Posts Tagged ‘introduces’

JD Vance’s wife Usha introduces him at RNC

JD Vance’s wife Usha introduces him at RNC lead image Source

Germany Introduces Law Requiring New Citizens To Pledge Allegiance to Israel

Germany has introduced a new law that requires new citizens to swear allegiance and declare their belief in Israel’s right to exist. It’s very strange for a sovereign nation to require citizens to pledge allegiance […] The post Germany Introduces Law Requiring New Citizens To Pledge Allegiance to Israel appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Hezbollah introduces ‘Jihad Mughniyeh’ heavy rocket to Al-Aqsa Battle

 May 13, 2024 Source: Islamic Resistance Military By Al Mayadeen English In a significant tactical move, the Resistance used videos posted by Israeli settlers to identify and target newly deployed or repositioned Iron Dome platforms by the Israeli occupation forces. The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah announced on Sunday that it had targeted several […]

Georgian MP introduces bill that seeks to ban LGBT propaganda and indoctrination efforts (most of which target youth)

(NaturalNews) Mamuka Mdinaradze, majority leader of Georgia’s unicameral parliament, has introduced a bill that seeks to ban LGBT propaganda in the… Source

Android 14 introduces first-of-its-kind cellular connectivity security features

Android is the first mobile operating system to introduce advanced cellular security mitigations for both consumers and enterprises. Android 14 introduces support for IT administrators to disable 2G support in their managed device fleet. Android 14 also introduces a feature that disables support for null-ciphered cellular connectivity. Hardening network security on Android The Android Security […]

Australia Introduces New Law That Will Kill Free Speech & Democracy

The Australian Government recently introduced a new law proposal to ban officially unapproved online content. If the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill is enacted, then the free expression of ideas will be basically outlawed. Digital companies […] The post Australia Introduces New Law That Will Kill Free Speech & Democracy appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

California Introduces “Ebony Alert” To Find Missing Black Kids, Young Women

A new California law which goes into effect Jan. 1 is the first of its kind in the nation to prioritize the search for missing black kids and young black women. On Sunday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed Senate Bill 673 to create the “Ebony Alert” monitoring system, which will allow the Highway Patrol to activate […]

New York Introduces ‘RoboCops’ To Replace Traditional Police Officers

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has unveiled a new policing initiative that he boasts will replace traditional cops with a cheaper and deadlier alternative – RoboCops. Mayor Adams, who once unironically stated that “Big […] The post New York Introduces ‘RoboCops’ To Replace Traditional Police Officers appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

California Introduces Digital ID, Starting With Driver’s Licenses

In a concerning move for privacy advocates, California has broadened its digital driver’s license/ID initiative, prompting citizens to place sensitive ID details onto their smartphones. Dubbed “mDL” by the California DMV, this mobile driver’s license can be used in contexts like airport security or verifying age for alcohol purchases. Source

US Introduces New Immigration Pathway For People From Central America, Colombia

By Mimi Nguyen Lyvia The Epoch Times (emphasis ZH) The Biden administration has introduced a new immigration program to allow some nationals of Central America and Colombia to enter the United States. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on July 7 that it’s implementing “new family reunification parole (FRP) processes” for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and […]

U.S. Senator introduces bill to disarm, demilitarize the IRS: ‘Any further weaponization of this federal agency against hardworking Americans and small businesses is a grave concern’

Senator Joni Ernst, Republican of Iowa, introduced a bill last week which she has labeled in the form of a question: Her bill is called the “Why does the IRS Have Guns Act?”  “Why do paper-pushing tax collectors at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) need guns?” she asks on her website. “That’s the $35 million-dollar question.”  Source

Putin Introduces Forced Chemical Castration for ALL Pedophiles in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced plans to chemically castrate all pedophiles in Russia and execute those found guilty of the most heinous forms of child abuse. The new legislation is currently under review by […] The post Putin Introduces Forced Chemical Castration for ALL Pedophiles in Russia appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Brazil: Communist Lawmaker Introduces ‘Anti-Fake News’ Censorship Bill

Lawmaker Orlando Silva of the Communist Party of Brazil submitted the final version of an anti-”fake news” bill to Congress Thursday, aimed at censoring alleged disinformation. Source

Trump retires ‘Crooked Hillary,’ introduces ‘Crooked Joe Biden’

Trump retires ‘Crooked Hillary,’ introduces ‘Crooked Joe Biden’ lead image Source

Italian Government Introduces Legislation to Stop Invasion of English Language

A member of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s party introduced new legislation that would penalize Italians who use English and other foreign words in official communications, in an attempt to stop the invasion of foreign languages in Italy. Source

Sen. Ted Cruz Introduces Amendment to Block Packing of US Supreme Court

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas on Wednesday reintroduced a constitutional amendment to ensure the number of justices serving on the U.S. Supreme Court remains at nine. “The Democrats’ answer to a Supreme Court that is dedicated to upholding the rule of law and the Constitution is to pack it with liberals who will rule […]

Chili’s Introduces New Silent Fajitas For Introverts

DALLAS, TX — Introverts nationwide can rejoice (quietly, in a room by themselves), as the restaurant chain Chili’s has announced plans to add new silent fajitas to menus across the country. This news will provide welcome relief to millions of people who have long wanted to enjoy fajitas without the loud, sizzling presentation. “I can […]

Republican Rep. Introduces Bill to End FBI/ATF ‘No Knock Raids’ on Gun Owners

Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) introduced legislation Tuesday designed to end the FBI and ATF coordinating with local enforcement to carry out “no knock raids” on gun owners. Source

Trudeau’s Canada Introduces Segregation for White People in Public Theaters 

Theaters in Canada have begun banning white people from attending performances as part of a new racist segregation policy. Critics have slammed the National Arts Center in Ottawa after it became the first theater to […] The post Trudeau’s Canada Introduces Segregation for White People in Public Theaters  appeared first on News Punch. Source

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill to Ban 205 ‘Assault Weapons’

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced legislation Monday to ban “205 military-style assault weapons by name” and prohibit transfer of “high capacity” magazines. Feinstein cited the January 21, 2023, Monterey Park shooting as the impetus for the reintroduction of the “assault weapons” ban. She said, “We were tragically reminded this weekend of the deadly nature of […]

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