Posts Tagged ‘Canada’

Interview 1891 – Canada Prepares to Flush Turdeau (NWNW 560)

This week on the New World Next Week: Trudeau (and every other incumbent) is in trouble as half the world goes to the polls this year to throw the bums out; Monsanto drops its lawsuit against the Mexican government over its GM corn ban; and a convicted rapper is ordered to submit his song lyrics […]

How Canada Devolved into a Managerial State

We made a mistake. Kings once ruled England with absolute power. Their word was the law. Centuries of struggle and reform gradually overcame their tyranny. We adopted this idea called the rule of law. We established checks, balances, limits, restraints, and individual rights. For a while, it worked. The law in Canada, as in other […]

Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online

The Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’ violations and arrest offenders, even if […] The post Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Op-ed: EUTHANASIA of young, healthy women in the Netherlands a warning to Canada

(NaturalNews) The euthanasia of young, healthy women in the Netherlands ought to serve as a warning for Canada, according to an op-ed.Writing for LifeSiteNews,… Source

Canada’s New AUKUS War Plan: Doubling Down For War

The recent announcement of an Arctic Defense Strategy Update indicates a very dangerous line of thinking that risks inflaming an already terrible breakdown in global diplomatic relations and doubles down on Canada’s role within a military confrontation with Russia and China. The priorities on integrating Canada’s already non-existent sovereignty into supranational systems like NORAD and […]

April 8 – Castro Jr. Changes Canada into Communist Police State

Controlled by WEF sock puppets, Western governments have gone rogue. Now that life is becoming unaffordable, Westerners are beginning to notice. Canadian Government Plans ‘Stalinist Show Trial’ of Heroic Doctor— Legal Trickery Would Silence Dr. Charles Hoffe When Margie Met Fidel Nuclear Blackmailers Israeli Politician Suggests Israel Will Use Nukes If America Stops Supplying Weapons […]

Canada Now Killing The Autistic Via Assisted Suicide!


British Airways 777 diverts to St Johns in Canada after KILLER JABBED pilot is incapacitated

A British Airways Boeing 777-200ER flying from New York-JFK to London-Gatwick (LGW) was forced to divert to St John’s in Newfoundland, Canada after one of the [KILLER JABBED] pilots became incapacitated. The flight, with flight number BA 2272, departed New York-JFK at 21:54 on March 14, 2024, for the seven-hour and 50-minute flight back to […]

Canada Links Citizens’ Bank Accounts to Social Credit Score

In a major push to seize control of the public’s financial freedom, Canada is radicalizing its banking system by linking citizens’ bank accounts to a tyrannical social credit score. The Canadian banking system will soon be transformed by a so-called “open banking” framework. Proponents are framing this as a more “inclusive” way for banks to […]

Canada to PREEMPTIVELY Arrest People Who MAY Commit Hate Crimes in the Future

Canada’s government, under the leadership of Justin Trudeau, has proposed legislation that empowers judges to impose house arrest on individuals if they fear they could commit a hate crime in the future. Critics argue that this move is overly authoritative and could stifle free speech, hindering open discussions. The online harms bill, introduced by the […]

Israel’s UN Rape Report Falls Apart In Real Time & West Bank Land Sold In US/Canada Only To Jews

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/6/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Canada Borderline Bans Christianity, Outlaws Reading Aloud From Bible in Public

    The Trudeau government has introduced a bill that could land Christians in prison for quoting the Bible or expressing a traditional faith-based opinion if the Canadian government deems it “promotion of hatred or antisemitism.” Bill C-367, purported to amend the Criminal Code, will redefine the boundaries of free speech, criminalizing public Bible readings, […]

The reasons for Canada’s ‘unwavering’ support for Israel

Canada’s remarkable fidelity to an apartheid state committing genocide is driven by imperial geopolitics, settler solidarity, Christian Zionism and the Israel lobby in Canada, and the weaponization of antisemitism. Source

Canada halts controversial assisted suicide program for mentally ill due to lack of doctors willing to participate

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Drought Hits Canada’s Hydropower Sector

By Tsvetana Paraskova of Canada’s western provinces have been hit by the worst drought in years and provincial utilities are getting into losses as their hydropower generating capacities are lower amid low reservoir levels. In British Columbia, drought in the past year has forced BC Hydro to draw water for hydropower generation from the […]

Federal Court Judge Pulls Canada Back from the Brink

The Canadian government’s use of the Emergencies Act was unlawful. The Trucker Convoy did not constitute a national emergency. So said a judge of the Federal Court on Tuesday. The decision may help to pull Canada back from the brink of authoritarian rule.  The Federal Court decision contains four conclusions. Two prerequisites for invoking the […]

Canada Cracks Down on Natural Supplements such as Vitamins, Favoring Synthetic Alternatives

Canadian health authorities are looking for new ways to crack down on natural health products and businesses. According to Health Canada, it’s all about safety. The bought-and-paid-for Canadian government is attempting to amend the Food and Drugs Act to increase onerous regulations against natural health products. These regulations threaten the very existence of natural product […]

Tucker Slams Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program

Tucker Carlson accused Canada’s government of genocide because the country’s assisted suicide program disproportionally targets native citizens over new arrivals. The program, Medical Assistance in Dying or “MAiD”, is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands, and the government reportedly won’t release the statistics of who the actual recipients have been. “If you’re killing […]

Canada’s Economy is Collapsing and Nobody is Noticing

    Canada, our neighbor to the north, has a massive and growing immigrant population, with the majority coming from Third World countries. Is this beneficial for Canada? The National Post recently published an article by Tyler Dawson entitled, “Canada’s high immigration is driving down per-capita GDP: report.” From the article: The Canadian economy experienced […]

Shocking Engagement Reveals How Far Canada Has Fallen

How bad is it in Canada? Rebel News reporter David Menzies was “arrested for assault” for asking Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland questions. You can clearly see David did not “assault” Freeland. It’s arguable that he never even made physical contact. Worse yet, Justin Trudeau has effectively suppressed Canadians’ access to independent media, compelling them to […]

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