Posts Tagged ‘congressman’

Congressman Calls On RFK Jr’s Running-Mate To Leave Race Over Trump

Authored by Zachary Steiber via The Epoch Times, Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) is calling on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate to step aside, telling her that he’s worried the independent candidate could lead to former President Donald Trump beating President Joe Biden in November’s presidential election race. “While I completely respect third parties and […]

Republican congressman calls for NUCLEAR obliteration of Russia and Gaza

Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg, a Republican, does not believe that innocent civilians in Gaza and Ukraine deserve any more aid. Instead, Walberg would rather the money go towards bombing Russia and Gaza with nuclear weapons. Walberg says that dropping atomic bombs on Russia and Gaza would result in “quick” victories for he and others who […]

Ex-Republican congressman blasts Lindsey Graham and others who ‘faceplant on the knee of Donald Trump’

Former Rep. David Jolly (Fla.), who served in the House as a Republican but later left the party, accused members of his former party of being apologists for former President Trump amid mounting scrutiny over his recent remarks on NATO. “I think there’s a unique shamefulness to see [Rep.] Mike Turner [R-Ohio], [Sen.] Tim Scott… […]

WATCH! Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman states unequivocally during MSM prime time that: “TRUMP HAS TO BE ELIMINATED.”

BREAKING: In case you missed this today, Democratic Congressman @RepDanGoldman went on Jen Psaki (@jrpsaki” show today to declare that TRUMP “HAS TO BE ELIMINATED.” — Simon Ateba (@simonateba) November 20, 2023 Source

Trump Rally Crowd Boos RINO Congressman Carlos Gimenez, Who Is Part of Scalise’s Gang And Endorsed Hillary

Last Updated on November 8, 2023 President Donald Trump competed with the Republican Party’s junior varsity presidential debate on Wednesday with a rousing rally in Hialeah, Florida. The city was 94 percent Hispanic as of 2020, according to U.S. Census data. Members of the pro-Trump crowd helpfully informed Trump that they do not like Carlos […]

US Congressman Slams Pro-Israel AIPAC Lobby

US Representative Mark Pocan, a Democrat from Wisconsin, has vocally criticized the influence of the pro-Israel lobby in American politics. Specifically, Pocan singled out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in a recent interview, characterizing it as a “front group for conservative policy in the US.” In the interview with US media, Pocan stated, […]

“Not a Dollar For Ukraine…Secure the U.S. Border” Congressman Chip Roy (TX)

fantastic Tv show   ·  Breaking; Not a dollar for Ukraine until we sort out border and budget, said the American congressmen. It is necessary to ensure that not a single dollar goes to Ukraine until congress, secure the US border and sort out budget spending, US Congressman Chip Roy from Texas said in an interview […]

GOP Congressman Wants Financial Accountability for Ukraine War (BRAVO!!!)

GOP Congressman Wants Financial Accountability for Ukraine War July 13, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) has proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that requires a clear definition and assessment of the Biden administration’s war strategy, including a “diplomatic pathway … by which the United States can facilitate a negotiated cessation […]

Military action in Mexico should be on the table – US congressman Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw has argued that drug cartels in the neighboring country pose a “clear and present danger”

What does the scalawag Israhell Firtser treasonous son of a bitch want the US Military to do in Mexico?Forcibly sterilize most of the Mexicans? A Clear and present danger to the Occupied by the USA/DC Illegally for 158 years, Republic of Texas is all the Mexico gentuza the USA is importing to replace real Texicans […]

Former Congressman, Senate Candidate Galifianakis Dies at 94

RALEIGH, N.C.—A funeral was held on Saturday for former Democratic U.S. Rep. Nick Galifianakis, who represented central North Carolina for several years before two unsuccessful Senate bids. Galifianakis died on March 27 at age 94, according to obituary information from Hall-Wynne Funeral Service in Durham. Galifianakis, who had Parkinson’s disease for several years, died at […]

CBDCs could be ‘easily weaponized’ to spy on US citizens: Congressman

MAR 10, 2023 Congressman Tom Emmer made the anti-central bank digital currency comments to an audience at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington. United States Representative Tom Emmer believes the launch of programmable central bank digital currency in the country could strip American citizens of their financial privacy. Speaking on March 9 […]

US Congressman Claims Extraterrestrial Technology Is Being Reverse Engineered in Secret

US Congressman Claims Extraterrestrial Technology Is Being Reverse Engineered in Secret Arjun Walia Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett has stated multiple times that the US government may be reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology. He recently told Newsweek that he believes the US has “recovered a craft at some point, and possible beings.” “Too many people in the know […]

GOP Congressman Wants Bust of Zelensky Placed On Permanent Display In The US Capitol

Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina wants to have a bust permanently installed in the US Capitol to honor Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky. Earlier this week, Wilson filed a resolution (see below) directing the Fine […] The post GOP Congressman Wants Bust of Zelensky Placed On Permanent Display In The US Capitol appeared first on […]

GOP Congressman Introduces Resolution to Place a ‘Permanent’ Bust of Zelensky in the U.S. Capitol

Republican Rep Joe Wilson of South Carolina wants the US capitol to have a bust of Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky on permanent display. From The Washington Times, “House Republican proposes putting a bust of Ukraine leader in U.S. Capitol”: Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina filed a resolution earlier this week directing the Fine Arts Board […]

Capitol Report: Democrats Call for Newly Elected Congressman to Resign; US to Impose Travel Restrictions on China

A Texas border city sees record illegal crossings, even after the nation’s highest court allows authorities to continue to expel illegal immigrants under Title 42. Some are saying the crisis is far greater than a single policy issue. Lawmakers react after Congressman-elect George Santos admits to lying about his resume. Will he be able to […]

GOP operative who allegedly kicked a dog hired as top aide to new congressman

A veteran Georgia Republican operative who is slated to be chief of staff for incoming Rep. Mike Collins was arrested last month for allegedly kicking a dog. Brandon Phillips was arrested on Nov. 17 on a misdemeanor charge of animal cruelty and held on a $1,200 bond, which he posted to get released, according to […]

Congressman’s 17-Year-Old Daughter’s Death Confirmed to Be From Known “Vaccine” Adverse Reaction

Democrat Congressman’s 17-Year-Old Daughter’s Death Confirmed to Be From Known “Vaccine” Adverse Reaction Date: October 8, 2022Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: JD Rucker There’s a fine line between being sensitive of the grief of others and risking insult for the sake of determining the truth. Terribly sad stories like this one will prompt criticism from […]

Congressman: “Tyranny” Is Coming “Right Into Everyone’s Living Room Very Very Shortly”

GOP Pennsylvania Representative Scott Perry warned Sunday that everyday Americans should now plan for “tyranny” to enter their homes in the form of federal agents if they refuse to play nice with the authorities. Perry, the House Freedom Caucus chair, revealed how the FBI recently seized his phone, just hours after the feds raided President […]

Congressman Demands Bill Gates Explain Why He’s Buying Up Vast Amounts of Farmland

A South Dakota Congressman is demanding Bill Gates be brought before a committee to explain why he is purchasing vast amounts of farmland in the United States while telling Americans to stop eating meat. As we highlighted earlier this month, Gates, who already owns close to 270,000 acres of land in the U.S., has been […]

1941: Jewish Congressman Drops Dead After Claiming Number Of Jewish Bankers In America Is ‘Infinitesimal’

(Forward) In the months before America entered World War II, Jews were often accused of trying to drag America into the war — and 81 years ago, on June 4, 1941, a Jewish member of Congress named Michael Edelstein rushed to the House floor to defend his fellow Jews against such accusations – only to […]

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