Posts Tagged ‘plummets’

POPULATION CRISIS: Japan’s population plummets for 8 straight years, hitting historic low in 2023

POPULATION CRISIS: Japan’s population plummets for 8 straight years, hitting historic low in 2023 Recently released government data reveals that Japan’s population decline continues for an eighth consecutive year, with births diminishing to a historic low in 2023. In 2023, there were only 758,631 reported births in Japan, including to Japanese citizens, foreigners and even from Japanese […]

Walmart stock plummets amid corporate warning that consumer spending is slipping

The world’s largest retailer failed to deliver this week on its reported Q3 results, which were dismal and point to rapidly deteriorating consumer spending across America. Walmart reported earnings that generally beat on revenue and earnings, but Wall Street was expecting more, which sent the company’s stock tumbling. Discretionary purchases are down in general, which […]

Ukrainian front line on the brink of collapse as soldiers’ morale plummets

Ukrainian front lines are on the brink of collapse, some analysts believe, as evidence mounts showing an across-the-board breakdown. One leaked report indicated that it was impossible to withdraw two thirds of a specific unit from the battlefield in order to recover their combat readiness because the third that would remain would not be able […]

Yen Plummets After BOJ Crushes Hopes For YCC “Tweak”; Goldman Says To Position For USDJPY 150

Yen Plummets After BOJ Crushes Hopes For YCC “Tweak”; Goldman Says To Position For USDJPY 150 Despite our repeated attempts to disabuse traders of the laughable notion that the BOJ is about to adjust its Yield Curve Control again… The Bank of Japan will buy bonds with repurchase agreements for the first time since March […]

Nolte: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Plummets to Record Low of 38 Percent

The bottom continues to fall out of His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s approval ratings, with Rasmussen Reports showing Hunter’s Dad sitting at just 38 percent approval, which ties his record low in this specific poll.

Biden Approval Plummets To 22% Among Young Adults, 24% Among Hispanics

Despite how great the White House insists the average American is doing, President Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to fall.

China’s Economy in Tatters as Spending Plummets, Government Lacks Cash

While the Chinese government insists its economy is recovering swiftly from the latest round of coronavirus lockdowns, foreign analysts on Monday pointed to more signs of serious distress, including a trillion-dollar funding shortfall, banks freezing up, and regulators pointing fingers of blame at each other.

Nolte: Pro-Grooming Disney’s Favorability Rating Plummets 53 Points In One Year

In a new poll, far-left NBC News buried a devastating find about the shameless child grooming degenerates at Disney.

Nolte: Economic Confidence Plummets to 8-year Low in May

We now have two separate surveys that show economic confidence plummeting in the month of May.

Report: NBA Raises Ticket Prices as Attendance Plummets

NBA owners have resorted to hiking ticket prices during one of the worst inflation crises in U.S. history to make up for dismal attendance numbers, according to a report.

As Turkey’s currency plummets, Al Jazeera guests clash over state of economy

December 6, 2021 Description:  In a recent episode of the long-running program Al-Etejah al’Mu’akis on Al Jazeera Arabic hosted by Faysal al-Qasim, two guests based in London and Istanbul, debated ‘why the value of the Turkish Lira was falling rapidly’. The following are key excerpts from this episode translated into English. According to various media reports, Turkey’s […]

Poll: Dem Voters ‘Extremely Disillusioned’ at Biden – Approval Rating Plummets

Democrat voters are ‘extremely disillusioned’ at President Joe Biden’s performance, a new national poll reveals. The numbers show Biden’s approval rating has plummeted to an all-time low at just 48 percent. ”Biden’s rating is still in net positive territory, but it seems to have taken a dip with the growing uncertainty that his signature spending […]

Harry, Meghan UK popularity plummets after Oprah interview – poll

The popularity of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan has tumbled in Britain and has never been lower following their explosive interview with US chat show host Oprah Winfrey, according to a poll on Friday.During the interview aired last Sunday, Meghan said her pleas for help while she felt suicidal were ignored and that one […]

Support for BLM Plummets to All-Time Low, Poll Shows

A new poll shows that support for Black Lives Matter has plummeted to an all-time low, particularly amongst black people where support for the group has dropped 12 per cent since June. A Ipsos poll found that overall public trust in BLM dropped from 60 per cent in June to just 50 per cent today. […]

As demand for vaccines plummets, Israel may resort to incentive programs

With Israel’s world-leading vaccination drive slowing because of a collapse in demand, the Health Ministry and some private firms are looking at ways to incentivize Israelis to go and get their shots. The Health Ministry is reportedly weighing a plan to send out medical staff to offices of major companies around the country to vaccinate […]

Standard of living for Israelis plummets to 20-year low amid coronavirus crisis

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Dow Plummets Amid Fears of Pandemic Worsening

US stocks fell dramatically on Monday as investors pulled out of a slew of industries that would be hurt by the pandemic-related lockdowns being considered once more in several countries as outbreaks worsen. At closing bell on Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down some 509.72 points, a 1.84% drop, finishing at 27,147.70. The […]

Support For Black Lives Matter Plummets in Wisconsin Amidst Kenosha Riots

Support for Black Lives Matter in the key swing state of Wisconsin has plummeted from +25 approval to zero amidst the riots in Kenosha. The city has been plagued by rioting, looting, violence and arson all week following the police killing of Jacob Blake, culminating in the Tuesday night shooting of three BLM protesters, two […]

Support For Black Lives Matter Plummets in Wisconsin Amidst Kenosha Riots

Support for Black Lives Matter in the key swing state of Wisconsin has plummeted from +25 approval to zero amidst the riots in Kenosha. The city has been plagued by rioting, looting, violence and arson all week following the police killing of Jacob Blake, culminating in the Tuesday night shooting of three BLM protesters, two […]

Support For Black Lives Matter Plummets in Wisconsin Amidst Kenosha Riots

Support for Black Lives Matter in the key swing state of Wisconsin has plummeted from +25 approval to zero amidst the riots in Kenosha. The city has been plagued by rioting, looting, violence and arson all week following the police killing of Jacob Blake, culminating in the Tuesday night shooting of three BLM protesters, two […]

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