Posts Tagged ‘anyone’

Christian Nationalists’ Anti-LGBTQ Plan: Allow Anyone To Sue Teacher, Librarian ‘Groomers’

When the National Association of Christian Lawmakers held its National Policy Conference at Liberty University earlier this month, participants on one panel discussed ways to take advantage of the far-right majority’s control of the Supreme Court to “unwind” the separation of church and state. During a separate session, participants, led by radical right-wing conspiracy theorist and […]

Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online

The Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’ violations and arrest offenders, even if […] The post Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Anyone Giving Support For Rothschild’s Holocaust of The Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judians in Illegally Occupied Palestine, is a Soul-less Demonically Possessed Virus Host Animal, Not Human

Zionist woman from NY discusses plans to build Jewish settlements in Gaza after Israeli occupation forces ethnically cleanse Palestinians from it, while she takes part in blocking humanitarian aid convoys from entering the starved population of Gaza… — Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) March 24, 2024 This soul killing virus must be eradicated so […]

Please, do NOT send this video to anyone who has been vaxxed or given a nasal swab PCR test because……

…most of the vaccinated people could not handle this highly radioactive truth, if they truly believed it. Submitted by A Long Covid Coach & Vaccine Injury Consultant SOTN Exclusive There are very good reasons why the naked truth about the lethally weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ has not made its way into Big Media quite yet. The […]

Rothschild’s Bit#h Sen. Cotton Demands of Murdergon Why Anyone Not Willing To Holocaust Little Innocent Children & Die For IsraHELL is Allowed Into US Military

Mossad Jeffery ran a blackmail operation for Israel in which he provided children to rape to US politicians,. filmed the rapes so US politicians could be blackmailed to commit treason against Americans for the benefit of the politicians Rothschild Masters “COTTON STATEMENT ON ISRAEL FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Caroline Tabler or James Arnold (202) 224-2353 […]

ANYONE Supporting the Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom in Illegally Occupied Palestine is Demonically Possessed, Therefore a Soul-less Animal

In 0740 AD a kingdom in the steppes of modern day Ukraine and Russia peopled by a Turkmen Mongolian mongrel mix called the Khazarians mass infected with the Zionist Zombie Virus of the Babylonian Talmud inspired Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult Virus. “This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major […]

Anyone Who Thinks The American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union the united States of America survived Lincoln & Existed After 1861 Probably Waits In the Pumpkin Patch With Linus

Any American Sheeple who are trying to save the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union the united States of America and the Constitution, both which Lincoln and his puritan yankee marxist killed in 1861, probably wait in the pumpkin patch with Linus on Halloween for the coming of the “Great Pumpkin”. The Ole Dog! Source

Anyone Still Pimping For Trump Is Too Stupid To Walk & Chew Gun At the Same Time, Or Took The 30 Shekels To Sell Humanity Out

If anyone out there is offended by my saying anyone still pimping for Trump is too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time or has taken the 30 shekels to sell humanity out to the evil ones, allow me to rephrase that. Anyone still pimping for Trump is too stupid to pour […]

Revealed: plan to brand anyone ‘undermining’ UK as extremist

by tts-admin | Nov 6, 2023 | 9 comments Pictured above: a recent protest in London calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Some fear that the proposed new definition of extremism could include such protests, given that Hamas is classified as a “terrorist” organisation by UK authorities. Jon Ungoed-Thomas and Mark Townsend – The Guardian […]

10/7 — Much More Dangerous & Diabolical Than Anyone Knows

President Newsom, anyone?!

Mesquite, NV October 26, 2023 Newsom in China: It’s ALL Carefully Scripted!?! by Rich Scheck The body language of Gavin Newsom with China’s President Xi inBeijing yesterday tells you all you need to know about who is in charge here. I’m saying all these global events are co-ordinated, carefully scripted by those supporting the Davos […]

Canadian Govt Funds $5,000 Bonuses for Employers to Hire Anyone Other Than Straight White Men

By Chris Menahan A new Canadian government-funded program is offering $5,000 bonuses to British Columbia construction companies to Source

Despite Issuing Vaccine Mandate OSHA Head Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’

A senior Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) official was grilled on Capitol Hill this week During Wednesdays House hearing, Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA Douglas Parker was questioned over his agency’s issuance of […] The post Despite Issuing Vaccine Mandate OSHA Head Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’ appeared first on […]

OSHA Head Now Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’ and Denied Issuing a Vaccine Mandate for 84 Million Americans

OSHA Head Now Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’ and Denied Issuing a Vaccine Mandate for 84 Million Americans Source

OSHA Head, Doug Parker, Now Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’ Despite Issuing a Vaccine Mandate for 84 Million Americans


Saudi Crown Prince on Khashoggi murder: ‘Anyone involved is serving jail time’

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in a recent interview insisted “anyone involved” with the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is “serving jail time,” a comment that comes ahead of the five-year anniversary of the murder.  When asked in a rare interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier about if any individuals are serving time for… […]

USAF – Has Anyone Seen Our Missing F35B ?

Yet another F35 bites the dust at taxpayers expense and the USAF issue a public request for help in finding the missing aircraft. History Repeats taxpayers ripped off by corrupt politicians and crooked arms manufacturers peddling second rate overpriced junk. For historical context – See Lockheed Starfighter aka The Widowmaker. F104-G  “G for Germany” LOL […]

GEOTERRORISM ALERT! Did anyone catch the geoengineered superstorm Hurricane Daniel that set up the Libyan dam collapse killing up to 20,000?!

The utter devastation wrought by Hurricane Daniel is completely without precedent for this part of Northern Africa. SOURCE: SOURCE:   Source

The Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, But the Government Is Ready to Lockdown the Nation

In light of the government’s tendency to exploit crises (legitimate or manufactured) and capitalize on the nation’s heightened emotions, confusion and fear as a means of extending the reach of the police state, one has to wonder what so-called crisis it will declare next. Source

Anyone Who Complies with Illegal, Unconstitutional Edicts Like the One Just Announced by New Mexico’s Governor is Complicit in America’s Slide Into Totalitarianism

Anyone Who Complies with Illegal, Unconstitutional Edicts Like the One Just Announced by New Mexico’s Governor is Complicit in America’s Slide Into Totalitarianism Source

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