a policy to forcibly expel Palestinians in Gaza, but direct testimonies from people arriving in Rafah reveal there is a ethnic cleansing campaign taking place around Gaza City. Source

A story of displacement and the loss of my homeland

Our Nakba is being recorded by us in real-time for the entire world to see. Everyone can witness our slaughter and collective death. Our simple dream has been destroyed by Israel, for no greater sin than being born under occupation. Source

Mass displacement in Gaza: Nearly 80 percent of population forced from homes, UN reports

Image Credit: Getty Images The Gaza Strip is experiencing a catastrophic humanitarian crisis, with the United Nations reporting that nearly 80% of its population has been displaced. As of November 19, approximately 1.7 million Palestinians have been forced from their homes due to the Israeli bombardment and raids that have escalated over recent weeks. The […]

Forced displacement of Gaza

Oct 30 2023 Verified document from Israeli Ministry of Intelligence on October 13 suggests forced displacement of Gaza civilians to Egypt would “yield positive and long term strategic results” The advisory document envisions a three stage process including the establishment of tent cities in Sinai and opening of humanitarian corridor, followed by construction of cities […]

US bears responsibility for displacement of Syrians: Nasrallah

2 Oct 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen In a speech commemorating the birthday of Prophet Mohammad, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah discussed several issues including Syrian displacement to Lebanon and Lebanon’s border with occupied Palestine, among other important issues. By Al Mayadeen English The United States holds the responsibility for the displacement of Syrian citizens, Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed […]

New report describes continuing forcible displacement and dispossession of Palestinian Christians

A new report from BADIL and Kairos Palestine seeks to activate the Western church in opposition to Israel’s colonial-apartheid system. Source

A year of global displacement

This year’s record-breaking global displacement crisis calls for greater protections and investment by the international community instead of more indifference and cruelty. Source

Protest against displacement of housing and livelihoods calls for halt to evictions

While evictions of the poor from their huts and small houses should be avoided as far as possible in all circumstances, the situation since the pandemic appeared has been all the more difficult for the weaker sections as they suffered very big losses in earnings and employment. What is more weather conditions have also been […]

83 Democratic lawmakers call on Biden to stop forced displacement in Masafer Yatta

83 congressional Democrats call on Biden to stop Israel from forcibly displacing 1,000 Palestinians from Masafer Yatta in the southern West Bank.

US Charitable Donations Are Funding Displacement Of Palestinians

Above Photo: A child holds a Palestinian flag during a rally to commemorate the 46th Palestinian Land Day anniversary in Gaza City. Land Day marks an incident in 1976 when Israeli troops shot and killed six people during protests against land confiscations. Yousef Masoud / SOPA Images/LightRocket Via Getty Images. Several gunshot bangs pierced the […]

US charitable donations are funding the displacement of Palestinians

Editor’s Note: A version of the following article first appeared in Truthout on April 4, 2022. Several gunshot bangs pierced the sky. Israeli soldiers shot a Palestinian protester with live ammunition. Chants and cheers from Israeli settlers from Modi’in Illit rang out through the air as they stood upon a mound of dirt overlooking the […]

#SaveSilwan: 1,500 Palestinians under imminent threat of displacement

The clock is ticking for some 100 Palestinian families in the occupied East Jerusalem town of Silwan who have been forced to face an impossible decision: either demolish their own homes, or wait for Israeli forces to carry out the demolition.  It’s a fate that the families in the al-Bustan neighborhood of Silwan have been […]

Palestinian Activist Criticizes Attempts To Sanitize Forced Displacement In Sheikh Jarrah

A Palestinian activist whom Israeli forces recently arrested and then freed said Monday that the international community must cut through propaganda and identify the continued expulsion of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood for what it really is. Mohammed el-Kurd, who since childhood has protested the Israeli occupation with his twin sister, Muna […]

Saudi Crackdown: 521 Families Threatened With Displacement, Razing Houses in Qatif

By Staff, Agencies In the course of the ongoing crackdown against the kingdom’s Shia minority, the Saudi regime plans to displace hundreds of families in the Shia-majority eastern province of Qatif and raze their houses. Nashet Qatifi, a renowned Saudi human rights activist, said in a post on his Twitter account that the Riyadh government […]

For Syrians, a decade of displacement with no end in sight

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Displacement of  rural communities , diversion of fertile land and forests likely to prove very costly

Several countries including India have embarked on a development strategy which emphasizes very rapid and large-scale extraction of minerals, construction of large dams and super-highways, huge urbanization and industrial projects. This is equated to development and progress by ruling regimes and hence they do not give adequate and proper attention to the huge social and […]

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