Posts Tagged ‘goldman’

Goldman Says Office Tower Prices Must Plunge 50% For Housing Conversion To Make Sense

As office tower vacancies continue to rise nationwide, many of these buildings are becoming economically nonviable workspaces, raising the question of what can be done with millions of square feet of underutilized space. Simultaneously, the US housing market faces a severe shortage, leaving investors and lawmakers to ponder whether underutilized office space can be transformed […]

Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be A Fake

Authored by Jonathan Turley via, As Stuart Smiley said on SNL’s Daily Affirmation, “De Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt.” Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman, a member of the House Weaponization of Government committee, caused yet another firestorm of controversy in declaring that the Hunter laptop may be a fake. That’s right. Despite media, […]

WATCH! Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman states unequivocally during MSM prime time that: “TRUMP HAS TO BE ELIMINATED.”

BREAKING: In case you missed this today, Democratic Congressman @RepDanGoldman went on Jen Psaki (@jrpsaki” show today to declare that TRUMP “HAS TO BE ELIMINATED.” — Simon Ateba (@simonateba) November 20, 2023 Source

Goldman Warns About Shipping Recession As Consumer Sputters 

Goldman Warns About Shipping Recession As Consumer Sputters  Since global shipping peaked during the Covid pandemic, A.P. Moller-Maersk has warned about an emerging downturn in the container shipping market.  Goldman now forecasts a lengthier and potentially more severe downturn for the shipping industry, recommending a sell for the Danish shipping giant:  “We believe market expectations […]

BRICS is part of the plan to reshape the world economy; it was launched decades ago by Goldman Sachs

From “On the Unchartered Territory Podcast, Dan Astin-Gregory and Sam X discussed globalisation, deglobalisation, centralisation, decentralisation and localisation.” “….the term “BRICS” was coined a couple of decades ago by Jim O’Neill who was the Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs”. They talked about a move away from the dominance of America, Sam said, “They even […]

Dem Rep. Goldman: Hunter Wasn’t Promoting His Dad as the Brand, Just ‘the Biden Name’ and Hunter’s Experience

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Ac360,” Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) said that Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer testified that Hunter Biden wasn’t selling his father as a brand, “the brand that he was talking about is Hunter’s own experience Source

Dem Rep. Goldman: Biden Investigation ‘Needs To End Now,’ It’s ‘Badgering a Private Citizen’

House Oversight Committee member Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) said on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that the House Republican’s investigation into President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden needed to “end now” because it was “badgering a private citizen.” Source

Rep. Dan Goldman: Would Be Rude for Joe Biden Not to Speak With Hunter Biden’s Business Partners 

Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), who worked with Democrats as a House staffer to impeach former President Donald Trump, claimed it would have been rude for President Joe Biden not to speak with family business associates. Source

Yen Plummets After BOJ Crushes Hopes For YCC “Tweak”; Goldman Says To Position For USDJPY 150

Yen Plummets After BOJ Crushes Hopes For YCC “Tweak”; Goldman Says To Position For USDJPY 150 Despite our repeated attempts to disabuse traders of the laughable notion that the BOJ is about to adjust its Yield Curve Control again… The Bank of Japan will buy bonds with repurchase agreements for the first time since March […]

Apple Partners with Goldman Sachs to Offer Users High-Interest Savings Accounts

Apple continues to build on its fintech presence, announcing a new Apple Card savings account offering users an attractive 4.15 annual percentage yield. The tech juggernaut is partnering with Goldman Sachs. Clients can create an account from the Wallet app on their iPhone devices, but users must have an Apple Card to open the savings […]

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’ – straight from the corporate horse’s mouth

Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: Here you have it from the horse’s own mouth so to speak. This explains why the cure for cancer is so elusive & why the natural remedies folk have tried that really work are suppressed, whilst chemo for instance has a minuscule 4% success rate.  EWR From… […]

Goldman Sachs is investing nearly $200 million in 3 Greek hotels and is looking to buy more, reports say

Goldman Sachs plans to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in Greek hotels and aims to buy more properties. This is according to The Wall Street Journal, which said the bank is investing between 150 million and 200 million euros ($163 million to $217 million) on three seaside resorts in the northern region of Halkidiki.… […]

New York Goldman Banker Gets 10-year Sentence in 1MDB Looting Plot

NEW YORK—A former Goldman Sachs banker was sentenced Thursday to 10 years in prison for his role in looting a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund of billions of dollars used to finance lavish parties, a superyacht, premium real estate, and even the 2013 film “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Roger Ng was convicted last April by […]

Guido Goldman, the CFR and the German Marshall Fund

Guido Goldman, the founder and driving force behind the German Marshall Fund, was the son of Nahum Goldmann, one of the most influential Zionist leaders in history who was central to the creation of the modern state of Israel. While Guido Goldman took great pains to distance himself publicly from his father’s legacy, throughout the […]

Former Goldman Banker Rishi Sunak To Be Next UK Prime Minister

As we predicted yesterday following Boris Johnson’s decision to quit the race to regain the British Prime Minister title after his thunderous fall from grace just… three months ago, it was a foregone conclusion that former Goldman banker Rishi Sunak would become the next UK prime minister. Moments ago that’s precisely what happened when his […]

Goldman Sachs Steepens US Rates Outlook

SINGAPORE—Goldman Sachs expects a steeper path for U.S. rate rises and a 75 basis point hike this month, as Federal Reserve officials have been sounding hawkish recently, the investment bank’s analysts said in a note. They had previously forecast a 50 bps hike in September. The analysts also raised their November forecast from 25 bps […]

Goldman Sachs warns UK inflation could peak above 22% if energy prices remain high

(Natural News) Goldman Sachs has warned that inflation in the U.K. could soar above 22 percent next year should energy prices continue at current high levels. According to a research note released by the investment bank, headline inflation could peak at 22.4 percent and the gross domestic product could drop by 3.4 percent if wholesale gas […]

Goldman Sachs warns UK inflation could peak above 22% if energy prices remain high

(Natural News) Goldman Sachs has warned that inflation in the U.K. could soar above 22 percent next year should energy prices continue at current high levels. According to a research note released by the investment bank, headline inflation could peak at 22.4 percent and the gross domestic product could drop by 3.4 percent if wholesale gas […]

Goldman Warns UK Inflation Could Top 20 Percent as Recession Nears

LONDON/HONG KONG—Inflation in Britain could exceed 20 percent early next year if spiraling gas prices fail to come down, economists from U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs warned, adding that a recession was on the way. Last week Britain’s energy regulator said power bills will jump 80 percent to an average of 3,549 pounds ($4,188) a […]

NYC Subway Shooter Who Killed Goldman Banker Had “About 20 Prior Arrests”, Including Murder Charge From 2017

Just two days ago we reported about the unfortunate death of a Goldman Sachs analyst, who was shot dead on the northbound Q train as it passed the Manhattan Bridge.

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