Posts Tagged ‘imprison’

Biden Rape Victim Tells Tucker Carlson DOJ Is Planning To Imprison Her for Speaking Out

Biden’s rape victim Tara Reade sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson recently, where she revealed that the DOJ is threatening to imprison her for exposing Biden’s crimes. Tara told Tucker that she is […] The post Biden Rape Victim Tells Tucker Carlson DOJ Is Planning To Imprison Her for Speaking Out appeared first […]

Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online

The Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’ violations and arrest offenders, even if […] The post Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Trudeau Regime Lays Groundwork To Imprison Citizens Who Have Not Committed a Crime

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seeking the power to imprison Canadians who the government suspect “might” commit a “hate crime” in the future. The Daily Telegraph reports that the policy will form part of the Trudeau’s dystopian ‘Online Harms Bill,’ which cracks down on any opposition to the regime’s far-left authoritarian agenda. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up […]

Anti-TikTok RESTRICT Act could actually imprison Americans for criticizing GMOs

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The US government spying on US citizens took a stranglehold after the terrorist-style demolition of 3 skyscraper buildings in New York City in September, 2001. The name of the spying apparatus was ironically called the “Patriot Act,” because it was about spying on American patriots (every American who cares about the … […]

Uganda passes a bill to imprison people who identify as LGBTQ+

Uganda passes a bill to imprison people who identify as LGBTQ+ and could face life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Source

New Brazil Law Would IMPRISON Those Who Refuse Mandatory Vaccination!

18 fev 2023 “This is a nightmare.” Under proposed law PL 5555 2020, Brazilian citizens could be imprisoned for 2-8 years for refusing mandatory vaccination. The same penalty is incurred by anyone who disseminates “fake news” regarding vaccines or their effectiveness. (Full Interview) _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The […]

Jerry Nadler Calls for Federal Review To Imprison Rittenhouse: “He’s GUILTY and He’s Gonna Pay”

Democrat dirtbag Jerry Nadler has called for a federal review of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict by Biden’s corrupt Department of Justice. Joe Biden is on the record falsely calling Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist and murderer. “This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ. […]

Boris Johnson launches Secrets Act, to imprison Journalists who dare question government — The Duran

[embedded content] Boris Johnson launches Secrets Act, to imprison Journalists who dare question government The Duran: Episode 1052 Official Secrets Act: Boris Johnson ‘Doesn’t Want’ Journos Prosecuted for ‘Doing Their Public Duty’ Official Secrets Act: Boris Johnson ‘Doesn’t Want’ Journos Prosecuted for ‘Doing Their Public Duty’ Last week, veteran BBC foreign correspondent John Simpson warned […]

Democrats Imprison First Amendment for Sedition

Democrats Imprison First Amendment for Sedition / pcr3 Democrats Imprison First Amendment for Sedition Paul Craig Roberts Glenn Greenwald explains the Democrats’ determination to obliterate the First Amendment. The Democrats have resurrected the Third Reich in America: To further stamp out opposition to their one-party rule, the Democrats intend to criminalize American […]

Abduct, Imprison, Repeat: Israel’s Brutal System of Occupation, False Imprisonment of Palestinians

By now, western audiences are familiar with shocking photos of horrific ‘routine’ torture which has taken place at various U.S. military bases and detention centers in places Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. Why many westerners will express outrage over these images and condemn such practices, few have been brave enough to acknowledge that Palestinians have […]

Abduct, imprison, repeat: israel systematically imprisons Palestinians on false or no charges

According to October 2017 statistics by the Palestinian prisoner support group Addameer, Israel holds 6,198 Palestinians in prison (including 280 children and 58 women). On October 27, Israeli forces abducted Ashraf Abu Rahme (36) from Bil’in, a village of around 2,000 people, just west of Ramallah. Abu Rahme’s alleged crime? “Throwing stones.” Even were Israel’s […]

Australian Jews imprison Brendon O’Connell’s Christian beliefs for 3 years

Australian Jews imprison Brendon O’Connell’s Christian beliefs for 3 years Brendon O’Connell who exposes Zionist infiltration and operation Talpiot is currently being held in prison in New Zealand… Brendon O’Connell had already served 3 years prison in Australia… please share this around as this case is potentially a big one to expose the Jew World […]

Hungarian Prime Minister Vows To Imprison George Soros

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has promised to imprison billionaire globalist George Soros for attempting to undermine Hungary’s national security.  In a renewed attack on Soros, Orban instructed his intelligence services to investigate all the criminal attempts by Soros to target his country. reports: Intelligence agencies will help evaluate what he sees as efforts […]

UK to Imprison People Who View ‘Far-Right Propaganda’ Online for Up to 15 Years

People in the United Kingdom could face up to fifteen years in prison for repeatedly viewing “far-right propaganda” or “terrorist material” online, according to a report. According to the Guardian, “A new maximum penalty of 15 years’ imprisonment will also apply to terrorists who publish information about members of the armed forces, police and intelligence services for […]

Support #BDS: AIPAC Seeks to Imprison Americans for Opposition to israel

AIPAC Seeks to Imprison Americans for Opposition to Israel Seldom does an agent for a foreign country dare to push legislation that in effect would prohibit constitutional protections to exercise lawful defiance. Before undertaking a scrutiny of this tragic abuse of legislation, one needs to understand the malevolent nature of AIPAC. Examine the article, AIPAC […]

“Israel Anti-Boycott Act”: Jews Want to Imprison Americans Who Oppose Israel

July 28, 2017 0 Source Article from

Philip Weiss: The Role of Jewish Democrats in Bill That Could Imprison Israel Boycotters for 20 Years

In a recent post on the Mondoweiss website, Journalist Philip Weiss examines the Israel Anti-Boycott Act that would punish those boycotting Israel with a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison. The legislation is being sponsored by both conservatives and liberals.  Weiss says that the […]

Collapse of wild bee populations to devastate supply of almonds, blueberries and apples

(NaturalNews) Wild bees are disappearing in some of the nation’s most crucial agricultural areas – a phenomenon that may have devastating effects on crops such as blueberries, almonds and apples. That’s the conclusion of researchers at the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, who have prepared the first national map of […]

Parent Says Crazed Female Cop With a Rifle Purposely Shot Innocent Boy

Santiago Quintero still cannot talk about his 23-year-old son’s untimely death nine months ago without his eyes welling up. Yet, he courageously stands in front of community members holding up his hands, the same way his boy had done on January 3 when he was shot by a Wichita […]

TRUTH JIHAD: Mark Siljander on interfaith prayers for peace – Veterans Today

That doesn’t mean we have to like ’em. As former conservative Christian Congressman and ex-Islam-basher Mark Siljander explains, mere tolerance isn’t enough. We need to reach out to people from other religions and worldviews with love, appreciation, and celebration of our common values. That’s what Mark is doing with Bridges to Common Ground, an outreach project that […]

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