Posts Tagged ‘revive’

Dear Colleagues: We Must Revive Sound Science

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Subject: A call to repair two years of immense damage to science, with important current implications – an open letter Quick links: Your comments/remarks/feedback in response to this letter: web form, email  List of academicians, scientists, medical practitioners who supported some or many of the various official Covid-19 measures: Electronic […]

Scientists are trying to revive the Tasmanian tiger

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists have achieved a remarkable feat – the isolation and sequencing of RNA molecules from an extinct species. This pioneering endeavor involved studying a well-preserved specimen of a Tasmanian tiger, which had been dried and stored at room temperature for over a century in a museum collection. The implications of this […]

The west destroyed Africa, Eurasia will revive it

SEP 19, 2023 Africa’s renaissance is already underway through partnerships with Eurasian powers Russia and China, whose significant contributions are already visible in security, economic, and institutional sectors throughout the continent. Matthew Ehret In Africa, injustice looms large, marked by poverty, warfare, and famine. Despite post-WWII political gains, economic independence, a vital component of true […]

Republicans Vow ‘Never Again’ to Biden Attempt to Revive ‘COVID Tyranny’

Republicans are pledging “never again” to any Biden administration attempts to reintroduce COVID “tyranny” mandates amid rising concerns over potential coronavirus surges. Source

US climate envoy John Kerry on visit to China to revive climate cooperation

World’s top greenhouse gas emitters hold talks in China focusing on reducing methane emissions, limiting coal use, and helping poor countries address climate change. Source

Tourism ministry uncovers scheme for rural revive

TEHRAN – Iran’s Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts has uncovered a new scheme based on which a selection of 100 villages will be revived for tourism in two years. Source

Sanders, Democrats, and a lone Republican revive PRO Act to strengthen workers’ rights

“With CEOs spending $340 million a year on union-busting tactics to intimidate and silence workers seeking to form unions, the deck has never been more stacked against workers speaking out.” Source

Heading to Africa once again, the West is trying to revive neo-colonialism

The year 2022 has come to an end and it has become a symbol of universal “de-Westernization.” The criticism of the West is growing everywhere not only for its unwillingness to resolve the Middle East conflict between Palestine and Israel and to reach an agreement on the nuclear dossier with Iran, but also for the […]

Russian Threats Revive Old Nuclear Fears In Central Europe

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Two stories beneath a modern steel production plant on Warsaw’s northern edge lies an untouched Cold War relic: a shelter containing gas masks, stretchers, first aid kits and other items meant to help civil defense leaders survive and guide rescue operations in case of nuclear attack or other disasters. A map […]

Ireland proposes mediation to revive JCPOA

TEHRAN — Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney met with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian at the latter’s residence in New York on Wednesday. During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments related to bilateral ties and ways to expand relations in various commercial, economic and political fields. The also held talks over events in […]

Ireland proposes mediation to revive JCPOA

TEHRAN — Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney met with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian at the latter’s residence in New York on Wednesday. During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments related to bilateral ties and ways to expand relations in various commercial, economic and political fields. The also held talks over events in […]

Giuseppe Conte: Italy’s ex-PM bids to revive Five Star Movement

Italian lawyer Giuseppe Conte was plucked out of political obscurity to become prime minister in 2018 after the populist Five Star Movement’s election triumph.  Conte is now leading the movement into Sunday’s snap general election after succeeding Luigi di Maio as leader two years ago. With Italians once again at the polls, Conte’s party eschews […]

Iran insists on US guarantees to revive 2015 nuclear pact

Iran’s hard-line President struck a defiant tone on Wednesday by demanding guarantees the United States not abandon any revived nuclear deal and by decrying “double standards” on human rights after the death of an Iranian woman in police custody, Reuters reports. Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi also said Tehran wanted former US President, Donald Trump, to […]

Iran insists on US guarantees to revive 2015 nuclear pact

Iran’s hard-line President struck a defiant tone on Wednesday by demanding guarantees the United States not abandon any revived nuclear deal and by decrying “double standards” on human rights after the death of an Iranian woman in police custody, Reuters reports. Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi also said Tehran wanted former US President, Donald Trump, to […]

Iran insists on US guarantees to revive 2015 nuclear pact

Iran’s hard-line President struck a defiant tone on Wednesday by demanding guarantees the United States not abandon any revived nuclear deal and by decrying “double standards” on human rights after the death of an Iranian woman in police custody, Reuters reports. Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi also said Tehran wanted former US President, Donald Trump, to […]

Iran insists on US guarantees to revive 2015 nuclear pact

Iran’s hard-line President struck a defiant tone on Wednesday by demanding guarantees the United States not abandon any revived nuclear deal and by decrying “double standards” on human rights after the death of an Iranian woman in police custody, Reuters reports. Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi also said Tehran wanted former US President, Donald Trump, to […]

Will E3 seize UN diplomatic momentum to revive JCPOA?

TEHRAN – Iranian President Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi arrived in New York at noon on Monday local time amid a highly charged atmosphere surrounding the talks in Vienna over reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.  Before leaving Tehran for New York, President Raisi was keen to set the record straight regarding the possibility of negotiating and […]

Iran continuing talks to revive JCPOA: government 

TEHRAN – The spokesman for the Iranian government, Ali Bahadori Jahromi, has said that Tehran is continuing talks to reach an agreement on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.  “Talks over reviving the deal continue and the other side must abandon its excessive demands because a constructive path has been trodden,” Bahadori Jahromi said in […]

Russian foreign minister backs EU proposal to revive JCPOA

TEHRAN – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has endorsed the European Union’s draft text to restore the 2015 nuclear deal, officially called the JCPOA, the Russian ambassador to the IAEA said on Tuesday. Source

New Canadian Postal Veep Has A Plan To Revive Militancy Coast To Coast

A letter carrier who helped organize a militant campaign of refusing forced overtime has won national office in the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, with the goal of taking that direct action approach nationwide. Roland Schmidt, president of the local in Edmonton, Alberta, won a national election in May to became CUPW’s third vice president […]

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