Posts Tagged ‘agencies’

Automakers Confirm Warrantless Location Data Sharing With US Agencies

The New York state of mind, for once, may be winning – New Yorkers never really cared to drive. And with the new developments in the car industry, and its all but formal collusion with the constantly surveilling government – perhaps others might take some pointers? (Of course, not driving or owning a car does […]

CIA Contractor: U.S. Intelligence Agencies Withheld Intelligence from President Trump, Spied on Him and His Family

A project manager working in Cyber Operations for the CIA and an @NSAcontractor with top-secret clearance working forDeloitte , Amjad Fseisi, is caught on undercover cameras implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. Source

Intelligence agencies seek congressional approval for expanded surveillance powers

(NaturalNews) Intelligence agencies in the United States are urgently seeking congressional approval for the reauthorization and expansion of their surveillance… Source

From ‘conspiracy theory’ to ‘cover-up’? Agencies hid 2018 pitch to fund chimeric coronavirus

The onetime lab-leak “conspiracy” has come full circle with the revelation that 15 federal agencies, from the National Institutes of Health to three Cabinet-level departments and multiple components, could have warned the public as early as 2018 of the research planned by China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance, its nonprofit conduit for federal funding. The […]

Another false flag – Intelligence Agencies are saying the Baltimore Bridge Collapse was a Cyber Attack

27 mar 2024 “We are in an undeclared war & Intelligence Agencies are Telling me it was an Act Cyber Terrorism” Why is the Biden Administration telling the country when his own Intelligence Agencies are telling him it is. Those who are on the inside, critical infrastructure, DHS, and Intel agencies know this is a […]

In order to curtail the tyranny of central banks and espionage agencies, Americans must starve the state – central banks and domestic spies go hand in hand in our once-free republic

(NaturalNews) Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people. The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate… Source

News agencies retract photo of Princess Kate over concerns it was manipulated

The Associated Press and other news agencies issued mandatory kill notices on the first photo released in months of Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, citing concerns that the photo was manipulated. The photo, released by Kensington Palace on Sunday, featured the princess surrounded by her three children, while Kate sat in a chair. The… […]


Feb 29 2024 Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and a panel of experts share testimony on how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, Legacy Media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship and coverups. This discussion will also shine light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions. _______________________________ […]

UN Agencies Plead For More Gaza Aid, Warning Of Starvation As Death Toll Tops 24,000

The UN agency chiefs did not directly name Israel, but called out the Israeli-controlled factors preventing aid from reaching desperate Palestinians. Source

Why Intel Agencies Are Running ‘Election Simulations’

Whitney Webb on Why Intel Agencies Are Running ‘Election Simulations’ “They basically conducted these simulations of what types of hacks and events could trigger the cancellation of a U.S. Presidential Election…It’s very likely there’s going to be some sort of cyber 9/11… — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 1, 2024 Source

Why won’t our intelligence agencies investigate the origins of the coronavirus?

23.10.23 Who is ASIO covering up for?It’s quite obvious that ASIO like the AFP are covering up the origins of Coronavirus because if it was to be investigated it would lead back to the US intelligence agencies and Anthony Fauci.Given the hysterical response of the governments in dealing with Covid, it’s laughable how they are […]

I, a Headteacher, Was Investigated by Counter-Terrorism Agencies

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL During the Covid-19 pandemic, I was the only serving UK headteacher or school principal (out of over 20,000) to have publicly questioned lockdowns, masking kids and the Covid vaccine rollout to children. Many other headteachers privately agreed with my stance but told me they were too scared to speak out. […]

Employees of American news agencies were embedded in plainclothes with Hamas during Oct 7 massacre

That photo looks staged and the “terrorists” haven’t even covered their faces. Were they journalists? Or Jihadists? Or government employees on a film set? Is any of this real? How can we tell? Associated Press once shared an office space with Hamas! See the article below. How on earth does that work when Hamas is […]

Photographers For Major News Agencies Were Embedded With Hamas During Oct 7 Attack

Photographers working for major news outlets knew that the Hamas attack was coming and were embedded with them as they entered Israel on October 7th. Honest Reporting has revealed that Gaza-based employees of the Associated […] The post Photographers For Major News Agencies Were Embedded With Hamas During Oct 7 Attack appeared first on The […]

WE ARE AT WAR – Make no mistake, our long trusted agencies have turned against us and soon life as you know it will become unrecognizable

From Many people still haven’t woken up to the fact that we are in the fight of our lives, mainly because the aggressors are agencies that we’ve long trusted. But make no mistake, they’ve turned against us and soon life as you know it will become unrecognizable. The worst part? They won’t care if […]

SUPPRESSED: Since 1993, dozens of government agencies and organizations have warned against, or called for ban on, wireless technology

(NaturalNews) One of the first entities to ever speak out against wireless technology and the dangers it poses to human health was the U.S. Environmental… Source

‘Weaponized Govt Agencies’ “Don’t Wish Good Things For Me” – Musk Blames Biden Admin For Ukraine-Starlink Block

“I don’t know really what their issue is.” That’s how the world’s richest man describes the apparent ‘beef’ that the Biden administration has with him (apart from him calling them on their bullshit and enabling a free-speech platform for others to discuss non-approved narratives). Specifically, Elon Musk told the panel on the ‘All-In’ Podcast Summit […]

More sophisticated Chinese cyberattacks target US firms, government agencies, defense contractors

(Natural News) Chinese state-sponsored hackers have struck corporations in the United States in a new wave of more sophisticated cyberattacks. Researchers and analysts from the Mandiant division of Google have discovered that, over the past year, Chinese state-sponsored hackers have been infiltrating systems that usually aren’t the targets of cyber espionage, presenting a whole new […]

Mossad’s US Intel Agencies Need To Focus Intensely On ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,’ Intelligence Chief Says

During a hearing of the House Intelligence Committee last week, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines expressed the need for intel agencies to focus more intensely on “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!????? Your red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Jewishness, does that mean someone other than a Jew End of Times Death Cult member in a […]

DEEP STATE: Unelected lifers in the federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government, and crush anyone who tries to reign them in. In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. — Tucker Carlson (Video)

Unelected lifers in the federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government, and crush anyone who tries to reign them in. In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 20, 2023 Source

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