Posts Tagged ‘thinks’

Socialist Member of Chicago City Council Thinks the Idea of Punishing Criminals is ‘Racist’ and Calls America a ‘Garbage Society’

Socialist Member of Chicago City Council Thinks the Idea of Punishing Criminals is ‘Racist’ and Calls America a ‘Garbage Society’ Source

Anyone Who Thinks The American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union the united States of America survived Lincoln & Existed After 1861 Probably Waits In the Pumpkin Patch With Linus

Any American Sheeple who are trying to save the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union the united States of America and the Constitution, both which Lincoln and his puritan yankee marxist killed in 1861, probably wait in the pumpkin patch with Linus on Halloween for the coming of the “Great Pumpkin”. The Ole Dog! Source

OpenAI thinks white genocide is no big deal

(NaturalNews) When asked recently which is worse, killing a billion white people or using the word “Oriental” to describe an Asian person, the artificial… Source

Cornel West thinks Biden won’t make it to the general election

Cornel West doesn’t think Joe Biden will make it to the general election. Instead, the independent presidential candidate suggested the sitting president could suddenly end his reelection bid the way President Lyndon B. Johnson did when he shocked the nation in 1968. “I’m not even sure whether I’ll be running against Biden,” West said during […]

Why James Lankford thinks he can secure the border, aid Ukraine, and win Democratic votes

Back in October, Joe Biden was looking at a simple, seemingly clever, deal: tie aid to Ukraine and aid to Israel together. The Republicans who opposed aid to Ukraine all supported aid to Israel so they would hold their noses and vote for the whole package. The Democrats who opposed aid to Israel all supported […]

Key Republican thinks it’s ‘futile’ to bring up agriculture spending bill again 

Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), the chair of the subcommittee that crafted the House GOP’s annual agriculture funding bill, is casting doubt on the legislation’s chances of passage this month amid divisions on abortion and spending.  House Republicans had hoped to pass their remaining annual government funding bills by a looming Nov. 17 deadline to prevent a shutdown, as… […]

I Asked MEP Christine Anderson What She Thinks About Donald Trump: Here’s What She Had to Say

Originally Published on Vigilant News Earlier this week, I interviewed the legendary Christine Anderson, a German member of the European Parliament and one of the few politicians who stood up to the COVID nonsense. I asked her many questions on the topics of COVID tyranny, climate change, bad actors, and more, but her comments about […]

Kari Lake Thinks Life Under Dictator Roseanne Barr ‘Might Be Fun’

After getting fired from her own television show after sending out a racist tweet in 2018, comedian Roseanne Barr eventually found a like-minded audience with an array of QAnon conspiracy theorists and far-right activists. Since then, Barr has continued to make outrageous antisemitic comments and spread wild conspiracy theories. Recently, Barr launched her own podcast […]

Why Are There So Many Fires? Dr. David Martin Unveils What He Thinks Is Behind It

Originally Published on Vigilant News The whole world seems like it’s on fire. Fires are ravaging Maui, Canada, Greece, France—you name it. But when you dig deeper, something’s off. Government mismanagement, questionable land acquisitions, and even newly minted laws raise eyebrows. Are we witnessing a bad wave of natural, runaway wildfires, or is there something […]

John Kirby Thinks Biden’s Incoherent Mumbling To Israeli President “Was Very, Very Clear!”

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby cannot understand why Americans are concerned with President Biden’s constant mumbling and claims his speech to Israeli President Issac Herzog was “very very clear”. Kirby told Fox News’s Martha […] The post John Kirby Thinks Biden’s Incoherent Mumbling To Israeli President “Was Very, Very Clear!” appeared first on The […]

How Vivek Ramaswamy thinks he’s got Trump & DeSantis beat

The 2024 Republican presidential primary is off to a bit of a slow start. Donald Trump and former governors Nikki Haley and Asa Hutchinson have entered the race, but other likely candidates, such as Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence, are still sitting on the sidelines. Almost every Republican senator who flirted with the idea seems […]

Why Kevin McCarthy thinks he’s already won

A small group of longtime Kevin McCarthy aides who decamped downtown to lobby are suddenly some of the most influential and sought-after people in Washington. They remain intensely loyal to the new speaker and serve as crucial sources of insight into his thinking and strategy. Ben Howard, now at the Duberstein Group, was McCarthy’s floor […]

AOC, Who Thinks She’s Some Kind Of A Sex Symbol, Says She Is “Afraid For Her Life”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) who insisted last year that “deranged sexual frustrations” underpin a “Republican fixation” on her, is now claiming to be “absolutely” afraid for her life. This is the same New York congresswoman […] The post AOC, Who Thinks She’s Some Kind Of A Sex Symbol, Says She Is “Afraid For Her Life” […]

German Government Thinks Russian Gas Pipelines Could Have Been Deliberately Sabotaged

Tagesspiegel newspaper reports that a sudden loss of pressure in three natural gas pipelines between Russia and Germany is likely to have been a “targeted attack” carried out by either Russia or Ukraine. Pressure in the Nord Stream 2 undersea gas pipeline dropped from 300 to 7 bars on Sunday night, followed by a similar […]

NYC School Administrator Calls “White Boys” Horrible and Thinks Dexter-like Serial Killer Is the Solution

An administrator at a private $60,000-a-year New York City school located in the city’s Upper West Side is “no longer employed” just under a month after Project Veritas published a video of her admitting to “promoting an agenda” in the classroom. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Why Powell Thinks the Labor Market is ‘Clearly Unbalanced’

Just how unbalanced is the labor market? This question has become one of the biggest debates in economics today. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and his fellow officials at the Federal Reserve see the labor market as extremely unbalanced, with demand for workers far outstripping supply. Others, however, have argued that the Fed’s view of […]

Jan. 6 Panel Member Thinks Pence Will Testify to Committee

A member of the House of Representatives panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol thinks former Vice President Mike Pence will testify to the panel without being subpoenaed. “I would assume he’s going to come forward and testify voluntarily, the way the vast majority of people have,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) […]

Breitbart News Daily Podcast Ep. 206: ‘My Son Hunter’ Trailer Goes Viral, Left Thinks They’ve Finally Got the Bad Orange Man, Guests: J.D. Vance, Sen. Marsha Blackburn

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) discusses her recent trip to Taiwan and what America is doing to fight China’s dominance both at home and abroad.

Viral ‘Loch Ness Monster’ Paleontologist Tells Us What He Thinks Is Out There

During the age of dinosaurs, the oceans teemed with plesiosaurs, a family of distinctive long-necked predators that could grow to more than 80 feet in length. As charismatic sea creatures of the past, plesiosaurs have become pop culture icons, in part due to their resemblance to cryptids such as the Loch Ness Monster. Though plesiosaurs […]

Sanctions on Russia Cost the US More Than it Thinks

For more than many weeks now, many Western leaders have been calling for blocking Russia out of the SWFIT payment system. The UK’s Boris Johnson thinks that this is a potentially good way of ‘punishing’ Russia. But the US/EU have not blocked Russia out of this global payments system yet. There are two reasons for […]

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