Posts Tagged ‘forests’

Why healthy forests mean fewer pandemics

COVID-19, SARS, and Ebola were transmitted to humans from wild animals living in tropical forests. Destroying their habitats is killing us. Source

Bill Gates Is Funding A Scheme To Cut Down 70 Million Acres Of Forests In North America

By Rhoda Wilson via The Daily Exposé Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce Source

How could they be “forest fires” if the forests weren’t on fire?

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack Forensic arborist Robert Brame presents his photographic evidence that, in nearly all those California fires, what burned hell-hot was NOT the forests but the GROUND, the soil left forever STERILE. What happened time and time again in California (as, no doubt, in Canada last week) certainly did not result […]

Open letter from scientists to world leaders: Stop using bioenergy from forests to generate electricity

“The best thing for the climate and biodiversity is to leave forests standing—and biomass energy does the opposite.” Source

Weather Warfare, Wasted Forests and Worldwide Collapse of Ecosystems

The global controllers are utilizing every tool they have at their disposal to distract populations from the wider horizon of unfolding and accelerating global ecological collapse. The signs of environmental collapse can be difficult to distinguish from a distance, our forests are a primary example. An up close examination is essential if the truth is […]

China pledges to go greener by planting forests the size of Belgium over the next five years

China has just launched a new green campaign claiming it will plant forests the size of Belgium over the course of the next five years.  This plan is part of the nation’s goal to combat the climate crisis and to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. In addition, they will also expand the country’s national park […]

Burned-out Forests Are Not Re-Growing

A fire burns trees next to grazing land in the Amazon basin in Ze Doca, Brazil. (Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images) Trees are not re-growing in burned-out forests. This strange occurrence is becoming more frequent as global warming turns verdant flora into flammable tinder, causing more and bigger wild forests fires. This article will examine the […]

Images from space show California’s forests and lakes drying out in a record mega-drought

Images from space show California’s forests and lakes drying out in a record mega-drought Posted on July 3, 2021 McFall-Johnsen An artificial lake, Shadow Lake Estates, next to desert landscape in Indio, California on June 29, 2021.  California‘s drought is so severe right now, you can see it from satellites. Heat waves make drought even worse. Two of them struck the western […]

‘Monumental Steps’ On Protecting Old Growth Forests

By Andrew MacLeod, The Tyee. June 12, 2021 Above photo: Premier John Horgan announced a pause in old-growth logging on southern Vancouver Island Wednesday. BC government. Critics Aren’t Convinced. BC defers logging of southern Vancouver Island old growth after months of protests and blockades. The British Columbia cabinet has agreed to defer the logging of […]

Forests are crucial to combating climate change—will Biden rise to the challenge?

Image Credit: crustmania/Flickr This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute. Covering a third of the planet’s land surface, forests are massive carbon sinks, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide and keeping it out of the atmosphere where it would contribute to global warming. Only the world’s […]

‘Our forests are sick’: German woodland hit by record damage due to fires and pests, says damning new report

Fires, storms, droughts and bark beetle infestations have damaged German forests so badly that they are now in their worst condition in four decades, the country’s Agriculture Minister Julia Kloeckner said on Wednesday. The country’s 2020 Forest Condition Report of 10,000 trees has revealed that a record 1.7 percent of trees died between 2019 and […]

From Saving Forests and Seeds to Communal Harmony and Equality, Kunwar Prasun’s Quest for A Better World Never Stopped

People know him mainly as an activist of the famous Chipko movement, but the reality of the  life of Kunwar Prasun was that his yearnings for creating a better world were constantly taking him from one struggle and constructive engagement to another. A deeply committed Gandhian all his life, Prasun was guided only by his […]

Displacement of  rural communities , diversion of fertile land and forests likely to prove very costly

Several countries including India have embarked on a development strategy which emphasizes very rapid and large-scale extraction of minerals, construction of large dams and super-highways, huge urbanization and industrial projects. This is equated to development and progress by ruling regimes and hence they do not give adequate and proper attention to the huge social and […]

Protection of Tribal Land and Forests Rights is Important Not Just for Livelihoods but Also for Invaluable Traditional Wisdom

                    Many commentators on land and forest rights, including former senior government officials, have expressed serious concern at the land alienation suffered by tribal farmers and the dilution of their forest rights. While this has led to a serious livelihood crisis among a large number of tribal households, in addition this has led to […]

Food Forests Could Bring Healthy Organic Food To Everyone: For Free

Next Story Food forests or Forest gardening have been around for a long time with many of the native cultures practicing this form of sustainable agriculture. It is a form of low-maintenance plant-based food production which replicates natural ecosystems, incorporating fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, running vines and perennial vegetables. Beneficial plants and companion planting is a big part of the […]

Earthjustice Wins 16-Year-Long Battle To Protect 50 Million Acres Of Forests

Above Photo: Earthjustice attorney Ted Zukoski (left) stands in Colorado’s Sunset Roadless Area. Zukoski is one of the Earthjustice attorneys who worked to save the Roadless Rule. WILD EARTH GUARDIANS / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 A decades-long fight over a landmark rule protecting wild forests nationwide took another successful–and possibly final–turn last week after a U.S. district […]

The World Protests As Amazon Forests Are Opened To Mining

Above Photo: This polluted lake is what remains of the open mine pit of Serra Pelada (‘Naked Mountain’), hand-excavated by tens of thousands of miners in the Amazon Basin. REUTERS/Paulo Santos The Amazon, often described as the “lungs of the Earth”, is the largest rainforest in the world. Its extraordinary biodiversity and sheer scale has made it […]

Arrests: Forests Are For Picnics Not For Pipelines

Massachusetts – It was a beautiful day for picnics in Otis State Forest on Saturday, as the non-violent direct action group Sugar Shack Alliance hosted a large public rally at Lower Spectacle Pond in Sandisfield, Massachusetts. As the rally was happening, an entirely different kind of picnic, a well-coordinated act of civil disobedience was unfolding along […]

The Paris Climate Accord is GENOCIDE Against Plants, Forests and All Life on Our Planet

The primary goal of the Paris Climate Accord — the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide — is nothing less than genocide against all plant life across our planet. That’s because all plants depend on CO2 for their very survival. It’s the “oxygen” for plants, and right now trees, grasses and food crops are starving for […]

Anti-fracking activists fighting to protect Ohio’s Wayne National Forest as oil and gas industry targets reserves in untouched wilderness

(NaturalNews) The Wayne National Forest (WNF) is located in the hills of southeastern Ohio. It is home to many unique and endangered species including bobcats, Indiana bats, timber rattlesnakes and cerulean warblers. It features over 300 miles of stunning trails for hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding. Soon, all this splendor may come […]

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