Posts Tagged ‘central’

Status of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency: Central Banks Diversify from USD-Assets to Other Currencies and to Gold


Central banker: COVID Terror facilitated globalist war on cash


“Over 98%” of world’s central banks are preparing to unleash the global cashless society

(NaturalNews) There is not much time left before all your paper and coin cash becomes obsolete, followed by its replacement with digital cash.In a new report,… Source

I resigned from World Central Kitchen because it refused to tell the truth about the Israeli genocide in Gaza

For months World Central Kitchen leadership censored material coming out of its Gaza operation and refused to honor staff concerns about our work there. They are finally taking a stand after personnel were killed, but it is much too late. Source

Biden and Netanyahu meet on April 4 after World Central Kitchen murders, the 56th anniversary of MLK’s assassination

Biden looks extra comfortable talking about the dead chefs. RIP. Today is 4/4, April 4, 2024, the 56th anniversary of MLK’s assassination, April 4, 1968, who spoke one year to the day against U.S. military policy, April 4, 1967.Joe Biden=44 Netanyahu=44 Israel=44 Zion=44 Military=44 Shooting=44Execution=44Kill=44 WCK is the abbreviation for World Central Kitchen, and it […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 179:  Israel kills 7 international aid workers in central Gaza, passes law banning Al Jazeera

Casualties 32,916+ killed* and at least 75,494 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 451+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139. 600 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 6,800 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health confirmed […]

Herdsmen Kill Seven Christians in Central Nigeria 

National Mosque in Abuja, Nigeria. (Creative Commons) ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Fulani herdsmen accompanied by other terrorists on March 19 and 20 killed seven Christians in attacks on villages in central Nigeria, sources said. In Benue state’s Logo County, the assailants slaughtered seven Christians in the Yongia Ukambie Tiev and Ukembrergya-Tswarev communities, […]

Central Bank Digital Currency Virtual Handbook Chapter-1

The IMF’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Virtual Handbook is a reference guide for policymakers and experts at central banks and ministries of finance. It also serves as the basis for the IMF’s engagement with country authorities and other stakeholders. The CBDC Virtual Handbook aims to collect and share knowledge, lessons, empirical findings, and frameworks […]

Herdsmen Kill Pastor, Five other Christians in Central Nigeria

Location of Nasarawa state, Nigeria. (Creative Commons) ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Fulani herdsmen killed a pastor and five other Christians in Nasarawa state, central Nigeria in attacks on Friday (March 22) and Sunday (March 24), sources said. In Keana County’s Kadarko area, community leader Denis Utsa said Fulani herdsmen on Friday attacked […]

SWIFT planning launch of new central bank digital currency platform in 12-24 months

Global bank messaging network SWIFT is planning a new platform in the next one to two years to connect the wave of central bank digital currencies now in development to the existing finance system, it has told Reuters. The move, which would be one of the most significant yet for the nascent CBDC ecosystem given […]

In order to curtail the tyranny of central banks and espionage agencies, Americans must starve the state – central banks and domestic spies go hand in hand in our once-free republic

(NaturalNews) Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people. The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate… Source

American banks are taking part in central bank digital currency trials funded by Epstein-linked MIT lab

(NaturalNews) American banks have been quietly taking part in a trio of pilot programs for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and some of the funding for… Source

Epstein-linked MIT lab has already funded 3 central bank digital currency trials

(LifeSiteNews) — An author and political activist shared that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Media Lab, which has direct links to child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has funded three central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot (trial) programs, two of which are ongoing and none of which have been covered by the mainstream media. In contrast with […]

Biden Wants G7 To Give Russian Central Bank Funds To Ukraine, But France Resists

President Biden wants the G7 countries to develop a plan to eventually have Russia’s frozen sovereign assets handed over Ukraine in order to support the war effort, Bloomberg has reported. Bloomberg’s source have also said the US president has privately warned allies that Ukraine’s collapse, and a Russian victory, would signify the international order is […]

China’s Social Credit System Updated To Incorporate Central Bank Digital Currency

China has updated it Social Credit Score ystem to incorporate Central Bank Digital Currency A Credit Score of 650 is already required for buying food in this supermarkets using facial recognition payment. So what happens […] The post China’s Social Credit System Updated To Incorporate Central Bank Digital Currency appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

China expands Social Credit Score to include Central Bank Digital Currencies

A now-viral account of a Chinese citizen’s life being turned upside down due to his low social credit score has resurfaced as Westerners awaken to the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Due to his low social credit score and placement on a list of “untrustworthy people,” Chinese journalist Leo Hu was banned from […]

Biden Regime Moves J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang to Central Detention with Car Jackers, Rapists, Etc. – This Comes After He Challenged DOJ’s Tyrannical Policies in Court – AUDIO FROM JAKE

Biden Regime Moves J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang to Central Detention with Car Jackers, Rapists, Etc. – This Comes After He Challenged DOJ’s Tyrannical Policies in Court – AUDIO FROM JAKE Source

China’s central bank attempting to spark growth in 2024 by SLASHING banks’ reserve requirements

(NaturalNews) Last year was a lackluster year for China’s economy, so China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China, is slashing the reserve requirements for… Source

Can Federalising Central Governments Fix…Federalism?

In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. (italics added)  The implicit warning in these words from the Federalist Papers, written by James Madison […]

Terrorists Kill Five Christians in Central Nigeria

Location of Agatu LGA, Benue state, Nigeria. (Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors) ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Following the killing of 10 Christians in Benue state, Nigeria earlier this month, another five were slain in subsequent attacks in another area, sources said. Days before a Jan. 18 attack on… Source

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