Posts Tagged ‘brink’

May 8 – Teetering on the Brink of Nuclear War

The lamestream media is downplaying the danger.  Scott Ritter says the Ukrainian army is disintegrating and NATO is panicking.  UK and France are talking about sending re-enforcements and missiles capable of hitting deep into Russia. Russia has said it will strike back with strategic nuclear weapons aimed at their capital cities! They conducted nuclear drills […]

We Are On the Brink of Total War The Time To Act Is Now

April 1st 2024 [embedded content] _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a […]

April 1 – World Teeters on the Brink

Freemasonic War Comes Home: Baltimore Bridge Down There is no doubt that the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge over the Patapsco River in Baltimore was a deliberate act. Contrary to a swarm of dishonest public pronouncements in the legacy news media, and mendacious statements by a variety of government agencies and officials, the […]

France Teeters on the Brink

In viewing this tragi-comic scene,  the most opposite passions necessarily succeed,  and sometimes mix with each other in the mind;  alternate contempt and indignation;  alternate laughter and tears; alternate scorn and horror. Edmund Burke Upon first seeing videos of the European farmers’ recent protests, I, along with many others across the Atlantic, was deeply impressed. […]

Medicare on the brink: The shocking plot to privatize America’s lifeline for seniors unveiled!

The Project 2025 document, spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, reflects a unified conservative strategy to reshape government policies, including Medicare. Source

Insolvency experts warn: More than 47,000 U.K. businesses on “brink of collapse” as global economy crumbles

(NaturalNews) The number of businesses in the United Kingdom facing “critical” financial distress in the final three months of 2023 skyrocketed by 25 percent,… Source

Federal Court Judge Pulls Canada Back from the Brink

The Canadian government’s use of the Emergencies Act was unlawful. The Trucker Convoy did not constitute a national emergency. So said a judge of the Federal Court on Tuesday. The decision may help to pull Canada back from the brink of authoritarian rule.  The Federal Court decision contains four conclusions. Two prerequisites for invoking the […]

We are at the brink

We are at the brink  Wed 9:56 am +01:00, 22 Nov 2023   posted by Tapestry He said, “By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manip­ulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms … will remain.  The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitari­anism. … [T]he ruling oligarchy and […]

Ukrainian front line on the brink of collapse as soldiers’ morale plummets

Ukrainian front lines are on the brink of collapse, some analysts believe, as evidence mounts showing an across-the-board breakdown. One leaked report indicated that it was impossible to withdraw two thirds of a specific unit from the battlefield in order to recover their combat readiness because the third that would remain would not be able […]

Startup Darling WeWork Teeters on the Brink of Bankruptcy

WeWork, the flexible workspace solutions company that was once the darling of startup-crazyed Wall Street, is facing the grim reality of bankruptcy, with its stock plummeting to new lows amid ongoing financial turmoil. Source

We Are Literally On The Brink Of An Apocalyptic War Between Israel And Iran

READ HERE:   Source

WATCH: Ed Dowd says a “slow Mad Max” scenario is unfolding as America teeters on the brink of COLLAPSE

(NaturalNews) Will the end of the United States as we currently know it come quickly in, say, an hour or will it take several years to fully unwind? In portfolio… Source

Argentina on brink of collapse as currency fails, leaving country nearly broke

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Argentina is having economic problems again, and it could lead to a domino effect throughout South America, which would then cause widespread unrest, chaos, and — likely — mass migration to the United States.As per Buenos Aires-based consulting firm 1816 Economia & Estrategia, the South American nation has already … [Read More…] […]

A Bank in Europe is Literally on the Brink of Collapse


On the Brink: Jenin’s rising resistance

It was the bloodiest few hours the West Bank had seen in years. Ten Palestinians were killed in a single Israeli army raid, and dozens more were injured.  Palestinians described it as a massacre – and it all took place in an area of less than half a square kilometer. In the Jorat al-Dhahab neighborhood […]

Destruction of the ‘Third Temple’: Israel on the brink of civil war

February 28 2023 Recent mass protests in Israel against controversial, undemocratic judicial reforms have raised concerns about the potential for domestic civil clashes which threaten the fundamental stability of the ‘Jewish state.’ By The Cradle’s Palestine Correspondent As tens of thousands of Israelis rallied in protests against their government’s judicial reform plan, the Israeli army conducted a major […]

“Not A Sustainable Model”: AZ Hospital ‘On Brink Of Collapse’ After Spending $20 Million On Migrants

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, White House occupant Joe Biden shifted from condemning “MAGA extremists” to putting forward his own “Buy American” MAGA agenda. Biden said he’s ordering all future federal infrastructure projects “to be made in America.” “Buy American has been the law of the land since 1933,” Biden […]

Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Industry Teetering on Brink of Financial Collapse As Consumers Reject His Vision

Bill Gates’ synthetic meat industry is teetering on the brink of financial collapse as consumers continue to reject fake meat, with major companies announcing massive layoffs after experiencing plummeting sales. The people have spoken and […] The post Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Industry Teetering on Brink of Financial Collapse As Consumers Reject His Vision appeared […]

Leaked Memo Reveals ‘Woke’ Disney Teetering on Brink of Financial Collapse

Disney was once the byword for quality family entertainment, but a leaked memo from CEO Bob Chapek to staff has revealed the media giant is now teetering on the brink of financial collapse. Disney is […] The post Leaked Memo Reveals ‘Woke’ Disney Teetering on Brink of Financial Collapse appeared first on News Punch. Source

Vancouver city council on the brink of institutionalizing anti-Palestinian racism

In 2019, Vancouver rejected the controversial IHRA definition of antisemitism but now a new city council is planning to adopt it despite outcry from the community. Source

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