Posts Tagged ‘pipelines’

Putin calls last year’s attack on Nord Stream pipelines an ACT OF TERRORISM

Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted last year’s attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines during a virtual summit of G20 leaders on Nov. 22, saying it was a blatant attempt to take Russia out as an energy supplier and a key competitor of the West. “To eliminate competitors and gain advantages, unfair methods of competition are used,” […]

Merritt Medical Hour: Dr. Lee Merritt and Trent Loos touch on the dangers of CO2 pipelines – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt and Trent Loos of the Loos Tales blog touched on the dangers of carbon dioxide (CO2) pipelines on the Oct. 11… Source

The CIA was ready to sabotage the pipelines as early as last January, intelligence sources told the veteran reporter Hersh

Blaming anything on Biden other than him molesting little girls is misdirection as he is so senile at this point he can not even remember two minuets later which little girls in a crowd he has already felt up. Who do you think the bribe taking little children raping Political whores from Sodom and Gomorrah […]

US Terrorist Attack on Nord Stream Pipelines and Tectonic Weapons in Turkey

The United States’ use of terrorist methods to eliminate Russian gas competition by undermining the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea on September 26 and numerous well-founded suspicions about Washington’s possible use of tectonic weapons in the February earthquake in Turkey are among the most widely discussed topics in many nations today. Seymour Hersh, […]

Hungary Demands UN Investigation Into “Scandalous” Attack on Nord Stream Pipelines

Hungary has called for a UN investigation into the “scandalous” attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, which journalist Seymour Hersh asserted were destroyed by the United States. Three of the four natural gas pipelines connecting Russia to Germany were sabotaged in September last year, an attack that must have been carried out by a state […]

U.S. Carried Out Bombing of Nord Stream Pipelines, Famed Journalist Seymour Hersh Reports

The US government used Navy divers to plant “remotely triggered explosives” on Russia and Germany’s Nord Stream pipelines during a “mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22” and triggered the bombs three months later in September, famed veteran journalist Seymour Hersh reports. From Seymour Hersh, “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline”: The U.S. Navy’s […]

Fake Reporting on the Blown-up Pipelines and Russia’s “Annexation

Open Letter to the New York Times September 30, 2022 Global Research, By Peter Koenig All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate This Article button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global […]

Really, who perpetrated the insane attacks on Russia’s Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines?

The United States, United Kingdom, State of Israel, or All 3 US speaks out on claims of ‘sabotage’ on Russia’s Nord Stream In any case, it was the notorious Russophobic Khazarian Cabal that ordered the corporate sabotage. Okay, folks, this crazy criminal conspiratorial plot is a little bit complicated but still easily solved as we […]

Guess Who Threatened to Take the Russian Nord Stream Pipelines Offline Before They Were Sabotaged This Week?

Guess Who Threatened to Take the Russian Nord Stream Pipelines Offline Before They Were Sabotaged This Week? Source

German Government Thinks Russian Gas Pipelines Could Have Been Deliberately Sabotaged

Tagesspiegel newspaper reports that a sudden loss of pressure in three natural gas pipelines between Russia and Germany is likely to have been a “targeted attack” carried out by either Russia or Ukraine. Pressure in the Nord Stream 2 undersea gas pipeline dropped from 300 to 7 bars on Sunday night, followed by a similar […]

Leaks On Russian Gas Pipelines Raise Concerns About Sabotage

A series of unusual leaks on two natural gas pipelines running from Russia under the Baltic Sea to Germany have triggered concerns about sabotage. Source

Biden Will Let States and Tribes Block Pipelines, Reversing Another Trump Energy Policy

Joe Biden plans to undo Donald Trump’s energy policies by giving power to states and tribes to stop pipeline construction through aggressive enforcement of the Clean Water Act.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Affirms Pipelines Are ‘Best Way to Go’, Just Not Keystone XL

Pete Buttigieg, President Joe Biden’s Transportation Secretary, insisted Thursday, while testifying before the Senate Banking Committee, the administration’s stance is that pipeline is the “best way to go,” just not the Keystone XL Pipeline, which the president revoked, killing thousands of jobs. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) pressed the secretary, saying, “As Secretary of Transportation, do you agree […]

All We Have Now Is The People Versus The Pipelines

By Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. April 19, 2021 The northern portion of the Keystone XL Pipeline is stopped for now, but there is another pipeline, Enbridge’s Line 3, that will also carry tar sands from Canada under construction. Resistance to the pipeline is widespread and escalating with direct actions to shut down construction and […]

Private security firm accused of working illegally to protect oil and gas pipelines in five states

Image Credit: Shannonpatrick17, CC BY 2.0 Leighton Security Services, a private security company accused of working without a license during construction of the controversial Dakota Access pipeline, is facing similar allegations in Virginia. The complaint against Leighton is one of two recently filed against private companies providing security for the Mountain Valley pipeline, a planned […]

Indigenous women call upon Biden to stop pipelines and uphold Indigenous rights in the wake of escalating climate chaos and Covid-19 crises

Today over 75 Indigenous women leaders from across the country impacted by fossil fuel extraction and pipeline infrastructure sent a letter to the incoming Administration calling on President-elect Biden to immediately take five executive actions to halt the Keystone XL, Dakota Access, and Line 3 pipeline projects. These executive actions will uphold Indigenous rights, align the […]

Stopping Pipelines Means Challenging Systems That Threaten Our Existence

Stopping Pipelines Means Challenging Systems That Threaten Our Existence Although not as well-known as the struggle at Standing Rock to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, there are bold and active campaigns going on to stop pipelines from British Columbia to the Bayou to the Appalachian Mountains. If constructed, the pipelines will contaminate the water and food […]

Watching The Hawks – Canada Says Yes to Pipelines, No to Activists

Watching The Hawks – Canada Says Yes to Pipelines, No to Activists Watching The Despite immense pushback from Indigenous and environmental activists, the Canadian government plans to spend US$3.4 billion on a controversial new oil pipeline. RT Canada Correspondent Alex Mihailovic discusses. WATCH OUR SHOW ON RT @… LIKE Watching the Hawks @ […]

Protest Morgan Stanley Over Support For Pipelines

Protest Morgan Stanley Over Support For Pipelines Above photo: From FANG Collective Purchase, NY – Early yesterday morning, a group of activists disrupted Morgan Stanley’s annual shareholder meeting by blocking vehicle access at both entrances to their corporate campus in Purchase, NY.  The action was carried out in solidarity with communities across the continent who […]

Enbridge Fined For Failing To Fully Inspect Pipelines After Kalamazoo Oil Spill

The Canadian oil pipeline company responsible for one of the largest inland oil spills on record has agreed to pay a $1.8 million fine for failing to thoroughly inspect its pipelines for weaknesses as required under a 2016 agreement. Federal officials say Enbridge, Inc., did not carry out timely and thorough inspections on one of […]

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