Posts Tagged ‘decisions’

Quinn: Hard Decisions Used To Lead To An Easy Life

Quinn: Hard Decisions Used To Lead To An Easy Life Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, I’ve seen the graphic below a few times over the last several weeks. I understand its message and have essentially tried to follow the hard decision path for most of my life, while imparting the same […]

Decisions and Ramifications

I am open about my understanding of reincarnation and my ability to track my former lives. My last two lives the UNITED STATES murdered my bodies for standing against US’s evil and standing up for the American people. And the American sheep did nothing. Well, yes they did, they voted for those who helped murder […]

James Comer: Joe Biden Made 6 ‘Policy Decisions’ that Indicate He’s ‘Compromised’

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer identified “six specific policy decisions” President Joe Biden made that indicate he could be “compromised.” Source

DEEP STATE: Unelected lifers in the federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government, and crush anyone who tries to reign them in. In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. — Tucker Carlson (Video)

Unelected lifers in the federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government, and crush anyone who tries to reign them in. In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 20, 2023 Source

Implementation of the rocket decisions of the WPK Congress

The middle of December 2022 was marked by several important events that were not so much an aggravation of the situation on the Korean peninsula, but rather an important step in implementing the decisions of the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea regarding the development of the DPRK’s nuclear missile capabilities. On December […]

Turkiye rejects ‘baseless’ Arab League decisions

Turkiye, on Wednesday, “completely rejected” the “baseless” claims and decisions adopted in Tuesday’s Arab League foreign ministers meeting, Anadolu News Agency reports. The decisions, once again, targeted Turkiye, and were taken under the influence of some “narrow-minded and short-term interests,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement, adding that the stance deprives the Arab […]

Is Punishing Opponents for Personal Decisions the New Australian Way?

Commentary In an article provocatively entitled “Are We Headed for a Civil War?” Star Parker speculates about the likelihood of a second internal conflict in the United States. She argues that to ensure a peaceful future, and avoid the inferno of a civil war; a country must have common core values and principles that are […]

SCOTUS Rules Healthcare Workers Are The Only People Who Can’t Make Decisions About Their Own Health

U.S.—In a landmark ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has determined that Biden’s vaccine mandate for private businesses is unconstitutional. However, in a split decision, they also determined that healthcare workers are the only ones who should not be allowed to make decisions about their own health. “Healthcare workers have no idea what they’re talking about […]

Tough decisions needed to revive Zayandehrud

Tough decisions needed to revive Zayandehrud – Tehran%20Times President Ebrahim Raisi has tasked Presidential Center for Strategic Studies director Mohammad Sadeq Khayyatian to start scientific studies on reviving Zayandehrud River, ISNA reported on Saturday. Raisi has also ordered a study of land subsidence in different parts of the country. The order by the president followed […]

Putin told me all his decisions are made in Stalin’s cabinet: former Georgian president

By Gordonua.comJuly 24, 2021 Anno DominiTranslated from the Russian Former Georgian President and head of the Executive Committee of Reforms in Ukraine Mikhail Saakashvili said on 23 July on Ukraine 24 TV channel that Russian President Vladimir Putin once showed him his office, in which the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin allegedly worked earlier. “When I […]

‘Trust Us To Make Health Decisions For You,’ Says Government Health Agency That Can’t Define What A Woman Is

‘Trust Us To Make Health Decisions For You,’ Says Government Health Agency That Can’t Define What A Woman Is ATLANTA, GA—The Director of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention issued a statement Friday reminding US citizens to trust the CDC to make important health decisions for them despite the agency’s glaring inability to use a […]

CENSORED: COVID Vaccine Injured Who Regret Their Decisions to Get the Shot and Their Message to You

August 18, 2021 by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The COVID-19 experimental shots cause serious side effects, including death. This fact is not in dispute. However, when the corporate media covers a story of someone who has suffered a serious side effect from one of the emergency authorized shots, they only interview people who still believe […]

Parents Shouldn’t have a ‘Veto’ on children’s Trans medical decisions?

Home » Europe, Immorality, Social » Parents Shouldn’t have a ‘Veto’ on children’s Trans medical decisions?     A prominent medical journal has argued that children as young as 12 should be treated as ‘equal parties’ in decisions relating to transitioning. This is a blatant case of political gender ideology trumping ethics. It’s against the […]

Iran hosts intra-Afghan talks, says Afghans must take ‘tough decisions’

Iran hosts intra-Afghan talks, says Afghans must take ‘tough decisions’ – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — In its relentless efforts to broker peace between the Afghan government and the Taliban, high-ranking Afghan delegates comprised of the Taliban and government representatives have visited Tehran for negotiations. The intra-Afghan talks began on Wednesday morning by a speech from Iranian […]

Utah Gov. Cox: GOP Making ‘Bad Decisions’ on Pandemic — ‘Politics Is Becoming Religion’

Governor Spencer Cox (R-UT) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that Republicans have been making bad decisions on the coronavirus pandemic, such as resisting getting vaccinated because “politics is becoming religion in our country.” Partial transcript as follows: ED O’KEEFE: And I know in several states across the country, they have set up essentially […]

G7: Climate decisions ‘most important in human history’, Attenborough warns leaders

G7 leaders are talking about climate change on the final day of their summit in England, with a warning from one prominent naturalist ringing in their ears. Broadcaster and natural historian Sir David Attenborough says their decisions are “the most important in human history”, adding that urgent action is needed to avoid human-based environmental catastrophe. […]

Making Executive Decisions in the Boardroom of Your Life

March 24th, 2021 By Robert Puzey Guest Writer for Wake Up World When I was at the height of my career, enjoying excellent health, great friends, colleagues, family, etc., why would I want to stop the merry-go-round and deliberate on what my life might be like twenty, thirty years in the future? During a recent […]

Free will hacked: AI can be trained to manipulate human behavior and decisions, according to research in Australia

Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers in Australia have demonstrated how it is possible to train a system to manipulate human behavior and decision-making, highlighting the double-edged sword that is modern high tech. AI now pervades the vast majority of contemporary human society and governs many of the ways we communicate, trade, work and live. It also […]

Iran serious about its recent nuclear decisions

TEHRAN – Iran has moved “quite rapidly” to raise the level of uranium enrichment to 20% after it informed the UN atomic watchdog of its intention. The move came a few days after Iran submitted a letter in this regard to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Iran is now warning that it will expel the […]

Bill Gates, Vaccine Billionaire, Is Making Your Healthcare Decisions

by Admin · October 21, 2020 Comment: Bill Gates is a member of the cabal as are his partners in crime Warren Buffett & Angelina Jolie.

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