Posts Tagged ‘fertile’

Right Wing Round-Up: Ripe And Fertile

Annie Grayer @ CNN: GOP lawmaker claims KKK is ‘the military wing of the Democratic Party’ in closed door meeting ahead of antisemitism hearing GOP Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania said in a closed door briefing with lawmakers on Tuesday that the Ku Klux Klan is the “the military wing of the Democratic party” and […]

Displacement of  rural communities , diversion of fertile land and forests likely to prove very costly

Several countries including India have embarked on a development strategy which emphasizes very rapid and large-scale extraction of minerals, construction of large dams and super-highways, huge urbanization and industrial projects. This is equated to development and progress by ruling regimes and hence they do not give adequate and proper attention to the huge social and […]

New Study Proves How Desert Dust Deposits Created The Fertile Crescent

We consider  dust to be a nuisance and worse, but without it, the history of humanity may have been very different. This is because dust deposits played a crucial role in creating an important  fertile area  in the Middle East. This became the gateway for early humans leaving  Africa and allowed them to enter Eurasia. Moreover, the […]

Resistance is Fertile!

Whether you’re a die-hard Trekkie or someone who would never be caught dead watching one of those silly sci-fi shows, if you were around in the ’90s you will remember the Borg catchphrase: “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.” For those not in the know, the phrase “resistance is futile” was introduced to popular […]

Harvest Like Our Ancestors: The Resistance Is Fertile

Above Photo: Flickr Food sovereignty enhances tribal sovereignty It’s time for the harvest. Traditionally, the Oceti Sakowin (Great Sioux Nation) are hunter gatherers. For generations, our children have gotten excited when the chokecherries turn black, because that meant they were ripe for picking. Buffaloberries and wild plums are ready when the chokecherries are. Wild strawberries and raspberries […]

France: At Least 77 Dead in Nice Truck Attack

France: At Least 77 Dead in Nice Truck Attack July 14th, 2016 Via: AFP: A truck ploughed into a crowd in the French Riviera resort of Nice, killing at least 77 and leaving scores injured in an attack on revellers watching a Bastille Day […]

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